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Our family
Robertson Family

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ready, Set....STOP!

Ever have those moments where you feel like maybe you attempted a little too much? Well, this week has seemed to run along that line. I've signed my name on the dotted line and I'm committed to seeing a goal accomplished this Saturday (Lord willing!). I am planning on running my first 1/2 marathon on Saturday and am feeling way outside my comfort zone! Yes, I've run many, many miles (310 miles since February 1st to be exact), and I've tried to eat healthy, but I'm still second guessing myself. "Can I do this?"

I ran cross-country in college for four years, but the races in college are only 5k races, not like a 1/2 marathon which is 13.1 miles! Not to mention, college is 7 years behind me now, as well as having four kids in four years! Yet, when one of my friends from college decided to train for one, I was determined to at least try. And, so here I am three days from attempting something I've never done before in my life. I've run in snow, wind, through knee pain, mild shin splints, and now I'm pumping up the Vitamin C in an attempt to not catch this cold/sinus sickness my children have managed to aquire! I'm excited, nervous, and feel a tad overwhelmed. But, I've seen God give strength when I've had none, He's given rest when I'm weary, blessed me with an amazing husband whose support has been phenomenal, and I know my confidence and strength come from Christ alone!
Wyatt and Mom

1 comment:

  1. You have been such an encouragement and example to me in training for this! Thanks, friend! :o) -Beka
