Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Tuesday, July 23, 2019


We made it to Wisconsin!! It’s a 21 hours drive from Maine to Wisconsin, and God protected us every step of the way. We left Maine on Friday morning at about 4:00am. I had made a goal of leaving our home by four, and we were on the road at 3:56am. The kids piled into the van, and you’d think they’d hunker down and go back to sleep! But oh no! They were like little owls with big, blinking eyes for the first leg of the journey. At 4:30am., Emma asked if she could eat her lunch! (We had packed each child an individual lunchbox with snacks and lunch.) We only made it about thirty minutes from our house before a child was asking for food?! Oh well! The kids did a very good job traveling on Friday, and we made it all the way to Cleveland, Ohio, before stopping for the night. We stopped about 6:30pm, and God provided a great hotel for us. It was also across the street from Sam’s  Club so we walked across to get more fruit for the next day of traveling. Food on the tollway is expensive, and as much as these boys like to eat, it’s just a lot cheaper to buy and pack food to eat on the way.

We arrived in Wisconsin about 5:00pm. We had made a stop in Chicago to pick up Jen’s vehicle as she had left it in Chicago when she flew out to Maine. While that added an extra stop in the trip, it was nice for the kids to be able to spread out for the last few hours to Nana and Papa’s house. My children were so delighted to get out of the vehicle! They spent the evening tromping around the yard, riding four-wheelers, hauling wagons, eating mulberries, and enjoying life! Jen and I were able to squeeze in a quick walk, which made my day after sitting in the vehicle for a long time. Jen, Dad, and I made a quick trip up to the hospital to visit one of the ladies that attends the church were Dad pastors. I’m glad we made the effort to go, as the doctors say her time here on earth is coming to an end. The truth is that all life does eventually end...and it’s not how long on earth you get to stay, but are you ready to go? Life after death is real, whether you like it or not, and there are only two  choices...heaven or hell. I’m 100% confident that when I die I will have a home in heaven, so it  doesn’t matter when my last breath will be, because I’m ready to go. Feel free to ask me questions about how you can know for sure that you have a home in heaven! (I John 1:9; John 3:16; Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23)

On Sunday morning we were all up fairly early. The boys have been sleeping in an old camper out in my parents driveway. They enjoy sleeping in there every summer, but the sun comes up early! They bounced out of bed eager to start the day. They had time for four-wheeling before getting ready for church. We attended the morning service at the church where my dad pastors. Although small in number, they have unity and peace together. Jen left immediately after the church service to head to South Dakota as she needed to be there by Monday morning. She has done a lot of driving in the last three days!

The kids and I went over to our friend, Gretchen’s house, in the afternoon. Emma doesn’t always  seem to remember her friends from Wisconsin, but she quickly warms right up to them. The boys do  remember their friends and they were thrilled to spend time with them. I always enjoy catching up with Gretchen, and we can ease back into conversations without ever missing a beat. She’s a treasure of a friend, and I hope I can be somewhat of a blessing to her as she has certainly blessed me!

We attended the evening church service at Wyldewood Baptist Church which is the church that Roger and I attended before moving to Maine. It was so nice to see all of our dear friends and their children....how the children have grown in a year! Wyatt was used in a sermon illustration for the message. The only thing I could focus on was that Wyatt’s pants were too short! Wyatt was delighted when Pastor B. offered the bow and arrows to him after the sermon! Roger was able to meet us at church as he was able to fly in for his brothers wedding later this week. Roger has a few short days off, so he flew out and pretty much flys right back. I’m thankful that he has the opportunity to spend some time with his family, and I’m excited and thrilled for his brother that is getting married. Roger has been staying with family  in Oshkosh as he is only here for a few days, and his time with family
is just so limited.

These days in Wisconsin are filled right up to the brim with fishing trips, shooting guns, riding machinery, and using up all the moments of daylight. We’ve been blessed with beautiful weather!

Ive been able to catch up with a few of my dear friends here in Wisconsin. There will never be enough hours in the day to catch up with everyone that I’d like to, and summertime is a busy time for all of us. I just try to adjust and adapt as my time and schedule allows and enjoy the times that I can squeeze in. This morning, my dear friend, Jenna, brought out her children for a visit at my parents house. My kids adore her children, and it warms my heart right up to see my big boys take such good care of her young children. Jenna has been a real and deep friend for about 8 years now. We’ve had the hard conversations in life about parenting, marriage, music, doctrine...you name it, we’ve discussed it! “Iron sharpeneth iron, so a friend sharpeneth his friend.” That is our kind of friendship, and its a gift.

The boys and Emma are doing a good job of wearing out Nana and Papa! Not intentionally, but these five kids are busy! We’ve had a “quiet time” every day so that everyone can get a little rest!  We are enjoying the time, and its going by quickly.



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