Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Friday, June 13, 2014

Day number ?

Actually, without looking at the calendar, I have no idea what number of day we are on. :) However, I do know that it is Monday, and that bedtime is almost here!! Praise The Lord, the lights will soon be out! I haven't been sleeping good at nights, and trying to get in a few miles in the morning, compounded by a certain child that gets up EVERY night...I am tired!

But, on a good note, Garett learned how to tie his shoes, Emma is really close to crawling, and it was a beautiful day. Oh, and Chandler lost another tooth. :)We went to the library to pick out new books and to do some reading. Then we went to a park with a splash pad, but the water was super cold!! We had a picnic lunch, and then headed home. Of course, the only drawback was that some of the kids fell asleep in the car, so that meant no nap. :( But, it means early bedtime. :) 

Emma with her older brother, Chandler
The kids are really starting to miss Roger, and I was talking today about getting a package together for daddy. I asked the kids for their suggestions of what daddy likes and what we should put in the box. Lots of suggestions, from milk and cookies, to tacos, to ice cream. However, when I told the kids that maybe we should use some of my garage sale money to buy daddy a gift card to a restaurant, the boys asked why we should do that. After I explained that Daddy is trying to be very careful with money, Chandler went and got the dollar he had just gotten for his tooth. He wrote his daddy a little note, and put the dollar in the envelope for a "treat for daddy." His sacrificial giving just amazed me and reminded me that I really don't know how much they do comprehend sometimes!!

We're going to get through this...one day at a time and because of many prayers!! Thanks, Sarah

Travis and Emma

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