Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Wednesday, December 5, 2018


 9And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9 

Weariness...it’s a real thing, isn’t it?! However, joy and contentment are also ours for the claiming! I’m thankful for the blessings that God provided for our family in the past week.

As many of you know, Roger took a quick trip out to California to celebrate the life of his grandpa. While our hearts will miss him, I know that Grandpa is estatic to be HOME in heaven! I’m thankful that God worked out all details for Roger to be able to go, and as much as I would’ve loved to go along too, I’m thankful that Roger was able to go. He was able to enjoy time with his brothers that I would I have interrupted, and I know he was thankful to spend time with three of his four brothers.

Roger gone to California left mom on single parenting duty! Definitely not my favorite thing, but it’s life! Roger left for California early Friday morning, and I just really did not want to face the day! But God gives grace for every moment, and He certainly heaped blessings upon me on Friday! After playing the piano for chapel services which included many Christmas carols, I got ready for hot lunch. Hot lunch was delicious, but breakfast for lunch is a lot of work! That’s why we only do it when there is s fifth Friday in the month! The students really enjoy it when we have breakfast, so it was fun to see their delighted faces over French toast, sausage, hash browns, and smoothies!

After hot lunch on Friday, my friend, Claire, suggested that Emma come home with her for the afternoon. This was a great blessing to both myself and Emma! I had Christmas costumes to dig out  of the attic and to organize, and that probably wouldn’t have been Emma’s cup of tea! Allison helped  me get all the costumes out of the church attic, and get most of them organized for the Christmas   program. It’s hard to believe but on Friday, December 7, the program will be behind us! After school,
 I brought Claire’s son home and picked up Emma. Claire asked if we would want to take a walk to the lighthouse. That was actually a really good idea, because the kids had asked to go to the parade and the Walk Through Bethlehem that evening. A walk to the lighthouse would use up much of the time between school and the parade events. We took the seven kids we had between us and enjoyed a great walk at the lighthouse. It provided a distraction for my kids, and it helped use our time wisely. After the walk, Claire suggested Pizza Hut for supper. I asked the boys, and I received a very enthusiastic YES! Chandler was suffering from a bad headache, and he actually fell asleep at Pizza Hut, while Claire and I visited. Thanks to the cartoon channel, our kids were all happily entertained! I was a wonderful evening and such an unexpected and delightful blessing. Chandler felt bettter after a short nap and eating, so we headed to the parade. We’ve done the parade and walk through Bethlehem with Roger and several other friends the last two years, so it was not my favorite to be  doing it by myself. The kids did have a great time, but they all commented on how much they missed  having Dad to go with them. Yes, we do miss Dad!

Saturday was a morning spent mostly at home, except going to Rogers work to get another seat put in the van! Rogers boss has graciously allowed us to use one of the company’s vans until we can figure out what to do about the suburban and getting a different vehicle. But this afternoon a group from our church is headed to see the Coastal Botanical Gardens, and I knew we would need another seat in the van. I’m thankful that there were workers available to put in that seat because I would’ve been there a very, very long time! The kids were very excited about going to see all the lights at Gardens Aglow at the coastal botanical gardens, but again, we missed Dad! Since Roger was gone, that meant that I needed to drive the van. I don’t mind driving the big van, but I don’t parellel park and I will park a mile away if I can avoid backing up!

It was a great evening! Allison had set up all the arrangements for the group of 22 of us that went. I  
 drove the van with all the kids, Allison, and one other mom. God provided a great opportunity as   Allison asked the other mom to sit in the front. I was able to hear about her salvation testimony, and I hope encourage her a bit as some of her situations aren’t ideal. It was a good opportunity to pray, share the Love of Jesus, and hopefully, encourage her. The gardens were beautiful...but oh, so crowded! Wow! I’d love to go again, but not on a weekend! The kids enjoyed themselves to, and it was a beautiful night!

Roger had originally planned on coming back on Sunday, but it was Monday when he arrived home. We were all very glad to see him, but especially this mama! Roger is the main man for setting up the backdrops for the Christmas program, and it’s only a few days away! I married a good man. He puts up with an overflowing of ideas and suggestions, and then he brings in all together in a way that I neither suggested or gave as in idea! But it looks way better than anything I could ever attempt to do!  We were at the school setting up after work on Tuesday for several hours. I don’t know of very many men that would get off of their physical job, and come and help get ready for a school program and not even complain! However, by the time we were done at the church on Tuesday night everyone was a bit tired and grouchy! Since we didn’t leave the church until after eight pm, and our kids are usually in bed by 7:30, it was a bit crazy! Everyone was hungry, so that was the first problem to fix! It was after nine before all the kids were in bed, but my heart breathed a sigh of relief at having another very important part done! Thank you, Roger!

Today we had our first official dress rehearsal for our Christmas program! Whew! The kids have done a great job with pulling it all together, but we will all rejoice when Friday night is behind us! I’m thankful for the teachers that have given sacrificially in allowing me to have a bit of extra time with our students. I’m thankful for Emma, Allison’s daughter, who has helped me so sweetly through all our technical difficulties! She is the tech/sound producer and she has done a great job! I’m sad  she’s in eighth grade as that means she will be leaving our school! I’m praying for receptive hearts to the Gospel message on Friday, and please pray with me on that!  

We’ve had several blessings this week....want to hear them?
1) My parents are very sacrificial in their giving towards our children’s education. We are so thankful for their support, and I am blessed.

2) I found out that someone has been putting some money on our school account every month! Say want?! I don’t know who, but I am thankful!

3) Roger was able to go to California. While we missed him, I am thankful that he was able to spend time with family.

4) Roger and I were blessed by the generosity of one of the families out on the islands. This couple has become good friends with Roger and I and our family. This past week when Roger was out on the island, the gentleman pulled Roger aside and gave him a gift of money. He told Roger that he and his wife remember having Christmas with lots of young children, and he wanted to bless us. He gave us a gift of money to put towards our Christmas with out family! It was a complete and total surprise, and a blessing that we will remember for years to come!

I am so blessed with so many that love and pray for our family. You encourage our hearts, and I am thankful!





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