Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Friday, November 13, 2015

Keeping the "Maine" thing the main thing!

It's been a little crazy how intense and busy the last few weeks have been! Two weeks ago, we were in Arizona with no idea that Roger's job was about to abruptly end. One week ago we left South Dakota to come to Wisconsin. This morning we left Maine to come back to Wisconsin. I think I'm done driving for a while!! 

After twenty hours of driving we arrived in Maine. Since my sister, Hannah, and her husband, Josh, are living in Maine, we were able to stay with them this past week. For me, seeing my sister was the highlight of the trip. I don't get to spend nearly enough time with her, and this week I had uninterrupted time. 

One Tuesday, Roger went to check out the job. Since I didn't know how long he would be, I stayed at the house with Hannah. We did some errands together, had coffee and lunch, and visited together all day! 

Roger spent the day at the airport and God provided an unusual but perfect opportunity for him. When Roger arrived at the airport and introduced himself, the owner offered to let Roger tag along for the day with one of the other pilots. Roger was able to see first-hand how the job worked, and he spent the entire day seeing and talking with the pilot about experiences and asking questions about the company. It was a great day for Roger, and the pilot that he worked with is also a Christian. They talked about flying, families, the company, and Roger said it was a very enjoyable day. Roger came back excited and eager to learn more about the job and living in Maine. 

On Wednesday, Hannah and Josh both had to work, so Roger and I ventured off to have our own experiences. It was like an all-day date! We have not been able to spend this much time alone since our cruise in February, and God knew that we needed to spend some time together. We visited several cute little towns, did window shopping, and drove by several properties for rent. Although living in Maine will be way cheaper than Arizona, we are still going to have to micro-manage all our expenses for a while. Roger said that the owner of the company is willing to hire him, but Roger wasn't sure when that would be. And since the owner hadn't said whether it would be seasonal or year-round, finding a place to stay would be a challenge. However, we were able to come up with a general idea of the areas that might work for us to live in. We will definitely not be living on the coast as that will sky rocket the price of living! 

On Thursday, Hannah, Roger and myself went out to Acadia National Park. Josh had to work, so he wasn't able to come along. Roger wanted to go back out to the airport to talk to the owner and ask a few more questions in the afternoon. So we left for the park in the morning, hiked for a bit on the beautiful trails, walked through the touristy downtown (which was empty this time of year) and headed back to Josh and Hannah's house. Roger left to go to the airport, and Hannah and I visited together. As much as I love my children to pieces, it was nice to be away from them this week. I'm so thankful to both my parents for their willingness to watch the kids, so that Roger and I could take this whirl-wind trip to Maine. 

Roger came back from the airport on cloud nine...and he hasn't come down yet! The owner told Roger that he would hire him for sure and that Roger would be hired on a year-round basis! This helps us a lot with trying to figure out renting logistics, etc. The owner told Roger that he could plan on coming to Maine for the job mid-January. This will give us sometime to do the things we need to do in Wisconsin, and hopefully line up things for a smooth transition to Maine. You can probably think of a million questions to ask, and so can I! We don't have a lot of answers to anything right now, but I have a very specific list of prayer requests. 
1) That God will continue to open doors and that we will wait on His perfect timing
2) That God will make a way for a smooth transition for all of us when the time comes to move
3) That God will provide the perfect housing for us:
      *will be about $800.00 a month or cheaper
       * a nice home with a place for growing children to play
       * will be in a location that will be good for travel to both work and church
       * that our landlords will be honest, upstanding people
4) That Roger will be able to get a job until it's time to leave for Maine
5) That I will be aware and sensitive to the needs of my children as we prepare to move
6) That God will direct us to the perfect church for our family when the time comes
7) That our friends will start saving their money so that they can come visit us! :) 

This opens a whole new feeling of emotions for me as this job becomes a reality. While we were in Arizona, I knew that the job was short-term and envisioned the day when we moved back home. In this situation,  we have no idea how long this job will be for us. The employees seem to enjoy working for the company, and the owner has a good relationship with his employees. The secretary is a Christian lady who knows Pastor Ken and Debbie (our pastor and wife in Arizona!). Two other pilots that work for the company are Christian men as well, and I'm already praying that these will be good relationships for Roger.  Perhaps they can encourage and have fellowship with each other as this would be a huge blessing to my heart. 

As with any job in aviation, the job is not for sure until the pilot passes the check ride. Roger will have to have training specific to this job before he will be getting a pay check. Many of these flights are to various small islands with short run ways, so the pilot and the company need to have confidence that the pilot can do it safely. While I am confident that Roger can do this type of flying, and he is ecstatic about it all, he will probably be going out to Maine on his own to do the training before we move out there. 

That's about all that I know, so I'll close for now. I'm thankful that the Lord is always in control. I rest in His promise that He loves me, He will take care of us, and I can trust Him completely. We do appreciate your continued prayers. Our love to you all....Sarah


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