Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Posts for Saturday and Sunday

December 8, 2012

It's hard to believe, but today marks the one-week arrival of our family in Manley Hot Springs. It's been a good week; we've done a lot of things as a family, adjusted to home life in our cabin, met some of the families and people in our community, learned to use our daylight hours wisely, and I've learned to make do or improvise on recipes and mealtimes. I've decided to post a few of the thoughts and things I've learned this past week. This is meant to be slightly humorous, so it's okay to laugh at my mistakes...I sure do!

  1. Even with trying to wear clothing items twice, our family still has a lot of laundry! (And more laundry is created when you forget to put a pull-up on the child who isn't potty trained at night!) After spending 10.00 on laundry on Wednesday, and having another two loads today, Roger put up a clothesline in our cabin to help cut down on costs.
  3. Many recipes can be made from scratch by improvising or cutting something out, however; ramen noodles and rice are not delicious when mixed together!
  5. It will usually only take a child one time to remember not to cry outside! At -20 degrees, tears are not comfortable on the cheeks!
  7. It took four days with a head-ache, but I'm feeling better. My caffeine addiction has lessoned since I refuse to spend $2.50 for a small bottle of Diet Coke! I would still like some, but the headaches are much better.
    5.  One of the best inventions ever made was the...honey bucket (a five-gallon pail with a toilet seat attached). It has saved many a cold, dark trip to the out house and has been a huge help with young children. On about day three of living in our new home, we realized that Wyatt wasn't going to go outside to go potty. He had many an accident and no amount of coaxing would convince him to go outside. We decided that he could use the honey bucket even during the day, and he's been accident free since that decision.

         6.    I have several products that get rave reviews in my minds' eye! One is dry shampoo. This product comes in a bottle and can be sprayed on the hair to prevent it from looking greasy...awesome! Two, who knew that egg replacer would be so handy? I found this product in the natural foods section, and it has been instrumental in saving money and salvaging recipes. Three...Amazon.com, I'm enjoying the fact that they will ship my product to me for free...but I'll hold my final opinion is deciding if this company makes my list after I get the diapers! I received an e-mail saying that the estimated arrival date for the diapers would be December 5. Well, since it is now December 8, I guess we'll see! Also, International Delight coffee creamer is on my list! A friend gave us a whole box of the little cup ones and they survived the trip and still taste great, even after being frozen. And a little creamer adds so much to a cup of tea or coffee.

       7.   Roger had a smart idea when he decided to haul that toboggan from Wisconsin. That sled has been so helpful in many walks around town for small, little people with short legs and limited walking abilities...it's hard to move when you feel like a snowman!

           8.    Sometimes, miss-communication is a good thing! We thought that it was $1.00 for a three minute shower, however, at the washateria the signs states that it is $1.00 for ten minutes. Now, it's definitely not ten minutes, but it's longer than three! YAY!

Clockwise: Art project at washateria, Wyatt and Travis helping the cook, Garett with the sled, Roger and Travis hauling wood, boys with the sled and Mom and Travis
There are many, many more things that I've learned and memories that we've created, but this is just a sampling of what is on my mind. Our love to you all, Sarah

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