Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Church Hunting Experiences! June 28 & July 5

Roger and I knew before moving to Page, Arizona, that we probably were not going to find a church like our church back home in Wisconsin. However, fellowshipping with believers is important to us, so we want to find a church that we can worship the Lord together as a family. 

Roger had visited the church we went to on Sunday, June 28, a few different times; but because of his work schedule, he hasn't been able to attend very many Sundays. But June is a slow flying month, so we were able to attend a church together on Sunday morning. 

It was a very weird feeling to have no responsibilities on Sunday morning! Usually we have Children's church, college ministry, nursery, or someway to help out on Sunday morning. We were up and ready for church long before it was time to go, so we decided to walk to church. It's not that far of a walk to church number one which is a plus. 

We arrived at the church about 9:10 and church starts at 9:30. When we walked into the lobby, there were only a few people there. We were standing there in the lobby unsure of where to go. Unfortunately, no one else engaged us in conversation either! There weren't any ushers or signs directing visitors, and I didn't see any bulletins either. So, we just kinda continued to stand around in the lobby and hoped that someone would tell us where the nursery and Sunday School classes were held. 

While we were waiting, the praise team was practicing in the auditorium. There were a few old hymns, but most of the music was newer contemporary music. We don't listen to a lot of contemporary music, mostly because I feel like I have to skip quite a few of the songs to play the few that I really like. I do like a few of them, but I'm rather picky about music. Emma, however, loved the music! She was waltzing and dancing, and twirling around in the lobby while the team was practicing! It was really quite funny, and it at least helped brighten our morning! 

Finally, at about 9:28, one of the ladies that had been standing in the lobby came up to us. She announced that she was the Sunday school teacher for the little ones. Really?! Not to sound unkind, but  if I was a Sunday school teacher for little children, I hope that I would introduce myself to families with children! Oh well...moving on! Roger asked her how little was little. Did she mean just Emma? Wyatt, Travis and Emma? All of them? She replied, "yes".  Now we were more confused! Yes, to which one?  Finally, it was decided that she would take the three youngest children. Travis was delighted to have Wyatt in his class, and Emma was happy to go with her brothers. Someone else directed us to a class for Garett and Chandler, and Roger already knew where the adult class was going to be held. 

I was a little surprised that Roger and I were the youngest ones in the adult class. I mean, we aren't that young any more! :) The church had a guest speaker for Sunday School, so it wasn't their normal lesson. 

After Sunday school, we were unsure of whether or not there was a children's church, or if we picked up our kids from the classrooms or what was the procedure. However, all the kids seems to be coming out of the classes, so we went to the younger kids class to get them for the worship service. One problem- Emma wasn't in the class! I asked, "umm, we left three kids in here, and now we only have two?" The teacher looked around in surprise until Wyatt announced that "some lady came and took her away". Say what?! Come to find out, Emma was disrupting the class a bit as she was a little on the young side.  Another lady had come from the nursery and offered to take Emma to the nursery. I don't have any problems with that...I just like to know where my children are as much as possible! 

The worship service was different from back home, which is fine. They had a special speaker for the worship service too. He was presenting his ministry, which is important. I just happen to firmly believe that a Sunday morning message should contain a plan of salvation as well. Again, that's my personal opinion. 

So, in all fairness, the pastor was out of town on vacation this week. However, would people have been more friendly and welcoming if he had been there? Would people have noticed the new family with ALL THOSE KIDS and been more helpful about directing us to where the classes were held and how the service was conducted if the pastor had been there? 

I don't know. I realize that you have to give a church more than a one week service to get a good feeling about the church. So, maybe we'll come back and try it again-maybe. But first, we have a few more options to try. 

We would certainly appreciate your prayers as we seek to find the place that God would have us to go while we are here in Arizona. Church is important to us and our family.  We want to enjoy going to church. We aren't seeking to get overly involved in any church, and in fact, our pastor at home suggested that we just concentrate on our marriage and our family. We just want a church to worship the Lord, grow as a family, be faithful to attend, and be a blessing to those around us. 

Church hunting experience number 2: July 5
Roger had an early morning flight this morning, so we weren't able to make it to the Sunday school hour. We arrived early at church number two and we were greeted at the door by and usher with a bulletin. He directed us to the desk in the lobby where we could sign in our children for the children's church program. While the lady at the desk seemed to be friendly and efficient, it took quite a while to sign up all five of the children for the various classes. It seems like perhaps there could be a faster way to do it? However, I do appreciate the precautions they take to keep every child safe. Travis and Emma went to their classes right away, while the older boys came with us to the singing part of the church service. 

As we found a place in the auditorium, Chandler announced, "I don't know if this will work, mom! Look at all those drums and guitars. It's probably going to be really loud!" One thing I can count on is that Chandler will always share his opinion! 

A man came up and introduced himself as Manny. It wasn't until later in the service that we realized that he is also the pastor of the church. As the worship service began, Chandler was right. The music was very, very loud. I don't have a problem with a group of people leading the congregation in songs, but it did seem a little like a performance to me. I realize that sounds critical, but I'm just sharing my personal opinion. Again, we didn't know any of the songs. No, we did know one. They sang "America, the Beautiful" and that one we did know! There wasn't an announcement about when the older kids were dismissed to Children's Church, but we figured it out from all the kids that were leaving the service. I took the kids to their classrooms, and each of the teachers seemed to be kind and friendly. 

The message was good. It was a little generic, and by that I mean that I would have preferred more practical application. However, he did present a brief plan of salvation, and that I really appreciated. At the end of the message, he closed in prayer. It was a little different not having any invitation or closing song, but that's the way that they choose to do it here. 

After church, we went to find the kids in their classrooms. They were all so excited about what they had learned and the new friends that they had made. I will say that I was very impressed with their concern for children and the structure of the program for children. Also, no one lost Emma this week, so that was nice. :) 

This church doesn't have a Sunday night service, so if we come back it will be on a Sunday morning for Sunday school and worship service. Neither Roger nor I felt at home completely, but it was/is a better fit than church number one. We still have two more churches that we will consider for options, so we will keep at it. Again we appreciate your prayers, as we search for the church that God would have us to be in for these months in Page.  

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