Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Oh, the wonder of it all!

"The wonder of wonders that thrills my soul, is the wonder that Jesus loves me..." This is a phrase from one of my favorite songs, and as I reflect back on the last few days I love the fact that Jesus loves me! The days have been busy as we've enjoyed time with extended family, our immediate family, ate lots of sweets, endured overwhelmed, over-stimulated children, laughed, and reflected on how wonderful it is that Jesus came to earth as a sweet baby and is now the exalted King.

I've learned a lot over this Christmas season, mostly through the eyes of my children. The following are some thoughts I've gathered over the last few busy days:
      1) Although the holidays are a busy time of year, my children are young and they still need to take a rest on a daily basis!
      2) "Shatter-proof" ornaments does NOT mean that they are unbreakable!
      3) Hearing the children sing "Away in a Manger" and tell me the Christmas story in their own words is better than any earthly present I could receive.
      4) I've learned that my children were too young to get the concept of shopping for each other at the dollar store! (It turned into quite the experience...when it came time to open the gifts, everything that Wyatt supposedly bought for his brothers, he wanted to keep!) But, we will continue to work on giving to others
      5) I've learned that my children don't like to put money in the salvation army buckets unless someone is there handing out candy! (I asked Chandler why he didn't put his coin in the bucket and he said, "I'm saving it for the next store, because there might be a man there handing out candy if I put it in!"...the mind of a child!)
     6) Reading the Christmas story every night for six nights straight really has helped them grasp more of the story than I thought they were comprehending
      7) Children really are easily over-whelmed and my day will go much easier if I don't try to fit in too many things in a day!
    8) I love this time of year, but I'm glad it only comes once a year!

Wyatt's Christmas present...a Bruder Fire Truck!


Mom and Travis

Chandler and Garett's Christmas presents
I trust that you have enjoyed time with your loved ones as well. It is truly a wonderful time of the year.

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