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Our family
Robertson Family

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Fall Break, Visiting Friends and a Hurricane!

 Happy Fall!! We’ve officially experienced a few fall temps here in North Carolina, and the kids even had to dig out a sweatshirt! Last week was fall break from school, our first introduction to a hurricane, our first visitors (other than family) a few minutes with Roger’s parents, and enjoying a few days off of school! 

So last Tuesday evening (9/27)the boys had an away soccer game. I generally manage to get to all their games, and Roger has been able to make it also. But on Tuesday, Roger was running late so Emma and I left for the game before him. The boys have been playing hard all season long, but the soccer team has yet to actually pull off a win. We’ve tied some, lost by one, lost by more than one, but we haven’t yet won a game. Anyways, Roger’s parents surprised us by meeting us at the soccer game! It was nice to see them again, and Roger was able to get to the game for the second half. Roger’s parents treated us to supper and ice cream after the game so that was a real treat! It’s always nice when I don’t have to think about what we are going to have for supper when we get home after a game! Roger’s parents hadn’t been planning on staying overnight, but as long as they don’t mind a bit of a mess, we were happy to have them! 

On Wednesday morning, Roger went to work, his parents left and we headed to Raleigh to meet some friends from Maine. Claire, and her three children came to visit us for a few days. Travis and Emma were particularly excited about that as they have been good friends with Abel and Lucy for a long time. We had originally planned to eat at Mr. Beast Burgers, but that turned into a total flop! Instead we ended up at a mall where we found a Lego store and a food court! Sweet! 

We had planned to go to the beach on Thursday into Friday, but a tropical storm warning was in effect for those days. Oh well. We went anyways. It wasn’t raining on Thursday so we spent time walking on the beach, roaming around a small beach town, playing mini golf and enjoying each other’s company. We found our beach house around 4:00pm, and we went for a walk on the beach. Travis, Emma, Abel and Lucy all enjoyed getting wet by the waves coming onto the beach. The water was warm, and they didn’t get in past their knees, but they loved it! The rest of us scavenged the beach for shells, cool stuff and just enjoyed God’s creation. The beach is one of my favorite places as the water can appear angry, or peaceful, agitated or serene. It’s always amazing to see God’s handiwork at work, and I love it! It rained ALL DAY on Friday, but Claire and I went for a walk on the beach anyways. Chandler, Wyatt and Travis started off with us, but they decided that they did not want to be soaked. So, Claire and I wandered on the beach for a while. Going with the wind and rain was fine, but once we turned around to head back it was a wet, wet walk back! We enjoyed the moments though, and we created some fun memories with our children. On the way back home, we stopped at a trampoline park. The entire area was empty! We had the place to ourselves, and the kids were able to run around and jump and wear themselves out some more! The ride home did have some tense driving moments, as the rain continued to pour down, but God kept us safe. We were happy to get home!

Our friends left on Saturday morning to head back to Maine. We enjoyed having our friends come for a visit, and I know that Travis was especially encouraged. He is really struggling to make friends in his class, and it’s not because he isn’t friendly. He is a bit quiet, but when you get to know Travis you’ll discover that he is sweet and kind. He needs a good friend, and please pray with us for that for him. 

We are always thankful for the opportunity to host friends and family in our home, even though our home still needs work. If you’re ever coming through North Carolina, we will be happy to have you stay with us!

Saturday was a quiet day around the house as I worked on laundry, the boys fixed their dirt bike (again), and we enjoyed a mostly quiet day at home. (It’s never really quiet with five kids around!) 

Sunday we spent the day worshipping with other believers. We’ve been enjoying our Sunday school class, and the boys have mentioned that they’ve really enjoyed their classes as well. 

Emma headed off to Second grade on Monday morning. She seemed relieved about the transition, and she even picked out a gift for her “old teacher” and her “new teacher”. Emma’s love language seems to be gift-giving, and while we currently foot the bill for that at times, I am thankful for her sweet spirit that thinks of her teachers. She picked out chocolates and a candle for both of her teachers, and she seemed to have a great first day. I tend to try to pick back up my worries, but I know that I need to just leave them at Jesus’s feet. What about high school? Emma will be 19 all of her senior year! What about events that are by age/grade? Will Emma feel awkward or embarrassed about that? I know that for now Emma is confident in this change. I’m praying that she will mature into a sweet, Godly young lady who is far less worried about her age or “if she’s in the right grade” but rather concerned about her relationship with God and others. We sure do love this daughter of ours, and we thank God for her every day. 

Chandler had a cross-country meet yesterday (Monday) and it was a chilly day! It was about 57 degrees, which is the first time that it felt like FALL temperatures. I was unable to make it to the meet as it was 55 minutes away, and I wasn’t able to leave school until after 3:00pm. The boys were going to be running first yesterday, so I knew that I probably wouldn’t be able to make it. Thankfully, the athletic director did give me a call towards the end of the race, so I could see Chandler’s finish. Chandler ran a great race on Monday with his best time of the season. He has now officially broken my fastest time for a 5K, and he reminds me that he’s a freshman in high school and I was in college before I broke 20 minutes for a 5k! Haha! Its another reminder that I am getting old! Chandler was happy to have the opportunity to ride back to school with the cross- country team, and I’m glad he enjoyed that. It was nice to have a short conversation with the athletic director about Chandler on Tuesday, and hear that someone else is also pouring into our children’s lives and pointing them to Jesus. We are thankful! 

Tuesday was a beautiful day for a soccer game! The boys were thankful for another opportunity to play, and it was nice to have a beautiful afternoon to watch them play. It was our first win of the season, and that was a big encouragement to the team. Three of the boys got to start in the game, and it was exciting to see the team play together for a win. I had the opportunity to sit and watch the game with a few school moms, and it was so nice to have someone to laugh and chat with during the game! It was a blessing and encouragement to me. I’m so thankful that God provides us with encouragement, new mercies, and constant reminders that He knows exactly where we are…I might not always be delighted with the way things are in the moment, but God has continued to be faithful. I’m reminded often of the song that we sang in my kindergarten class last year- “Jesus, Strong and Kind.” 

God has been good and faithful for eternity past, and I know He will continue to do so. I was so blessed and encouraged this week by friends who sent a text to say that they were praying for us, or conversations with both of Emma’s teachers to encourage us. 

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