Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

April Showers and Flying Adventures!



April is here, and hopefully bringing May flowers! But we haven’t had any snow days in at least a week, so that is definitely something to be thankful for!

Last week on Thursday, Roger, Emma and I left after morning drop-off at school. We headed on our date to Portland! A friend of mine had offered to watch Emma, but since I knew that we would probably be gone most of the day we decided to bring her along. She definitely enjoys going to Target and Sam’s Club! My friend, Allison, said that she would get the boys from school, so that we wouldn’t have to try to rush back to pick them up at three. The boys were very excited about going to their friends house, so they told us to be gone a long time! We had a good day together. Emma and I went to Target while Roger went to Cabela’s. It’s not that I don’t like Cabela’s, but I find a lot of things more interesting at Target...and Target takes coupons! Roger has been looking for a gun holster for his pistol, and since he’s left handed sometimes a bit of a challenge. He was able to find one that fit his budget (his gift card amount), and I was able to find some good grocery deals at Target. I was  just telling my mom the day before that eggs and milk are so expensive out here. The price for a  dozen eggs at the local grocery store the week before was $2.39. Target had 18 count eggs for .99! We will be eating lots of eggs next week!

After Roger came and picked Emma and I up, we went to the craft store. The boys have these academic fair projects, and Travis decided to build a bear den with modeling clay. Garett is,  of course doing something with aviation, so he needed paint for his airplane project. It’s been a learning experience, but the boys are doing well with working independently!

I love how God hears our prayers and responds to each one of them. One of the things that really eats at our grocery budget is fresh fruits and vegetables. The boys look forward to having fruit in their lunch boxes and four boys times five lunches is twenty pieces of fruit...just for lunches! Roger and I had discovered that a department store in Portland has also a fruit and vegetable stand inside the store (kinda odd, but it works!) We made a quick stop in there and this week the store had strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries for $1.00 a package! I bought ten packages of berries, and we managed to make them last until Sunday night. I was also able to purchase fresh asparagus, cucumbers, and oranges at great prices. God is so good to us!!

We made a quick stop at home to drop off our groceries, and then went to Allison’s house to get the boys. When we arrived, Chandler had on purple boots, and Travis had on pink boots. They were both as happy as clams, and all the kids were outside. At this moment the boys aren’t interested in fashion, just in being outside! I hope it stays that way for a loooooong time!

Since Friday was Good Friday, the boys had the day off of school. Roger had to work,  but the rest of us enjoyed the day at home. Chandler has been on a warpath about earning some of his own money. He’s come up with the idea to collect cans and bottles along the road. Thankfully, he has a mama that certainly doesn’t mind walking with him! He has collected several garabage bags of cans now, and it has been a learning lesson as well. Those beer can and bottles smell terrible, and he’s dumped out several bottles with tobacco juice in them. He practically gags, but I figure it’s a good way for him to hopefully not want to do it-ever! He is hoping to take in his cans and bottles this weekend to see how much he’s made so far. We’ve had some good talks, lots of long walks, and I certainly have enjoyed this one-on-one time with him.

On Saturday Roger needed to go into work for a little bit, but then he was free the rest of the day. An  airplane was free as well, so we decided to take a trip out to one of the islands. As a family, we are trying to come up with a bit of extra money for something special, and we knew that we could find  lots of cans and bottles out on the island. While the rest of the world was taking their kids to egg hunts, the Robertson kids were out having their own hunt for bottles and cans! We worked for a little over an hour and we had four garabage bags full! Emma tends to want to pick up the smashed cans, but those aren’t worth five cents. Garett kept telling her to throw those back in the weeds! Travis ended up with two wet feet in spite of his rubber boots, but I kinda expected that! After we filled our garbage bags, we took off again. We headed to another island to make a delivery and to meet one of the people that Roger  flies often. It’s always nice to put faces with names. We truly had a great time as a family, and I’m thankful for the memories! After we came back, Emma and I went grocery shopping. Roger took the boys to the can and bottle redemption center. The boys were pretty excited that they had collected over 400 bottles and cans! They were able to add a little over $20.00 to our  special fund.

Sunday was Resurrection Sunday. Our church hosts a sunrise service which was at 6:00 am. Since our family are early risers, it really wasn’t too much extra effort to be there on time. After the short service, we had breakfast with the church family. We went home for a bit before Sunday school and worship service. One of the ladies in our church gave the boys each a kite and a small bag of treats. Emma also got a special treat. It’s always such a nice gesture when someone remembers your kids. As a mom, it makes me feel really special too!

The week before, Allison had invited our family to spend Easter afternoon with their family and extended family. Since we weren’t going to be able to get together with Hannah and Josh, we said yes. While I brought a few things to contribute to the lunch meal, it’s so nice to eat dinner at someone else’s house! Carolyn had made a Easter bag for each of her grandchildren as well as our children! That was really sweet and thoughtful! Carolyn’s house is fairly close to a pond that had a canoe and kayak in it. Our boys were out in the pond with some of their friends, Josiah and Caleb. Any guesses as to what happens with boys, canoes, and water?! Well, let’s just say that Josiah, Chandler, Wyatt and Travis came back up to the house wet up to their waists! Carolyn was able to find an assortment of clothes, and while not exactly the right sizes, the clothes were dry! It was a good afternoon of food, visting and also walking. Annah’s family (one of our school friends) was also at lunch as Carolyn is her mom. Our boys greatly enjoy  playing with Annah’s kids also, so they  enjoyed a fun afternoon of running around, being wet, and just being kids! I also enjoy Annah’s friendship, so it made for a fun afternoon. A year ago, our Easter was quite quiet.  But God provided friends to include us, and we are thankful!

Allison and Jason (Allison’s husband), Roger, myself, and Aaron (Annah’s husband), as well as some of the kids,  took a hike through the woods after lunch. It was a wet foot kind of walk! While a lot of the snow has melted, most of the woods are still very soggy! We laughed our way through it and enjoyed the memories!

So the week was pretty full with making memories. I taught music class on Monday, which I enjoy, but I’m also tired after three hours of music classes! This week has been a bit cooler in temperatures, but no snow.   Chandler and I have been out collecting cans several times, and Roger has been  interviewing pilots for work this summer. We have moments of discouragement as does everyone, but spring is coming! Roger and I could use your prayers as we have several important decisions to make. God is so good to us, and I am thankful that He is always faithful. He never loses His patience  , responds ungraciously, and loves unconditionally. Oh, how I want to point our children to Him!

We love and appreciate each one of you.
Love, Sarah

Our “Tribe”


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