Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Technology, Tiredness and Life!

It has been WAY too long since I’ve updated our blog, and one of the problems about getting this far behind is that I have so much news to catch up on!  A few weeks ago, our computer was accidently spilled on, so I was unable to post to the blog for a few weeks. It’s nice to have our laptop back…and I’m thankful that we put a warranty on it!

Two small boys learning to get along!
To say we’ve been busy would be a gross understatement! We’ve celebrated Wyatt’s 4th birthday, helped out with a teen activity at our church, planned a surprise birthday party for a dear friend, hosted a college and career activity, organized and planned a baby shower for another dear friend, had a yard sale, ran a 5K with a friend, started garden seeds, added plants to the landscaping beds, spring cleaned several areas of our house, enjoyed having Roger's mom here for a few days and both his parents over Mother's day, and then have had the day to day activities of schooling, training children, helping out in church functions and the mundane activities of life! WOW!

So, I don’t even know where to start about catching up, so I think I’ll just post pictures with captions and leave it at that! J I have all these grand ambitions about things I’m going to do after the kids go to bed, but usually I’m so tired that all I can managed is to shower, read a few verses in my Bible, and fall into bed! We are on the home stretch with finishing up schooling and both Garett and I are chomping at the bit to have it done! The spring seemed slow in coming, but when we do have nice weather, we both have a hard time focusing! (I want to be outside as much as he does!)  

Wyatt and Papa on Wyatt's 4th b

Outside Springtime Fun!

Sled Surfing!
Pantry before being cleaned out...



Baby Shower for my friend...no, I didn't make the cake!
Baby Shower Decorations

Boys first fishing trip!
Chandler's first catch!
5K Race with a friend...24 weeks pregnant!
Fun! Fun!
Roger’s job has been going well and he really enjoys it; however, we need your prayers as we seek God’s direction. His hours will be cut once school ends as he won’t need to deliver milk for the school lunches anymore. But, our budget will not allow for any more pinching and cutting, so please pray that God will provide additional employment for him. We are still praying about going back to Alaska, but God has not made those doors to open just yet. So, for now, we trust Him to provide for us here. It’s a little daunting to think about adding another addition to our family, but we are confident that God has a perfect plan here…but please, pray for us!

Clean out the pantry day! Playing with a mess of all kids
of odds and ends out of the pantry!
We took out the dividing cabinets between the kitchen and dining room.
It really opened it up, and we really like it. I'm thankful that Roger's brother, Mark
came over to help with that project!

Chandler's mother's day paper from 4K...I love it!


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