Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Friday, December 21, 2018


Hooray! It’s time for Christmas break! I’m not sure who is more excited about it, me or our kids! My kids are looking forward to a break from school, lots of outdoor play, less schedules, time with extended family, and of course, all the excitement of all those packages under the tree! Their mama is looking forward to time at home, less responsibilities, and extra time with family. I don’t know about you, but this time of year can get crazy in a hurry. Even when we try to guard against it, it still is a busy, bustling season. I’ve really, really been enjoying an advent book I’m reading by Paul Tripp. It’s been a fairly easy read, but he gives so much to ponder. I know that I’ll be reading the book into January just so that I can reflect on it a bit more. I’ve been very deliberate this season in carving  out time every morning (around 4:45am) to spend time in The Word. Sometimes my brain wanders (a lot) but it’s been a good discipline for me.

To give just a peek into our week, I’m covering a few highlights. I’m ignoring the lowlights this week! Last Thursday several students from the school as well as all of our tribe, participated in a Christmas service in a small old church building. It hasn’t been used for a church building for many years, but for the past several years, the community has hosted a Christmas service. It was a crisp winter evening, but the church building was warm and cozy. The students did a great job singing some carols and reciting Scripture from Luke 2. Garett was able to ring the old church bell, and he thought that was really neat.


Friday I was able to spent most of the day with my sister, Hannah! Finally! We’ve been trying to coordinate some time together, but it just hasn’t been working out. I had planned to take Emma out of school to come with me, but a friend offered Emma the opportunity to spend the day with her
daughter. Emma decided that shopping didn’t sound like as much fun as time with Lucy! I’m thankful
 for my friends, Claire and Annah, who were willing to help me have the opportunity to spend time
with Hannah. Hannah and I went to Portland as Hannah wanted to look into getting some things for Haiti. We made that our first stop. It’s this big place that sells all kinds of hospital stuff. A lot of it doesn’t measure up to U.S. standards, but it’s far better than what we currrently have in Haiti. It was a bit of a lengthy stop, so I was really grateful that Emma wasn’t with us. The day sped by in a crazy fashion. I didn’t really need any Christmas presents for anyone, and I spent most of  my money at  Sam’s Club on food...no surprise there! It was a great day! I’m so thankful for the opportunity to finally  spend time with Hannah!

Sunday morning found us working with the children from our Sunday school classes on the  Christmas program. Even though it’s very short notice as the program is in a week, I introduced them  to the bells. It’s neat to see how much the students from the school can help with children that aren’t as familiar with the bells. Emma has a bell too, and she actually did fairly well as the song is color  coded. Although working with children is exhausting, serving in children’s ministries truly is one  of    
  my favorite places to serve. I’m excited about wrapping up one more program on Sunday! We also had company for lunch on Sunday. We’ve been wanting to have this couple over for a meal, but with Rogers schedule, it’s been a challenge. I was happy that they were free to come for lunch on short notice. I was even happier that oven had turned on to cook the lasagna! It was a good afternoon of fellowship.

This week started off with a snow day on Monday! Roger had the day off so that was nice for the kids. They really spent most of the day outside, and they enjoyed their day. I wasn’t as excited as I want to be done with school in the summer, but it did provide extra opportunities to get things done around our house. We made cookies. We made LOTS of cookies! I am so thankful that the snow day happened on a day that Dad was home from work. Dad is just way more fun than mom, or at least that’s what Travis tells me!

Tuesday was a day that I have been looking forward to for a while! Allison and I had planned this day  weeks ago, and although we were both asked to do other things that day, I’m glad we made time for a day together. Emma came along on this trip to Augusta with us, and she did very well all day. Neither
Allison or I had hardly anything on our lists, but we really just wanted an excuse to spend time together. We laughed and shared burdens the whole time. We managed to get back in time to pick up kids from school to, so it was a successful day! It was a bright spot in this week for sure! If we hadn’t planned for this day weeks ago, we would’ve never been able to squeeze it in.

On Wednesday, I had music classes and parties! I told Roger that I think it’s easier to plan a lesson than a party! Finding games to play for multiple grade levels, snacks for the kids, and fun activities   was a bit on the crazy side. However, I’m going to get smarter this year! I saved all my games and activities in a file, and I’m sure that I can reuse some of them another time. It was a fun time, but a bit tiring. After music classes, Emma and I went home to make a meal for a family in our church that recently had a new baby. Since I was already making the meal, I figured I might as well make one big massive mess. So I did! I made seven enchilada casseroles. I made one for my family, or course, and then one for each of the boys teachers. I figured if my week was a bit crazy and I’m not the teacher, they would probably appreciate a meal! Emma and I managed to get all of that done, get the meal packed, and make a visit to an older lady before picking up the boys. The boys were so excited to  give their meals to their teachers. It really warms my heart to see how much they love their teachers. Chandler asked me if the teachers don’t get to eat  much at home.   I was wondering what he was thinking! I told him that I’m sure they have food at home, but they are probably tired after school  sometimes. He replied, “Oh, well, they all just seemed so excited about food!”  It was a new recipe  that I tried, so I was a bit nervous about all those pans I had made. However, it was a huge hit at our house. The whole pan was gone, and it was a super easy recipe, so I’m happy to add that to our meal plan! After picking up the boys, we dropped off the meal to the family with the new little one.  Wow! You forget how tiny newborn babies are at first! It was a quick stop, but I’m happy to have the opportunity to serve this family with a meal.

Thursday we went on a walk after school with some friends. Claire, and her two kids and myself and our tribe went off on an adventure! We went on this trail and saw these really cool ice formations. And yes, I think it’s formed by steam from the nearby sewage treatment plant, but it was so Fun!  We enjoyed scrambling, slipping and sliding all over the formation. It was a bit spot in a really busy week, and it was good to get in some down time.

And now it’s  Friday again. Today was filled with chapel, the Christmas shop for the students (where the students get to shop for others), class parties, hot lunch, and a work party for Roger in the evening! It was a very full day. I also had lunch with Teri, Roger’s boss’s wife,  and my friend. We’ve been trying to get together for a while now, and Emma enjoyed having lunch with us too.  The boys were very excited  about the day, and I’m enjoyed seeing them at school a lot today. I’m also thankful that it’s  Christmas break!

Roger’s parents are coming on Saturday, and my sister is coming on Monday. It’s going to be a full house, but I’m looking forward to all the memories we will make together.

Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” 

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