Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Moments for today, but memories for tomorrow.

These last few days have been kinda crazy around here as we’ve been working on various projects and trying to get everything ready for Roger’s missions trip to Alaska. Although the days will be long for me while he’s gone, I’m so thankful that the Lord allowed Roger to go on this trip. I’m praying specifically for several things and can’t wait to see how God is going to work.
The boys were "helping" Roger grill, but they didn't like the
smoke in their eyes!
Some of you may know that I’m training to run in a half-marathon this spring, but with Roger being gone the next two weeks, I’m anticipating a little set back. Ever have one of those moments where you have to consciously choose between the good choice and the best choice? Yesterday, I was presented with a decision to make concerning the good and the best. I always look forward to going to the YMCA on Wednesdays, but yesterday we were running a little short on time to get in a workout, taking the kids swimming and getting to church. The children were very excited about going swimming, and I really wanted to get in a good workout as I knew that Roger was leaving today. Roger was late getting off of work so he was unable to take the kids, and I first told the children that they were going to the drop-in childcare while I worked out. However, after really looking into their faces and listening to their dismay…I realized the best choice would be to take them swimming. Not because I don’t want them to deal with disappointments in life, but rather because I realize how quickly life is fleeting by! There will be other marathons if I don’t run this one in the spring, but there won’t ever be this day to be with my children again. I know that I am especially hugging them tight right now, as one of my friends from college is battling brain cancer, and she will soon see Jesus. My friend was diagnosed with brain cancer last November and her earthly time is almost up. I was reminded again that I don’t know what the future holds, and while I know WHO holds the future…for today I’ll just hug my children a little tighter, kiss them a little longer, and play with them a little more often.
Another "helper"!

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