Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Friday, January 16, 2015



Its been a crazy week with a roller coaster of emotions, tiredness, feeling overwhelmed, and lots of fervent prayer!

A week ago, on January 8, Roger was supposed to have his flying test. However, the weather was bad, so he had to rescheduled. This was difficult news to hear, simply because we both wanted to get this behind us! But there was nothing to do but wait until Monday, January 12, to take the test. Roger studied a lot over the weekend, we had college snack night, took the kids ice skating, and stayed busy with family stuff. It was a long weekend! (I was worried that Roger was going to over study for the test and start to forget stuff!) 

Monday finally arrived, and Roger was at the airport by about 6 am. The test was scheduled for 1:00, and it seemed like today was going to be the day. God orchestrated other plans, and because the weather was forecasted to be unfit for the test, it was again rescheduled! Roger was frustrated that this test still wasn't done, and because he didn't want to call me with bad news...he just didn't tell me that he didn't take the test! I had spent the afternoon praying for him and with the kids, so when he called to say that he hadn't been able to take the test...at four in the afternoon...I was so done with this whole thing! I was upset that he hadn't called, he was upset that this test still wasn't done, the kids wanted to know what was taking so long, and it was just a long evening! We spent much of Tuesday just talking together, praying together, and asking God to please let this test be over! 

Roger graciously watched the kids on Tuesday evening, simply because I needed to get away by myself for a while. I used my Christmas gift card to Starbucks, shopped the good deals at Target, and enjoyed some peace and quiet. (It's much faster and easier for me to shop by myself, and I can use a lot more coupons without someone trying to "help" me look for a coupon!) 

So, it's now Wednesday...the rescheduled test day. Third time's the charm, right? Well, not in our case! The weather was forecasted to turn bad, so at ten the flight examiner called to say that Roger would need to reschedule. Roger asked if he could at least take the oral part of the exam, but the examiner wanted to do everything in one day, so we were faced with another delay. I'm still not sure what God's plan was in all the delays, but we did get lots of praying done this week! 

Thursday...the fourth rescheduled test day. But this time, I was doubtful that it would happen today either. We seemed to be like hamsters in a wheel with no hope of getting off! It almost didn't happen on Thursday either, but Roger did tell the examiner that he would like to be able to tell his family that he was making progress. The examiner agreed to meet with Roger in Waupaca for the oral part of the exam, but based on the weather forcast the flying would have to be rescheduled. So Roger agreed to meet him in Waupaca, but the flight examiner called Roger and said, "the weather looks good, let's at least try to get done as much as we can." So, Roger went to the hanger, and the examiner was there by noon. The test was over four hours long, but God allowed the weather to cooperate. So, at the end of a very long day, Roger was given the long-awaited, much anticipated instrument certification! Praise The Lord, we made it through the first step! Now on to a commercial rating, so that Roger can get paid for a job! :) 

We are so very thankful for all your prayers, love, and support! Please don't give up now, we are still in the middle of this journey!! 


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