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Robertson Family

Thursday, May 17, 2018

35 Years! 35 Lessons!


This is a list of a few lessons I’ve learned in thirty-five years of life. It is in no way complete, but I’m half way to seventy today! I figure I better start writing something down, so I’ll have a reminder when I can’t remember! These 35 lessons are in a completely random order, and some are serious and some are fun! I love life, love the Lord,  love Roger, love my kids, and I am so blessed! I’m happy to celebrate my 35th birthday today, and I’m looking forward to the upcoming year. God has been so good to me!

1) I’ve learned to never try to have a serious conversation with my sons without feeding them first!

2) It is possible to have four boys in less than four years and stay sane...I think!

3) Parenting is much harder now at the current ages of my children than it was when they were younger.

4) Every time I’ve been hospitable, I have received a blessing. I’m hoping to show my children that as we work at being hospitable.

5) I thought I was busy during my college days, but actually I had no idea what “busy” looked like!

6) As a young mom I was often overwhelmed (even if I didn’t show it). As an older mom I want to offer more support and encouragement to young, overwhelmed moms than a hug and “I remember those days”. I’m still overwhelmed with raising our children, and I still feel that support, counsel and guidance from older women is lacking. However, I can’t do anything about that, but I can reach out to those young moms that I see are overwhelmed and needing a friend.  

7) My dad instilled in me a desire to work hard. It’s a desire that I want to instill in my kids. I also need to take time to just relax every once in a while too (which is also something my dad isn’t great at either!).

8) My way is not always the “right” way.

9) Never borrow something to someone unless you can also afford to lose it.

10) If someone had told me that parenting was this hard before I had kids, I would have never believed them.

11) Enjoy the simple things in life: clean sheets, the toilet lid down, simple meals & laughter.

12) Laugh often and be willing to laugh st yourself. I took myself way too seriously in our early years of marriage and parenting, and I should’ve been more willing to laugh at myself.

13) Don’t worry about having a lot of friends. Instead  treasure the few but very meaningful friendships that are dear to your heart.

14) If the opportunity becomes available to go on a date with Roger, I should take it! Even if it means an airplane ride and a trip to the post office on one of the islands! (Not that I mind those dates!)

15) It’s okay to be “myself”. However, I never want to be complacent with how I am as there are always areas of my life that I need to work on.

16) Contentment does not come by acquiring more “stuff”. It comes from an inner peace of recognizing WHO God is and that my life is complete in Him.

17) I fail every. Single. Day. In some aspect of my parenting or marriage. But when I say I’m sorry, and ask for forgiveness, life is better for all of us.  

18) God’s grace is ALWAYS sufficient!

19) I really did marry the perfect guy for me. I can’t imagine doing life with anyone other than Roger- good thing!!

20) God has gifted me with five wonderful blessings called children. It’s easy to nag and to forget to praise them. But seeing their faces light up when I praise them should be my reminder to do it more often.

21) Every church needs help whether it’s in Wisconsin, Alaska, Arizona or Maine. I can delight in the fact that there are opportunities to serve or I can become bitter and disgruntled by those who don’t seeem to be doing their part to serve the local body of believers. I want to take delight in serving Christ and the church, and be an example by who I am in Christ.

22) The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence, and their yard probably has just as many ticks in it as ours does! (Lesson from summers in Maine!)

23) In the thirty five years of my life, God has never failed me or neglected to provide for our needs. So I just need to not worry!

24) In our first year of marriage, I had a recipe that flopped. I had the bright idea to turn the flopped broccoli casserole into broccoli soup. Two wrongs did not make a right! It was terrible!

25) You really can tell if spaghetti is done by throwing it at the wall to see if it sticks!

26) My life is not all roses, but even with the thorns, there is beauty from my Heavenly Father.

27) When I am positive, happy, and upbeat, my attitude can rub off on those around me. It  doesn't always happen, but I have no desire to be a Negative Nellie!

28) Be a giver-cheerfully! Not just concerning money, but also with my time, my interests, and my  service to God and others.

29) My kids say and do cute things, but that doesn’t mean that I need to monopolize my conversations with them when I’m with other moms. (and truth be told, I don’t always want to hear about your kids either)

30) My joy in life needs to be in Jesus, not in my children or my spouse.

31) Every day is a gift and a blessing, so I need to treasure them as such.

32) Life is hard, difficult, and messy. Why would anyone endeavor to do it without Jesus?

33) Life is also wonderful and fun. It’s a journey to be enjoyed with Christ by my side.

34) If I accomplish nothing of great value to the world with my life, it doesn’t matter. What does matter is that I’ve lived my life for Christ, and He is my Rock, my Savior, my friend, my Redeemer, and so much more.

35) I wonder what life lessons I will write about when I’m 70.

Thank you to all that have invested in my life, prayed for me, mentored me, and loved me. I am one very blessed person! Love, Sarah

 35 Today! 

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