Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Laughter...and why I need lots of it!

Proverbs 17:22 "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine..."

      Anyone who lives with little ones or has spent any time around them, quickly realizes that children are easily entertained...not always with good things, but they do entertain themselves! In my experiences with my children, I have found that a light hearted spirit goes a long ways in helping the attitude and spirit of my heart and my home.
      It's not always easy to be pleasant when your child wets the bed for the 3rd night in a row, or a child decided it would be a good idea to dump the baking soda unto the floor to drive tractors through, or finding the tube of toothpaste squeezed out in a puddle on the floor, or trying to get something done in the house around pretend forts and boats and lots of other paraphernalia! But, when I realize that these moments will only last a short time, it is a lot easier to deal with the situations with grace and patience. Do I? Not nearly as often as I should or would like to. Often my response is short on grace and long on impatience! I realize that I am a work in progress just like my children, but they are looking to mom and dad to help them grow-that is a HUGE responsibility!
     One thing that I've really tried to work on in recent days and months, is to learn to laugh easily. I love to laugh, and I've found that when I can laugh at myself and with my children, our time is much more pleasant.  Often something I find annoying or just plain dumb, my children think is hilarious. It would be easy for me to become impatient or short with them, but I'm working on taking a few moments to ask myself....Is this hurting someone or something? Is it affecting their manners or character negatively? If the answer to those two questions is no...then I'm learning to either ignore it or join in laughing with them. The second response is always greeted with enthusiasm from children!
    I've included a few stories from our children that have brought us moments of laughter and fun memories. I hope they bring a smile to your face as well. And today, remember to laugh!
The bakers

Almost walking!

November 10th, 2011
I told the children that we needed to put gas in the car. Chandler asked "Why?". "Well, if we don't put gas in the car than it will not go," I replied. That seemed to answer his question. Then on the way to take Garett to school, the speed limit goes from 55 mph to 35mph to 25 mph. As I entered the 35mph zone and slowed down, Chandler looked a little puzzled. Then when we slowed down some more, Chandler shouted, "MOM! We have to put gas in the car!", "Why?" I asked.  Chandler replied, "Because it's starting to slow down and it's going to stop if we don't find a gas station!".  Apparently, in his mind, the car was slowing down because we were running out of gas!

May 26, 2011
So...I was planting the garden with Garett and Chandler's "help" this morning. We planted the broccoli and were getting ready to plant the beans. The veggies were in flats in the front of the garage and I told Chandler it was time to plant the beans. He enthusiastically replied, "I can get 'em", and tears off for the house. He comes back with the can of black beans that I had sitting on the counter for lunch. I had to explain that we weren't planting the beans in the can already! Such fun memories!

March 4, 2010
Upon hearing the sound of scissors snipping, I raced into the kitchen. Garett was sitting on the floor with scissors, cutting up a paper. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Mom, I need a coupon," was Garett's reply. "A coupon for what?", I asked. "I need a coupon for a tractor," said Garett.
I think he realizes that we use lots of coupons! The other day I told him that we couldn't buy something b/c we didn't have a coupon. Unfortunately, he doesn't realize that we can't make our own! :)

December 23, 2010
Chandler made the comment today that I was a girl. I replied that I was a girl and he was a boy. He looked puzzled for a moment and then told me, "No, I not, mom...I Chandler!" :)

February 10, 2011
While out running errands, Garett happened to notice the caution: deer sign beside the road. Then he proceeded to ask me, "Mom, why is there a stop sign for the deer? :)

February 17, 2010
 Someone recently gave us some whole milk. Garett knows that milk comes from cows and he likes cows and milk. However, yesterday I also bought some milk from Piggly Wiggly. Since it is the store brand, it has a picture of a pig on the front. Last night, Roger asked Garett if he wanted some milk. Garett said yes, but he wanted the "cow milk". Roger told him that they were both cow milk-meaning the whole milk and the store kind. Garett replied, "No, that pig milk!" as he pointed to the milk from Piggly Wiggly with the pig on it. So, thus far Garett will not drink the "pig milk"! :) So funny!

Feb. 13th, 2010
This morning I put my yogurt on the table. While I left it there to get something for Garett, Chandler gathered up all the rose petals that had fallen off the roses that Roger had given me and stuffed them in my yogurt! He stirred it all up and was enjoying it immensely when I returned! Yum?

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