Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Thursday, October 29, 2015

CHANGE!! It's coming...again!!

It really is impossible to know where to even begin to try to describe this last week of flying home, visits with my parents, friends, and going to our church. I decided to hit a few of the highlights and leave it at that as you'll probably end up confused anyways. If I don't write it down as it happens or that night, my  brain forgets what I want it to say! (I'm sure none of you have that problem!) 

Anyways, on Tuesday, October 21, I left Page with Garett, Chandler and Emma. The Pastor's wife from our church here offered to take us to Phoenix to catch our flight to Wisconsin. This was a huge blessing as Roger ended up being on a flight on Wednsday morning. It would've been really hard for him to drive down to Phoenix to drop us off and be back for his Wednesday morning flight. I am very, very thankful that Debbie was able to take us to Phoenix. It was raining the morning we left, which is unusual for Arizona. It's a five hour drive to Phoenix, and it rained a good portion of the time we were traveling. When we drove through Flagstaff, Arizona the temperature dropped to 39 degrees, and the roads looked like they had snow on them...it was weird. 

Anyways, I had planned to write a lot more about the highlights of my trip home, but now I have other news to share! Suffice it to say that it was a good trip back, the ladies retreat was different (fun but different), the big boys are staying at my parents, and I was able to visit several of my good friends. I wish I had time to visit with more of my friends, but I'm thankful for the time that I did have visiting and fellowshipping. 

Roger picked up Emma and I at the airport on Tuesday night with Wyatt and Travis. We stayed in a hotel in Phoenix since it is a five hours drive back to Page. On Wednesday we were able to meet up with Rogers parents for a bit, and we enjoyed that time with them. On the way back to Page, we took another trip to the Grand Canyon. Since our time here is coming to a close, we wanted to at least hike a few more trails there. Wyatt and Travis did very well hiking with us, and we had a good time. 


Ahhh....there is so much more I'd love to say but on to the next thing! Roger had a flight yesterday and a flight this morning. I was able to go on the flight with Roger this morning and the office ladies kept their eye on Emma. It was enjoyable to see the landscape that God created and that Roger flys over almost every day. He's a great pilot, and I am thankful to see him use his love for flying in a job that he enjoys doing. After the flight we came home to start working on our yard. Apparently the landlord thinks that the yard needs to be cleaned up and all the weeds and brush ripped out. Umm...I didnt do it! It was like this when we came here. However, we received a rather unpleasant note from them insisting that we clean up the yard, and they would be inspecting the property in a few days. Wow! I'm not opposed to cleaning up the brush, but the yard was a haven for snakes when we arrived! Oh well, we are doing our best to help them be happy with us. 

But that's not the big news! We are leaving Arizona....this week! While we were in the yard this morning cleaning up, the assistant chief pilot came by to inform us that all the pilots are being let go, and Rogers job is terminated as of midnight tonight! What?! Wow! We had just asked yesterday if we could plan on being here until the 15th or if Roger would be done early. They informed us that it would be at least the  10th of November but probably the 15th. It was a sudden decision, and to be honest, I'm not thrilled. I feel like I was looking forward to the two weeks to say good by to our church people here, visit a few more trails one last time, and spend time enjoying time with our three youngest children. Now we spent the day like crazy people trying to clean up the trailer, pack up our stuff, and inform Pastor Ken and his wife, Debbie, that we are leaving. Roger called Pastor Ken to tell him about the sudden change of plans, and they immediately asked how they could help. They brought over lunch and visted with us. We have certainly enjoyed getting to know them, and God directed us to Navajo Baptist church at just the perfect timing for us to be blessed by their friendship to us. We will miss them, I will miss playing the piano for services, and we have been so blessed by their lives. 

We spent the remainder of the afternoon loading up brush (We aren't don't yet!), and cleaning out shelves and cupboards. We asked Pastor Ken and Debbie if they would like our pantry items, toilet paper, and other useful items that might be a blessing to someone, and we don't want to haul across the country. We stopped by their place in the evening to drop off a bunch of stuff, and again stayed to visit for a while with them. The have become our dearest friends here in Arizona, and we thank God for them. God knew exactly what He was doing when He directed us to Navajo Baptist Fellowship Church. 

I woke up early this morning to take a run on the trail one last time. It turned into a walk as I texted my pastor's wife in Wisconsin and chatted with her this morning. While we don't know what the future holds, we do know WHO holds the future. I am blessed to have such Godly people in my life. 

Tonight after church, we had cake and snacks together. Roger and I shared a little bit about our lives and how we came to Arizona and why we are leaving now. It was a good time to interact with the people, and we have been blessed by that church family. A lady, Sheila, gave me a gift of jewelry that she had made for me. It's beautiful! Our pastors wife, Debbie, gave me some essential oil muscle rub that is fabulous. We've come to love and appreciate this group of believers, and we thank God for them. No matter where we go, good byes are always a bit painful. However, God directs for certain times and for "such a time as this". 

So...what happens now? Well, your guess is as good as mine! Just kidding! We do know a few things! We are returning to Wisconsin this week, and my parents have graciously consented to let us live in their basement while we pursue the next step. Roger has a job opportunity in Maine that he will be trying to look into. There is also the possibility of a job in Michigan. Truthfully though, we just don't know. We know that we need to find work to provide for our family, but we want to make sure that God is directing our paths not money or the need to "hurry up and find a job". We are looking forward to being in our home church in Wisconsin until God gives clear direction. I'll be honest....I'm not very good at this insecurity and instability, but God knows my heart. He gives me peace, and Roger is very good at not making hasty decisions. I'm so very blessed to be married to Roger, and I don't take that lightly. 

We are so very thankful for each one of you that take the time to read the blog, pray for us, and have helped us in so many ways. We are thankful for each and every one of you! 


1 comment:

  1. All I can say is " Wow" Praying for y'all for wisdom and direction. Love you much!
