Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Update- It’s been a few days! πŸ˜€


 Life has been busy the last few days with time at the lake, working at the school, meetings, outside play, prepping for lessons, and time away at Mrs. Terri’s cabin. Roger had some time off of work this week, so we tried to squeeze in as much time as we could with him. Roger helped me moved things in and out of the kindergarten room, and watched me change my mind several times, but he’s a good sport! 

On Wednesday morning, my friend, Claire, watched the younger three children while I was at school for a bit. On Monday morning, the kindergarten room was overwhelming, but by this afternoon (Saturday)  -it’s still a mess, but I have a vision! I can now wrap my mind around what I want the end result to kinda look like, so that’s helpful! We spent Thursday afternoon at Allison’s lake, and on Friday the kids and I took off for an overnight to Terri's cabin. I know these days of summer are winding down, so I want to make the most of the time I can spend with our children. They fished and swam while I wrote lesson plans, and after supper we all went swimming for a while. The boys enjoy sleeping on the screened in porch at the cabin, but they also wake up very early! It was a good time, and I was thankful to spend time with them. Time slows down at the lake, and life feels “normal”. I appreciate the memories and moments that we created this time. Chandler caught a big fish, and Emma even caught a little fish too. 

It’s been a busy week, and tomorrow I’m playing the piano at a different local church. I’m thankful that the music is mostly hymns, as that’s the easiest for me to play! But learning new things is also good for our brains, and I’m happy to have the opportunity to serve the Lord at church tomorrow. 

Our school enrollment has been increasing, and we are thankful for growth. With growth also brings new challenges, but I’m confident that the administrator that God provided for us this year is the right one for the job. God has been so faithful in answering our prayers, and I know that He will continue to do so. We are currently in need of a teacher for one of our classrooms. We are fervently praying that God will provide the right teacher and soon. Please pray with us! 

                                         Chandler painted Emma’s toenails 

Garett enjoyed fishing

Wyatt and I 

Emma’s fish 

                                                        Lesson planning at the lake! 

Chandler’s fish! 

              Time at Allison’s lake this week too! 

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