Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Sunday, January 26, 2025

January- School, Skiing, Homecoming, and Chandler’s Birthday!


Whew! This has been a fast week at school! We had Martin Luther King, Jr. day off on Monday, and we had snow days on Wednesday and Thursday. So, needless to say, the week has flown by for our family. But I want to back up a few days/weeks in this month to share a couple of highlights for our family. 

Early in January we were invited over to our friends, the Guelfis, for lunch after church on Sunday. This was a special treat for our family, but especially for me. It was so nice to be invited over for lunch at someone else’s house, and to have fellowship and laughter. We enjoyed our time together, and it was a great start to the first Sunday in the new year. Laura has a contagious laugh,  and I always enjoy spending time with her and her family. 

We hit the ground running when we returned to school on Monday, January 6th. The weeks have been full with basketball games, practices, and all the other school/church events. Our school has a “Homecoming” event every year in which a boy and girl representative from each class (7th-12th) are chosen to represent their classes. It’s a kinda formal event, and while I’m happy that two of the boys were chosen to represent their classes, it made for a very, very long night last Friday night (1/17). 

Last Thursday, Garett collected all the items of clothing that he would need for Friday evening. He went to Aunt Jen’s to iron his pants and shirt. Travis had basketball practice, and when he came home on Thursday  night, I asked him what his plans were for clothes for the homecoming event. He said, “Oh mom, it’ll be fine. I can wear the suit I wore last year.” Keep in mind, that the last time he worn this suit was 11 months ago! I told him to go try it on, and I messaged my friend, Tamela, to ask about borrowing a white shirt from one of her sons. Travis came back out with his suit and pants. The pants were a little short, but they were salvageable with black socks. The pants were pretty tight in the waist, but Travis was not worried. He replied, “I just won’t sit down in these pants cause it pinches my stomach.” Oh great! But ya know- if we can get by without buying anything, I’m all for it! Garett was the polar opposite in this as we had gone shopping with him the week before. He had originally thought that he wanted a suit, but those were expensive. He eventually decided to purchase a sport coat and two pairs of dress pants. It wasn’t quite as dressy as a suit, but I do think he will get a lot of use out of the sport coat and pants. Garett was excited about his new dress clothes, and Travis probably would’ve worn shorts if it was allowed!

Friday (1/17) was a very full day for us. I had been asked to help plan for the student pep rallies, so that meant some significant thinking and planning on my part. Garett is my Teacher’s Aide in the mornings, so he helped me with a lot of my ideas, and I tried out several game ideas on the 7th grade gym classes. I like to try things out before assuming that the game will work out correctly. And I am glad that I did because one of the games was an epic failure! While we were prepared for the pep rallies, I still spent most of the day with my stomach in knots, as it takes a lot of energy to get a pep rally going. However, the grace of God sustains and carries me, and both the pep rallies went smoothly. We did pop an air mattress on one of the games that we played, but no one was hurt, and most everyone seemed to have a good time. The cheerleaders did a great job on their routine, and then it was all over and behind us- Praise the Lord! 

 We had gotten an email from the school stating that Travis and Garett needed to be in the library for pictures for Homecoming at 8;00pm. The boys were dressed and ready to go by 7:30pm, and we headed to the library around 8:00pm. The boys were the only ones in the library besides the kindergarten representative. It was a LONG evening! The Homecoming events don’t start until after the basketball games, and when the boys basketball game was barely started at 8:00pm, we knew it was going to be a long evening! Shortly after we arrived in the library, the 7th grade boy representative showed up. I’m pretty sure that Aiden and Travis were praying that the Rapture would happen anytime before they had to walk out on the gym floor with a girl on their arm! Garett was one of the representatives for the 12th grade, and it was fun to see him excited about it. We didn’t do great about taking pictures that evening, but I’m thankful for the memories. It is an honor to be chosen to be a class representative, and I’m thankful that Garett and Travis were chosen. I’m also really, really thankful that we have four sons cause those formal dresses are not cheap! When the time for the event finally rolled around, the technology didn’t work! Each student that is chosen pre-records their salvation testimony, life verse, etc, and it is played while the student walks out on the court…but it didn’t work. On one hand, it was a real bummer because it would’ve been nice to have heard some of the kids testimonies that I haven’t hear before. But on the other hand, it really sped up the event and it was already 10:15pm at night! I had forgotten to tell Travis that I wanted to take some pictures after the Homecoming was over, and when I found him, he was already in the hallway wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt and asking if we were going to stop for something to eat on the way home! A senior boy and a senior girl are chosen to be Mr. FCA and Miss FCA. Garett had told me that he really didn’t think he would be chosen as he’s only been at this school for three years. And he wasn’t chosen. While part of me is a little disappointed, the young man that was chosen to be Mr. FCA is a fine young man also. And while it is an honor to be chosen, I already think that Garett is a pretty special young man. :) 

We headed to the mountains on Saturday morning to meet up with Aunt Lisa and Uncle Ryan. They had invited us to spend a few days in the mountains with them, and we were all looking forward to the opportunity. It was a great few days in the area of Blowing Rock, NC. The boys and Roger went skiing on Sunday afternoon/evening. The snow was blowing and it was cold, but the kids were so excited about going skiing and snowboarding again. They had a great time! Roger and I had thought about taking Emma, but we decided against it with the blowing snow and cold. I enjoy skiing, and I’d have welcomed the opportunity to do it again, but I didn’t think I was worth the money of the ticket and rental costs. I just wanted to go for a little bit and take Emma, but it’s expensive so Emma, Aunt Jen, and I went to the swimming pool instead! It was a great visit with family, and it was really nice to see the beautiful snow in the mountains. Emma enjoyed swimming and sledding with Lainey (Lisa’s granddaughter), and I was thankful for a playmate for Emma. 

While on the way home on Monday morning/afternoon, we listened and watched the Presidential Inauguration. Garett had messaged our State Senator about getting tickets to the event, but apparently Garett isn’t important enough to attend :) He would’ve enjoyed the opportunity to go, but I’m glad we were able to go to the mountains. Our kids were fairly interested in the events of the day, and I’m thankful for technology that allows us to watch important events like these. President Trump spoke about bringing back an “era of Common Sense”. He also stated that the United States would recognize two genders…male and female. That is a huge stance that made some people very unhappy, but it’s a Biblical stance. God created male and female in His image. 

Tuesday brought about our return to school for one day. Then on Tuesday night the snow began to fall. It was beautiful and pretty, and apparently very unusual for this area! While our kids did get out and play in the snow, I don’t think that they recognize it for the rarity that it is in this area. Snow is beautiful, and we weren’t complaining about the snow day! I was surprised when we got a second snow day on Thursday, but it was nice to stay home and work on some projects around the house. Sometimes it’s just good to sit and soak it all in, and not have to run off to the next thing. We are so very blessed. 

Roger left for work early on Friday morning as he had a flight to make to Asheville, NC. He was flying the Commissioner of the state of North Carolina to a meeting with President Trump in Asheville. Of course, we all wanted him to get pictures of the President. Roger wasn’t able to do that, but he did get some pretty cool pictures of Air Force One. It was exciting to see the pictures. 

Today (1/26) is Chandler’s 17th birthday. Where have the years gone?! I tried to pull off a surprise party for him, but I wasn’t completely successful. We invited a few families to come over for lunch after church, and just told Chandler that the Everett’s were coming for lunch. However, he told me that he was suspicious by the amount of food I was preparing for just a few more people than normal! Oh well- it was fun anyways! My sister, Jen, created a beautiful ice cream cake for his birthday that was immensely enjoyed by all. We did have a bit of a moment when it was time to light the candles, and we couldn’t find matches or a lighter! Stephen and Jen figured it out to turn on the oven and light a piece of paper and then light the candles- it was a bit of a redneck moment, but it worked! I think we ended up with 22 people at our house and a lot of boys! They played outside almost all afternoon with basketball, golf, rc cars and who knows what else! I’m thankful for friends that come over to help celebrate our kids birthdays and for those that invest in the lives of our children. Chandler is a junior this year, and he is praying about what God wants him to do with his life. He plans to go to college, but he doesn’t know where yet. We are praying about several different Bible colleges, and asking God for wisdom for Chandler’s future. We are thankful for the young man that he is becoming, and we pray that he will continue to grow to love and serve Jesus. 

There’s a lot more that has happened this month, but I’m about out of time to write about it all. We do need wisdom about a car situation for Garett. He bought a vehicle for a really good price, but it has developed some interesting issues. We need wisdom about what to do about that situation. Garett has been selected to go on a missions trip to Chicago this summer, so please pray that God will use him in a mighty way. Garett is still praying about what to do after graduation, and we are praying with him on that. He needs wisdom, direction and guidance. 

We appreciate your love and prayers. 

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