Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The End of Week Two and the Beginning of a New Week

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
In some ways the days are flying by, and in other ways I think they would go by faster if I just watched the clock! We've been here for over three weeks, and we are slowing working into our routines and schedules. Because Roger's job has been slow and inconsistent, we are working on our schedules around his hours. We are loving all the time that we get to spend with him, and he is enjoying the boys and Emma very much. 

Typically our schedule looks something like this:
5:30 am...Roger or I will go on a walk or run
6:30-  Home for coffee and Bible Reading
7:00 - boys are usually up by this time
7:30 - Breakfast 
8:00 - 8:30 Morning chores and the boys usually go outside for a while
8:30 -  school starts 
10:30- break from school to do a bike ride or go to the park
11:00 lunch
11:30 -12:30 more school or additional "mom-approved" activities 
1:00 - 3:00 Rest Time
3:00-6:30 play time, book reading, game playing, to the park, or swimming
6:30 supper time
7:00 - clean up 
7:00 -8:00 usually a bike ride and a snack
8:00 - Devotions (sometimes we have them before rest time depending on Roger's schedule)
8:30 Bed time 

This is a very, very loose schedule simply because Roger's flights are so inconsistent right now. One or two of the boys usually want to go with Roger to the airport when he has a flight, so I try to work around that. We are only doing school on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays for right now. Homeschool is very, very important to me, but it's not my favorite thing to do. However, since the days are so warm, I want to make sure that we are using our time wisely. This way we are progressing slowly, but it's not overwhelming to any of us. 

On Tuesdays, we go to the library.  They have a beautiful library here, and we just recently applied and received our library cards. We are participating in the summer reading program or at least what's left of it. Also, on Tuesdays we usually go on a longer hike or have the other pilots over for dinner. 

On Thursdays, I do the grocery shopping and the laundry. I usually try to take one of the boys with me to do laundry and the grocery shopping. It gives us some one-on-one time, and they are becoming very helpful. Groceries are a lot more expensive here than in Wisconsin. I'm thankful for all the oatmeal, cereal, rice, and beans we brought with us! Bananas are .76 lb., and fresh produce is typically expensive. However, one of the reasons that I choose to do grocery shopping on Thursday is because it's the grocery stores' mark- down meat day! :) I plan the menu around what is on sale for the week, and then fill in the meals with whatever we have in the cupboards. Safeway is the grocery store here in Page, and I do like shopping the sales there. Sometimes we can find good deals at Wal-mart also, but I can walk to Safeway. :)  Wal-mart is fairly close as it's only about three miles away. However, it's at the bottom of a big hill and what goes down must come up! :) 

Thursday, July 9
When we were at the library on Tuesday, we enrolled the kids in the summer reading program. They also have an adult reading program, which has motivated me to start reading more consistently! :) (I'm motivated by rewards, I guess!) The librarians are all very friendly, and really seem to enjoy working with the kids and helping them find new books. The library is about 1.5 miles away, so the kids have been reading their bikes there. Since I don't have a bike right now, I've been doing lots and lots of walking! I was using a bike that had been left here by one of the previous pilots, but someone else needed it. So, now I'm back to walking and running behind the bikes, but that's okay. 

Roger had a flight this afternoon, and he was able to take two of the boys with him. Chandler was supposed to have a turn, but he overdid it a little today. He had such a bad headache that we were concerned that he would get sick in the plane. So Garett and Travis had their turns today, and they were both excited about that! The flight was an evening flight to Kanab, Utah. Roger arrived there about dusk. He made plans to return to Page, and was getting ready to depart when he received the orders from up top to stay in Kanab. This chain of command with the boss being in Utah, and the Pilots in Page can create a few bad decisions. To make a long story short, Roger ended up staying in Kanab with the two boys overnight. It was a frustrating evening for Roger, but it's what happens sometimes. Either way, we are thankful that Roger was able to get some flight time in this week. 

Friday, July 10
Only because of the grace of God did we make it through the day today! It was one of our school days, and we had some very tired boys after their early morning flight back from Kanab. I am not blessed with the same teaching skills as my mother and my sister, so homeschooling is a challenge for me to say the least! We get through because God is bigger! 

We went on a short bike ride today after everyone took a rest! We invited the other pilots over for dinner, and Roger and I made homemade pizza. All these bachelor pilots sure seem like they enjoy coming over for dinner. :) We charge $5.00 a meal for the pilots. It's all you can eat..and eat they do! :) We had homemade pizza, salad, and homemade cookies, and everything was eaten! 

Roger has several flights tomorrow, so we are thankful for that. Roger went to get a fishing license and we found out that it will cost $75.00. That seems like a lot of money. So Roger  told the boys that when he got enough money from passenger tips, he would buy a license. They boys have been praying that Daddy will get enough money from tips soon! 

Saturday, July 10
We biked to the library again today. Since it is something we can do as a family, and the boys are enjoying picking out books, it's a good activity for us. Last week Wyatt wasn't feeling good in the afternoons, and now Travis seems to be getting sick every afternoon. Is it possible to get an afternoon virus?! He doesn't run a fever, but he gets very quiet, says his stomach hurts, often throws up, and just kinda lays around. I'm hoping he will bounce back like Wyatt did. 

After the library, we headed home for quiet time and book reading before Roger left for his flight. Two of the boys went with him to the airport, while I made supper. It was an uneventful flight for Roger, but it's another flight for the log book. The boys have discovered that the couches in the pilots lounge at the airport have change in the cushions. Because some of the pilots lay down on the couches for a rest between flights, it's a good place to hunt for money. :) Since coins will fall out of pockets, the boys realized after accidently moving a cushion, that there was quite a bit of coins in the couch. After their search, they've made about $3.76 off of their couch hunting business. :) Chandler insisted that the money go towards a fishing license for Roger. (Chandler can't wait to go fishing!) 

Tomorrow is Sunday. We were handed a pamphlet at the parade about a church we hadn't heard about yet. The pastor was handing out information at the parade, and he seemed friendly to us. The pamphlet doesn't offer a whole lot of information, just the times of the services. However, it states that it's non-denominational and believes that God's Word is truth. It also stated that they believe in salvation by grace alone through the the blood of Jesus Christ. So, we will be checking out that one tomorrow. 

Thanks for your love and prayers, 

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