Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Day # Sunday, Hiking and Life Lessons

So thankful for my man!

                                                  God’s Beautiful Creation

Wyatt is learning to ride the unicycle

Sunday! I don’t know about you, but Sundays are probably the hardest day of the week for me. Our Sundays used to be geared  around Sunday School, worship service, home for lunch and back for youth group and childrens’ programs. Now we have a service online each Sunday, which I am very grateful for, but it just is not the same! I miss face-to-face fellowship and interaction with people and our church family is like family. I talked with my sister, Jen, in South Dakota last night. I am so jealous that she was able to attend actual and real church today at their church building!  Of course they still have to practice social distancing measures and safety, but they could actually return to their church building for church- I am jealous! I am praying earnestly and fervently for that day to be allowed for us Mainers soon and very soon. I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time focusing at an online church service. I can be distracted when I sit in an actual pew much less when I’m sitting at home watching via the internet. Our internet has been very spotty since the last storm that came through, and sometimes I feel like I am back in my childhood and the days of dial-up internet!

This morning was a beautiful morning, and since the internet was not working properly, we decided to take the kids on a hike and watch our church service later this afternoon. Remember that hike that I took the kids on a few days ago that went up a mountain, but we weren’t sure which mountain or how long the trail was? The kids have been asking if we can go back and hike that trail, so we decided to climb Ragged Mountain today. It was a beautiful morning to enjoy God’s creation and to  spend time together as a family. It was almost five miles round trip, and Emma did the entire trail by herself! She did take a tumble on the way back, but she’s tough. The higher we went up the mountain trail, the more the boys kept telling Emma to be careful and to stay away from the edge. She finally told Garett, “I can do it myself. Stop telling me to be careful!” I know that the boys really do want to look out for her as they were definitely looking out for her. Chandler brought along his back pack with water bottles and snacks. He ate the entire way up the trail! Every time I looked over at him he was eating granola bars or fruit or venison sausage. My parents sent us a box of cheese and sausage from Wisconsin this week, and the boys have been eating through the venison sausage. Remember how I mentioned that Chandler is growing? Well, I think I was watching him grow today! It was a fun time together. And hiking that trail is something that we probably wouldn’t have had the time to do if it wasn’t for the Coronavirus. We were on the trail by 9:10am, and we hiked to the top, had a snack, took some pictures, and we were down the mountain and back to the van by 12:00pm. I found it to be easier to climb up the mountain than to come down. Climbing down is harder on my knees, but it does go a bit faster on the way down. Truly it was a wonderful morning spent with some of my very favorite people. God is good.

When we came back from our hike, we discovered that Mr. Philbrook (the boys Sunday School teacher) had brought the boys over some pallets for their forts. Oh, the boys were so excited! Chandler has dreams of building some type of pallet garden, but I’m not sure that will come to pass. All the other boys were far more interested in using the pallets for their forts and trails. We will see. I’m thankful for friends that are willing to provide free material for the boys. At the end of the day it can all go in one huge bonfire if needed.

Roger took the boys fishing again this afternoon. They have not had a whole lot of success, but the boys always are eager to go. I’m glad that Roger takes them fishing as it provides a few moments of relative quietness at our house.

Church services tonight as a family, and the boys are anxious to finish our read-a-loud story. I have been reading aloud a lot more since the quarantine started simply because I have a little more time to read, and it’s okay if the boys get into bed a little later than normal. We are reading through a series of books that I remember reading as a child. It’s called the “Young Underground” series and it is written by Robert Elmer. The stories tell of the adventures of some young Danish children during the World War. I had looked into purchasing the books as I do like to read off of paper, but the books are expensive these days! Apparently, I’m getting old as the books I used to read are not being published anymore! I knew that we could not afford the $30 for just the first book in the series, so that was disappointing. However, Amazon Kindle is offering two months free for their Amazon Kindle Program which is “borrowing” books via the app and online. And guess what? The series that I was looking for is free using the Kindle App! It’s just another reminder to me about how good our God is to us! The children are enjoying having me read to them, and I’m enjoying the opportunity. It’s another thing that we probably wouldn’t have done if it wasn’t for the quarantine.

The boys have also been learning additional cooking skills during this time at home. They can all cook eggs now, but I definitely have a few that are better at it than others. Wyatt can make chocolate chip cookies, which are inhaled around here. Chandler has lately been into eating all the food! I am thankful for the opportunity to teach them a few more cooking lessons in the kitchen. Learning to cook is a great skill!

Maine News:
  • Maine CDC reported 25 confirmed new cases of COVID-19 on Sunday. There are no new deaths. This bring the total number of COVID-19 cases in the state of Maine to 1,015 cases and 50 deaths. 532 people have recovered from COVID-19. There are 433 active cases on Sunday.  

This is a funny song! It is going to help you in your spiritual growth, but it might put a smile on your face. That’s important too! :) 

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