Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Sunday, January 28, 2024

January- a long month!

 Update: January IS over, and I didn’t manage to write a post all month. (It’s been a few years since that happened!) 

(1-29-24) January is almost over, and I haven’t even posted once in this entire month! It’s not because I didn’t want to or that nothing exciting has been happening, but it has been a busy (and very, very long month)! This month I just want to praise the Lord for how He orchestrates things for our good. At the time, the situations may not seem good, but God is always, always good. 

We started off the new year by taking a family trip. It’s been a while since we’ve gone on a trip as a family, and about 336 days ago we booked a cruise! Roger and I have been on several cruises, and we’ve enjoyed each one. Some we’ve done on our own as a couple, and some we’ve done with friends. This was the first cruise for our children, and it was truly a wonderful experience. We went on a cruise to the Bahamas with our dear friends, the Everett’s. The kids went to school for three days after Christmas break, and then we headed down to Miami on Friday, January 5th. We boarded the cruise ship on Saturday, and we had an amazing time away for five nights. When we booked the cruise, 336 days prior to going on the cruise, we didn’t know that Laura and I would be coaching cheer. It literally seemed like the worse timing to go on a cruise as we’re knee-deep in cheer season, Homecoming was the week we returned as well as school spirit week and two pep rallies. However, as I look back over the course of the month, I think God had us book that cruise for that week so that we could re-group, relax, and prepare for one of the hardest weeks of the year upon our return. God was/is good. We choose that particular week because it was cheapest, but God directed us to that week because He knew it was best. 

On our cruise, we went to Falmouth, Jamaica and Nassau, Bahamas. The weather was beautiful the entire time we were away, and we didn’t know that back in North Carolina the weather had been quite rough with lots of rain and wind! We had no phone or internet service for almost a week, and it was glorious. The kids enjoyed the formal dinning experiences on the cruise and the opportunity to taste so many food options. Our kids and the Everett’s kids spent hours at the pool, eating ice cream, rock climbing, playing mini-golf, and all kinds of other fun events. For the most part, they got along fabulously, and everyone slept great at night as we were tuckered out from so much fun. We didn’t do any excursions through the cruise line, but instead just got off at the ports to see what we could find. In Jamaica we found a local guide who took us on a tour of the city, showed us the authentic spots for the locals, and entertained us for several hours as we walked around! We tromped right through the local school grounds, and he told us all about the school and the routines of the students. He led us to a local fisherman’s beach, and told us that it was a fine place to go swimming. Laura (my friend) pointed out that the sign said “no swimming- sharks”, to which he replied, “we just put that there so that kids wouldn’t go swimming here.” Hmm… well a few of the kids and Roger and Justin did get in the water for a bit, but it was colder than they thought it was going to be in the ocean. It was a quick swim, and then back on our tour of the town. The memories of Jamaica will bring back lots of smiles and laughter as we look back on the memories some day!

We also went to Nassau, Bahamas. At Nassau, we spent most of the day at the beach. The weather was gorgeous, and we took a lot of pictures that day. We created a pyramid with all twelve of us, which also created a lot of laughter and smiles. Travis and Emma got plenty of sun on the cruise, as did Garett! You’d have thought we would’ve remembered to bring sunscreen for our blond children, but we forgot! Thankfully, we did get some on the cruise ship, but Travis and Garett both did get a sunburn. However, they bounced back quickly, and back to more sunshine activities they went (with sunscreen this time!). 

We arrived back in the port of Miami on Thursday morning, and then we spent the day driving home. We arrived home around 10pm, and back to school we went on Friday or rather some of us did. Since Roger had off work on Friday, he stayed at home with a few of our kids while Wyatt, Chandler and I went to school. I needed to go back to school as there was a basketball game that night and the cheerleaders would be at that game. It made for a crazy day back, but we made it. We came back with full hearts, lots of memories, and the desire to save money so that we can go again someday! 

Laura and I had a crazy busy week the third week in Januray (15-19). The kids had off of school on Monday, January 15th, but it was a teacher workshop day. I spent the day preparing for art classes, library classes, spirit week, and Homecoming. Homecoming is an annual event in which the cheer team prepares a special routine for the audience. Also there are two representatives chosen from each class to represent their class and the school. Travis was chosen for the 7th grade class, and I’m thankful that he is a boy! The girls had to find formal dresses, worry about hair and makeup, while Travis just had to figure out a suit. The cheer team hosts the spirit day events, so that meant a lot of work for Laura and I (read -way too much),  but we made it through. The cheer team had decided that we would host a coin challenge for spirit week, which was based of the weight of coins brought in and not the amount of the coins. We gave each class a small bucket, and every day the cheerleaders would go to the classrooms to weigh the coins and collect the coins. The girls also were responsible for choosing the “best dressed” student in each classroom. We did an “American” day, “Anything but a backpack day”, “Any decade day”, and School color day. It was a wild week with the grand finale resulting in two pep rallies on Friday, the girls cheer routine, and the Homecoming event. We also had cheer leading practices from 6-8pm during the week to help us be ready for Friday. Honestly, I tell Roger often that it was the grace of God that brought us through that week! Garett was also supposed to bring a dessert for the junior class fundraiser, but I knew I couldn’t possibly do one more thing that week. Laura made his dessert for him, and another cheer mom also sent me a text offering to make a dessert on Garett’s behalf. I was so thankful for their acts of service to help us get everything done. It was almost midnight when we got home on Friday night, and we were all very thankful to fall into our beds. 

Last Saturday we went to Virginia. Virginia is where the Everett’s have been moved to via the Air Force.  We went up to help them unpack, spend some time unwinding from the busy week, and to prepare for our lives to change as they wouldn’t be so close anymore. Thankfully, Virginia is only about three hours away, and we’ve made the trip twice already. Last Sunday we visited a church with them, and this past Sunday we did the same. It’s always interesting visiting other churches, and now that all the kids are older, we have plenty of opinions! Last Sunday was an emotional afternoon as we said good by. Although they’ll be close enough to visit, it’s still not the same as seeing them everyday. Laura has still helped me with cheer routines, ideas, support, and all the other things that a great coach does to help the team, but we sure do miss their family! 

Chandler’s 16th birthday was on Friday, so the Everett’s came down for his birthday as well as for the basketball games that day. I can’t believe that boy is 16 years old! It seems like just yesterday he was born, and now he’s maturing and changing every day! Chandler is a sweet boy (most of the time). He’s an entrepreneur, and he’s good with young kids. He’s not particularly fond of school, but he’s mostly independent. He doesn’t yet know what God wants him to do with his life, but I have a few ideas and lots of prayer invested! Laura and her kids took Chandler out for his birthday lunch, and he enjoyed that. I’m thankful for friends, family and coaches that have invested in his life. We need people to be involved in our children’s lives and to point them to Jesus. We try to provide our children with opportunities for the Holy Spirit to work in their lives, so for that reason, we are looking to send Garett and Chandler on a missions trip!

Garett and Chandler have appointments at the passport agency this Wednesday! Please pray that this appointment will go smoothly, as there is a lot of paperwork invovled!  A few years ago, we tried to send Chandler to Haiti on the missions trip that Garett and I were going on, but due to Covid, it was near impossible to get him a passport. The situation in Haiti has grown increasingly more dangerous, and at this point in time, there’s not a missions trip planned for Haiti. However, Jen, (my sister) is taking some students from her former school in South Dakota to the Dominican Republic. Garett and Chandler have been interested in going on a missions trip, and God seems to be opening the doors for them. They’d both like to find some work to do to help pay for this trip, so please pray that God will provide them with some extra jobs in the next couple of months. Please pray that the passports will come quickly and the process will be smooth! We could’ve gotten Chandler’s passport earlier, but I wanted to wait until he was 16. Garett’s needs renewing and now both boys will have passports that will be good for ten years…whew! Lots of prayer is needed for this trip to the D.R. We are asking God to work in the hearts of our boys. We are praying for a great trip for them and that the Gospel will be presented with great boldness. We are praying for God’s protection and mercies, as well as His blessings to be evident in the lives of each member of the team. (UPDATE: we did get to the passport office, and $360 later the passports are in the processing stages!) I am thankful that we were able to get this step done, but please, please pray that God will provide work for both of these boys to help them offset the cost of their trip. God is so good! 

This is a brief overview of the month of January. There are so many more things that happened, but I can’t possibly touch on them all. We’ve had some really big trials and testing that happened this month, and some that are too personal to share. We’ve had some quality family time together, but there’s been an overshadowing of some hard experiences. I’ve had to lean into what I know to be true this past month, and really rely on Jesus for my strength. I certainly have not done it all perfectly, and I’ve sure cried an awful lot this past month, but God is my strength and my song. We will praise him through it all.