Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Memories from January!

 As I mentioned in my last post, Roger and I were able to get away to our church’s annual marriage retreat last weekend. It’s been a few years since we’ve been to a marriage retreat, and while it is good for our marriage for us to get away, sometimes it’s easier to talk about than to actually do! 

The retreat was in Myrtle Beach, SC. It was a bit on the cooler side as far as the weather goes, but we still enjoyed morning walks on the beach together. We were on the 8th floor, and we took the stairs every time! Roger likes to give me a hard time about it, but it’s one way that we can keep in shape (or at least try!). We  arrived in Myrtle Beach on Thursday night and we went out to eat with several other couples from our Sunday School class. It was a good time of fellowship and laughter. We then went back to the resort and we played games for a little while. It’s nice to be able to relax and not be on a time schedule. 

Friday was a free day as the evening session didn’t start until 7:00pm. Roger and I enjoyed a long walk on the beach and then a walk to get coffee! We met up with our friends, the Hardison’s, around 10:00am to do a little shopping, more eating, and just wandering around. It was a laid back afternoon, and it was a good time together. The speaker for this years retreat did a great job. He spoke on commitment, chemistry, and communication. After the Friday night session, we went out for dessert with a few other couples. It was a super late night for Roger and I, but we enjoyed our time away. It was nice to be able to sleep in -we did- until about 7:00am. We knew that our children were in good hands, so we were able to really relax and enjoy the time. 

Now the kids- they all had a great time! Wyatt and Travis went to their friend's, Gabe and Enzo’s house. They got to go watch a friend play basketball, play mini golf, lots of games of basketball, and a lot of fun memories for them. Chandler and Garett were at home by themselves, but on Friday they spent a good part of the day with our friends, the Everett’s. The boys did paintball, lots of eating, board games, axe throwing, and lots of fun memories. The Everett’s wanted to do something to celebrate Chandler’s 15th birthday, and they did a great job! It was nice for the boys to have the opportunity to have some fun events without the whole family. We love to be together as a family, but I’m thankful that each of our kids were able to enjoy creating memories with friends and just one sibling. Emma didn’t have a sibling with her at Lili’s house, but that didn’t seem to bother her! She came back with slime in her hair, an overflowing heart with all the fun that she had, and chattering away about her memories! We were all tired on Saturday night, so it was an early bedtime for all of us! We all went to bed with full hearts and happy minds. We are so thankful for each one that watched over our children, loved them, encouraged them, and created some fun memories with them. We are so blessed! 

We have about three weeks of basketball left. February are always seems to be a long month! I”m hoping that with basketball wrapping up and baseball starting that perhaps the month won’t seem quite so long. 

This past week, we had several basketball games. Chandler has been working hard all season long, and he had the opportunity to start on the JV team on Thursday! We were so excited for him. He’s come a LONG ways since the beginning of the season, and he even scored 21 points in the game. Basketball was not a game we were very familiar with prior to basketball tryouts, but the boys surely have learned a lot! Wyatt and Travis have had the opportunity to play on a Saturday morning team with church/school kids. They’ve really enjoyed that also. Emma gets to play on a team with second graders, and she definitely doesn’t enjoy sports as much as her brothers. However, she did get the ball a few times, and she’s improved too. 

This past week, we had a special treat when my friend, Laura, brought the kids and I lunch at school. Packing lunches is one of my least favorite things to do, and although the boys and Roger do help, there still has to be items to pack FOR lunches! It was so nice to be pleasantly surprised by lunch on Wednesday! 

Roger will be gone all this coming week for some fire training, so that always makes the week a little longer. He’s doing some training out in the Outer Banks area, so he’s staying out there. The boys have three basketball games this week, so that will definitely make the week go by a little faster. Chandler will be driving this week with a driving instructor as he’s preparing to get his driving permit. It’s hard to believe that our kids are growing up so quickly! Every time I turn around, we are facing new experiences and challenges as they grow. I was thinking about Garett graduating from high school the other day, and I could feel the tears welling up. Garett was like, “what is the matter with you?” I told him that the years were flying by too quickly and I wasn’t really ready for the boys to grow up so fast. He replied, “well, mom, it’s going to happen. I guess we will just have to make the best of it.” Boys! My mama’s heart will treasure these moments and savor the memories, as we work to raise them up to love and serve Jesus. 

While we work to raise our children to love and serve Jesus, we are trying to put opportunities for the Holy Spirit to work in their lives. The four boys will be heading to camp this summer at a Christian camp in Florida. This camp is highly recommended to us, as well as I am familiar with some of their ministries. We are excited for the boys to have this opportunity as we feel that camp can be influential in their lives. The boys will all be going during the same week, so Emma and I are planning some special activities for during that week. Garett will be heading into 11th grade, so I know that his summers at home are coming to a close. We are already praying that God will work in the lives of each of our sons during this week at camp. Camp changed my life during my teen years, and we are praying that God will use camp in the lives of our teens as well. 

Last Saturday we went ice skating after basketball for the younger kids. I think ice skating is one thing that the boys really miss about living in North Carolina. A few years ago, we had an ice skating rink in our back yard, but that’s not going to happen here! While it’s not the same as playing pond hockey, they were all excited to go ice skating with some friends. Emma improves every time she skates, and both the Everett girls picked up on skating fairly easily. Brody had a good time with Wyatt and Travis, but he sure did do a lot of “mopping the ice”! Oh to be young and not have a fear of falling and hurting something! It was a fun afternoon! We created memories, enjoyed time and fellowship together. Time is one things that we can never get back, so we need to use it wisely. I certainly don’t always use it wisely, but it’s one thing that we are working on to make a more conscious effort of how we use our time together. 

Yesterday we had a music ministry supper after Sunday night church. It was a dinner for those that have served in the music ministry, or those who would like to serve in the music ministry. The church is looking to re-instate the choir that has been missing for the last two years. They’ve had a music team every Sunday, but this would be for anyone interested in singing. The choir is for those in 7th grade and above. Myself, Garett and Chandler all plan to sing in the choir. Wyatt could sing in the choir, but he doesn’t really want to at this time. He is already in the school choir, so that’s okay. We are excited about the opportunity to be involved in music again. I helped out often with music in our church in Maine, and Garett did some also. The boys are growing up and choir is a simple way that they can serve others, practice getting outside of their comfort zone, and worship the Lord. God is good! 

Emma has been asking questions about getting baptized. She accepted the gift of salvation during our “remote” learning days in 2020, and she is now asking about being baptized. Please pray for us to have wisdom and to help her understand baptism. We are baptized to show others that we are serious about our walk with the Lord and our intentions to follow Him. 

We are past he 100th day of school, and we are in the middle of the “nitty gritty”. This is the time of year that school starts to drag, and the days seem to be forever long. Thankfully, the weather should start getting warmer, the four boys are hoping to play baseball, and the opportunity to be more outside is encouraging. 

We appreciate your prayers as as we work to love Jesus and love others.  We often fail at both, and I’m not great at always demonstrating Jesus’s love to my kids. I get easily frustrated, lose my temper, fail to have grace, and am not a good example of how I want to parent our kids. The teen years are hard- I find out every day that I have more and more shortcomings, and I see them fleshed out in our children. The spirit truly is willing but the flesh is weak! 

Laura and I have enjoyed walking and praying together over the last few weeks, and I’m thankful to have a friend to walk and pray with. We are certainly far from perfect, but we know that there is power in the name of Jesus. In His name, we bring our children, spouses, church, school, and so many other requests before Him. We serve an amazing God! 

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