Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Saturday, March 6, 2021



Welcome to the month of March! Spring should be right around the corner, right?! We saw rain on Monday, and then frigid temperatures (for this area) on Tuesday. We are hoping the weather forecast is right this week as we anticipate temperatures possibly into the forties! 

Our children as well as the students in our school enjoyed bowling this week. It’s something that most of the students enjoy, and we are so thankful for the generosity of others that makes this possible for our children. All of our kids enjoy bowling, and also the opportunity to do something different for a few weeks in gym class. 

Last Sunday I had the opportunity to play the piano for another local church. While it makes me a little nervous, I’m thankful for the opportunity to serve in this way. And because I do get paid something for serving in this way, it’s a little extra money to set aside for the next Haiti missions trip. Every little bit helps! The pastor spoke on their church theme for the year “Behold your God, our Hope!” In a year that we could certainly use some hope, it was a blessing to hear a message on how God is our eternal hope. I need reminders like that! 

We had a kids fun night at church on Sunday evening as well as our teen group. It was such a good opportunity for our teens to serve the younger kids. The teens did a great job playing the games with the younger kids, and it was a blessing to see them serve....we’ve definitely have been missing out on certain opportunities for our kids to serve others in the past year with all the restrictions in our state.  

In my music classes on Wednesday, I had a few ladies that came to help me. One of the teachers and I had thought that perhaps it would be a good idea to try to encourage a few of our students by having them interact with some ladies that are truly gifted at singing. Truthfully, singing is not everyone’s gift, but making a joyful noise should be! It’s sometimes hard to get pushed outside of our comfort zones, but I am so thankful that Aili and Amelia were willing to give of their time to try to encourage the younger generation to sing for the Lord. Wednesday was an exhausting day for me with before school duty, teaching, and then music classes. My brain was completely fried, and one of my dear friends told me “just breathe”. Sometimes that’s the advice I need! (Oh and more coffee will help too!) 

We’ve been steadily working on our house projects too. Our kids haven’t minded the “campfire” suppers around the floor in the dining room, but this mama definitely prefers meals around an actual table! Roger and the boys got most of the flooring laid in the hallway, kitchen and dining room this week. We will hopefully get the trim done this week, and then I can get some of our house back to being organized! The boys had a friend over after school on Friday, and Chandler told him, “Our house is a mess, just so you know. It’s driving my mom crazy, but we’re working on it!” Well, that’s kinda true! One day at a time. It’s hard to get everything done with Roger working, I’m working, and there’s only so many hours in a day! I’m thankful for crockpots, cold cereal, microwaves and children that aren’t picky this week! 

Friday night presented us with another opportunity to go bowling! This time we went with our church family, and it was a fun night for all of us. Due to capacity restrictions, there weren’t that many people that could come (50 is the limit). However, there was a good spirit among those of us that came, and plenty of space for lots of bowling! I’m a terribly bowler and the only one in our family that I have any hope of beating is Emma! Roger and I bowled with our friends, Allison and Jason. Um...I didn’t even break fifty in the first (or second) game. Then we decided to bowl the next game with our non dominant hand...and I was within two points of my score the first time....bowling’s not my game! But lots of laughter and memories made during the evening made the night special. I’m thankful for these opportunities with family and friends. 

Can you believe it’s been almost a year of Covid restrictions?! Roger and I were talking this week about how much has changed in a years time...I’m so thankful that God does NOT change! We’ve been under executive power and “state of emergency” for over 300 days, and my heart hurts for nursing home residents and others that haven’t seen their families. Our family has been through a lot in the last year along with most Americans, and I am so thankful that I know Jesus. As the song says “this world is not my home, I’m just a passing through!” I surely hope that is a promise that you are claiming today also.  “Jesus is all the world to me, my life, my Lord, my all” 

Discouraged? God loves you! Find your joy in Jesus! Take heart, my friends, He is all we need.  

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