Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Friday, April 12, 2013

Baby Robertson #5 is a....

Well, we had our ultrasound for our newest addition…and guess what? Baby #5 is a….baby! We chose not to find out so, we’ll discover sometime in August what God has given us. It was a hard decision, as part of me wanted to know and part of me didn’t. But in the end, we decided not to find out, and I’m fine with that too. Baby is growing well, the ultrasound showed no abnormalities or concerns, so we are thankful for that. We realize that each child is a gift from God, and we are blessed to once again be welcoming a child into our family. The boys are praying for a “girl” baby, but I’ve been trying to gently tell them that God might give us another boy. Garett wants to know why God would do that…”We already have enough of those, mom!” Well….I’m just trying to prepare you!

I’ve been staying active with this pregnancy, in part, simply because I have four other children to take care of also! I’ve really been trying to exercise and eat right but the scale still seems to be winning at a horrific rate! I need to just come to the conclusion that I need to do my best to eat right and exercise, and I’ll ask God to help me get the weight back off when the time comes! I’ve been having a lot of back pain with this pregnancy, but that could be due to the fact that I have other children that want mommy to pick them up and cuddle them!

Spring has been slow in coming this year. This week was full of rain, snow, sleet, and moments of “cabin fever”! I ran out of creative ideas, and today I was tired of the increasing questions to “Can I go outside?” So, the boys went out! We went through multiple pairs of went socks, pants, and gloves, but they had a great time! The laundry is never ending anyways, so I might as well let them add to it! We built forts, made craft projects, played in the basement, and even took an excursion to the McDonald's playland! BUT...I'm ready for some sunshine!!

Last Saturday, I was able to go grocery shopping and run some errands without all the boys. I just took Chandler, and we had a “date”. I truly enjoy spending time with them in this way as when I have all four of them along, it's a tad overwhelming for all of us! It's amazing how much talking he likes to do and how fast he's growing when I have those one-on-one moments. I loved it! Tomorrow is Garett's turn and he is VERY excited about his “date”! I treasure the time I'll get to spend with him, and am thankful for an amazing husband who cheerfully and willing watches the other boys, so that I can enjoy these moments. I am blessed!

I realize that every family has different struggles at different times, but as spring-time approaches, I've been discovering that our boys have a struggle of learning stewardship. I don't want the boys to think that life is about “stuff”, or keeping the house picked up, or not tracking in mud; however, I want them to realize that we are to be wise stewards of what God has blessed us with. This seems to be difficult to teach! I feel like I am constantly reminding them to put things away, or to go back and hang up your coat, put your boots away, etc. It gets tiring for all of us, but lately I've just been setting the timer for them to pick up. I look at the mess and estimate how long I think it should take them to pick up. Whatever isn't picked up, becomes mine for however long I feel necessary. The older two lost their bike privileges (but this week they couldn't ride them anyways!). I feel overwhelmed with all that goes into teaching responsible stewardship. Did you take it out to the car?...you bring it in! Did you wear it? ….hang it up! Did you play with it?...put it back! Part of the problem, is that with four close in age, you often feel like you repeat yourself constantly...and I do...but usually it's to a different child! So, on we plug with trying to be consistent, setting a good example, trying to maintain patience and grace when I'd rather just do it myself because it's faster and easier! So, in keeping it real...that's been our struggle of late!

April has also given me the urge to do some spring-cleaning. I've been moving furniture, emptying out closets, throwing away junk so much that when I asked one of the kids to bring me a garbage sack earlier this week, he asked what I was going to put in it very suspiciously! I managed to get one rather large piece of furniture stuck on the stairs to the basement so badly that Roger had to finish moving it when he came home from work. He says he doesn't like coming home in the dark for fear he won't be able to find his bed because the furniture is moved around! :) Pictures of our progress will be coming in a later post!

Blessings on you all,


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