Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Friday, April 10, 2020

Day # Ten Inches of Snow and No Power!

Snow! I have a lot more pictures, but I had to write on the blog using my phone tonight- the photos can wait! 

Photo credit: Pinterest 

Good Friday! As we anticipate the arrival of Resurrection Sunday, we have to first acknowledge that Christ died, was buried and rose again! Out of all the miracles every recorded, the greatest miracle was Jesus rising from the dead. And that my friends, is why we celebrate! The grave is empty and death has been conquered!

In a world that seems to have taken complete leave of all sense of reason or common sense, I have never been more thankful that my hope is in Jesus. I will keep on praying, and I trust that you will also.

We woke up this morning to snow! Not just a dusting of snow-this was like ten inches of wet, sloppy snow! The yard was blanketed in a beautiful white covering, but I’ll admit that my response was not one of great joy! We lost our power around ten pm. last night, so we knew that we needed to get the generator going. Roger and the boys went out to start the generator, and it kept on having fits running smoothly. A bit frustrating to say the least! However, Roger’s boss was able to lend us a smaller generator to get us through the day. Garett and Roger spent the afternoon taking apart our generator and putting it back together. It is now back together and working smoothly! It was a good experience for Garett to work with Roger on tinkering with the generator, and I’m glad that Garett had the opportunity to do that.

My staff prayer partner, Renee, sent me a message this morning to see how I was doing. I explained that our generator was not working well this morning, and I was a bit overwhelmed as I a lot of cooking and baking for Easter Sunday. She immediately replied that she would be happy to bake a dessert for me. That was so sweet and thoughtful! Around noon we had a generator going, and I was able to start on my baking and cooking. I managed to make a good start on my menu for Sunday, and the kids made cards for those we will be taking meals to on Sunday. There are a few spelling errors on a few, but the cards are made with love!

The boys spent the day coming in and out all day and switching gloves and coats. There has been a lot of water on our floor today, but oh well! This morning, while Roger was trying to get the generator going, Wyatt, Travis and I walked down the road. We had nowhere to be, and it was a beautiful walk in the snow. It might not have been what I wanted when I woke up this morning, but it sure was beautiful. God knows what we need, and we will continue to rest in that.

Maine is up to 586 cases of Coronavirus and 17 deaths recorded as a result of the virus. 227 people have recovered so that number does keep increasing also- a good thing!

I really struggled today with the whole “social distancing”, missing church fellowship, school days and events, and just people in general. God created us to be a social people. He created us for His honor and glory, and He did not create us to be creatures of isolation. I feel that we have sacrificed many freedoms and privileges for the name of “safety”.  Thank Heaven that we are not without the resource of PRAYER! We must utilize it fully- everyday, every hour, moment by moment! Don’t give up and don’t quit. We must pray.

Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."  

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