Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Forts, Fervent Prayers, and Great Expectations!

One of many forts in our yard. 

First snowfall 

Another fine fort! 

Thankful Turkeys...I love the reminders of all that I have to be thankful for in my life!

Fort #3

Fort #4

Fort #5 

I’m going to warn you in advance that this is a heavy blog post. There’s a lot of  heaviness going on around us both in our nation and our state. Christians...we need to be fervent in prayer! 

 I don’t know about you, but it has felt like one very long week! I felt all the emotions this week, and not the positive ones! Disappointment, fear, anger, frustration, heartache, have run away with me at certain points this past week. Thankfully, I have the Fruit of the Spirit, the joy of the Lord, confidence in an Almighty God, and peace from my Heavenly Father to fight against all the emotions that threaten to overwhelm me. 

I don’t know how you voted in the election, and truthfully, I would hope we can still be friends regardless of whether or not we voted the same way. However, as an American, I’m concerned about our election process. Whether or not you think there is a case of fraudulent voting, corruption, and vote stealing, this is a big deal to me. However, to me the bigger deal lies in needing to know the truth. If my vote was corrupted this time, this cycle will continue to repeat itself until our votes really will not matter. Whomever is controlling the strings will be able to determine the election. And that, my friends, should be a cause for alarm! If there happens to not be corruption of the election taking place, then have that truth come to light. But if corruption is happening, then I am also praying that that will come to light. We need truth! But without God, truth is amoral. It’s whatever the next person decides is truth. We used to have enough of a moral compass in people that regardless of whether or not they knew Christ as their personal Savior, they would still hold to moral values. Wow...that’s changed, hasn’t it?! As a country we murder millions of babies every year in the name of “pro-choice”. Marriage is no longer just between a man and a woman. Women marrying women and men marrying men has become accepted. It’s also acceptable to change your sex identity or to identify as a dog if you choose. We certainly do not deserve God’s mercy on our nation, and I am fully aware of that! But as a faith-centered, freedom-loving, Christ- serving mama, I am pleading with God to have mercy on our nation! As I’ve looked into the faces of my students as well as my children this past week, I’ve been moved to tears multiple times as I have cried out to God. “Lord, please send revival. And may it start with me.” 

Today is Veteran’s Day. A day to honor those who have served, fought and protected our freedoms. Our Christian school made Veteran’s Day bags to give to those who have served our country. Each class made a card, book mark or something to add to the bags. The kindergarten class made cookies. They had such fun making no-bake cookies for the Veterans bags (no bake cookies can be made in the microwave, did you know that?) It was a good opportunity to teach the next generation about Veterans Day, and why we should honor and celebrate our Veterans. I am thankful for each one that has served our country. This is an especially hard Veterans Day for us, as Mr. Kevin was a veteran in the Coast Guard. We are unable to give him a card, and that has been hard for us. 

Photo credit: army.mil

In the State of Maine, we did get one victory in the election, in my opinion. Susan Collins was supposedly in the race of her lifetime against Democratic Sara Gideon. However, Susan Collins did win the election, and by quite a bit. That’s a huge praise for us! 

In other, not so good news, from our state, our governor has stated that masks must be worn regardless of the ability to keep social distance. (Side note: two words I cannot stand are “safe” and “social distancing”). Our governor has stated that all businesses (including churches) must put signs on their doors stating that masks are required for entry. Our inside gatherings have limits of 50 people and that is hard on churches also. I don’t keep up on the number of new cases every day because the cases are rising. Honestly, that should not surprise anyone as it is cold and flu season! And we’ve been wearing masks now since June so if masks are really effective, why are the case numbers continuing to rise?! I can appreciate extra hand washing, cleaner surfaces, high-risk shopping hours, grocery pick-up for those who need it, etc. and all that is great. However, this seems to become a matter more of control and not my safety any more and that bothers me. It’s also perfectly acceptable for you to disagree with me, just please do it nicely! 

Good news from the week:

*God is still in control. He is ever-loving and interceding for me. 

* The students were able to complete the first quarter in school! Please continue to pray for the “hedge of protection” around our church and school. 

* I am thankful for like-minded women who are ever willing to pray with me, and for me, and who also are praying passionately and fervently. 

* We rejoice that Susan Collins did keep the Senate Seat.

* We are thankful for all that God continues to do in and through us, and I’m trying to wait patiently. 

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