Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Emma’s 6th Birthday and Summer Memories!

We’ve been back from our adventures outside the state for over a week now, and to be honest, we’ve just been enjoying being home! The kids were able to attend a local Vacation Bible School at another church last week, and I was thankful that they had the opportunity. I was also thankful to drop the kids off at an event that I had nothing to do with...no prep, no clean-up, no responsibilities!

We also had two of our kids get sick last week, which is unusual for our family. Garett and Wyatt both came down with some kind of bug that wiped them out for a few days. They are back to being fully on the mend, and we are thankful for that.

Emma turned six years old last week, and I am just not ready for that! She’s off to kindergarten in a few weeks, and I know that I will miss her terribly. She’s so different in personality from the boys, and we are thankful for her. Its hard to believe that in her six years of life, we’ve had adventures in Arizona, Wisconsin and Maine! I’m including my “birthday interview” with her at the end of this blog.

Roger has been very, very busy with work. These are the LONG days of summer, where he is gone from about 4:30am until sometimes 9:00pm at night. We’ve adjusted and adapted, but sometimes the days are still long for this mama! We did enjoy a hike in the woods last week on an day that Roger had off. I should say, we tried to enjoy a hike in the woods...the mosquitoes were atrocious, and it was a hurried walk!

The kids and I did enjoy an afternoon at a friends house last week. Sometimes its hard to keep in touch with our school friends, so it was good to spend an afternoon visiting with Claire and her children. While I enjoy the flexibility and freedom of the summer adventures, its nice to have a bit more order and routine during the school year.

Ive been busy reading through Christmas programs again as I prepare for another year of music classes. I feel like my energy has been lacking in recent days, and I’ve procrastinated far more than I usually do. Perhaps its just still trying to recoup from all the driving and the heat of the summer. I tend to get “heat” headaches sometimes, and Ive had a few lately. If you think of it, I could certainly use some prayers as we prepare for another year.

We celebrated Emmas birthday on Thursday. Roger had to work that day, but we enjoyed cake when he came home from work. Emma was so excited to turn six, and she told everyone that it was her birthday! She was a little surprised to find out that the pastor of the church where the kids were
attending VBS had the same birthday. She was a bit confused as he clearly is not going into
kindergarten, but yet they share a birthday! It was a fun moment! Emma enjoyed opening up her
birthday cards, and a gift from Roger and I. While we didn’t do anything extra special, she told me that she had a fun day. She’s a delight to our family, and we are so thankful for her!

This week has produced some warm weather days again in Maine. We are soaking up the sunshine, while beginning the back to school preparation! We still have a few staffing positions that need filling, and we are still asking God to bring us a few more students. We would need 31 more students to get to 90, which is asking for a miracle...but that’s why I ask the God of Miracles!

Last I checked, Roger and I are still happily married, but I haven’t seen much of him! His boss is away to do some training, so Roger has been covering a few more bases than normal. I’m delighted that his boss thinks  so highly of Roger, so we are happy that Roger has the opportunity to be a blessing.

We’ve had two play dates with friends at our house this week. Its been good to catch up with families that we don’t see on a regular basis. I’ve had good conversations with both Bethany and Hannah this week, and its always nice to hear what God is doing in someone else’s life. My kids have enjoyed playing with other children this week, and I’m always happy to have people in our home. As long as they don’t mind the mess and the noice, we’re good! I do get irritated with my self because I forget to take pictures! Oh well!

Anyways, I want to include my “birthday interview” with Emma. I always enjoy asking my kids these questions, because so much changes as they grow!

Emma’s 6 year birthday interview:

1) What would be the perfect present? A: LOL surprise or Hatchimals (both of these contain small pieces! And Emma loves small junk!)

2) How much money would be the perfect amount for a birthday present?
      A: Maybe $20 or $5.00

3) Who is your best friend?
      A; Lucy and Scarlett and Story - (Lucy and Scarlett live in Maine, and Story lives in Wisconsin)

4) What is your favorite color?
     A: PINK

5) What is your favorite food?
     A: Raspberries and spaghetti - (thankfully not mixed together!)

6) Where is your favorite place to eat?
      A: Dairy Queen

7) Where is your favorite place to visit?
     A: Nana and Papa’s house or Mrs. Terri’s cabin

8) What is your favorite thing to do outside?
    A: Swimming

9) What is your favorite animal?
    A; Horse

10) Who is your favorite pet?
    A; Annie (Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Terri’s dog) and Maddie (Sally’s dog) and Mayday and Piper (Hannah and Josh’s dogs)

Hope you all are having a wonderful summer! We appreciate your prayers!


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