Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Day: Flag Day & Sunday

  • Flag Day! June 14, 1777 was the day that the Continental Congress replaced the British Symbols with a new design. It is a day set aside to honor our flag and the freedoms that are represented by our flag. Hmm...seems like a vast part of our nation could use a history lesson on that! At a time in our lives when people are working hard at destroying parts of American history, I’m thankful for a land that has been free for the over 200 years, I pledge to do my part to preserve our country. My allegiance lies first to God, the Creator, and secondly to this land- America. Recently, when I was out running, I heard this song for the first time. It seems very appropriate for today, and perhaps one day, I’ll use it in a Patriotic Program. Here

Sunday! “All Hail the Power of Jesus Name”, “Here I am to Worship”, “Lord, I lift Your Name on High”, “There Is a Redeemer”- these are just a few of the songs that we sang today in the church services. I played the piano for another area church, and while it sometimes makes me nervous, it is a blessing. This church is a bit larger in number than our church, so they have two services. One service was a nine am. And the next service was 11am. I was at the church building by 8:00am to practice for the worship service. Then the first service was at nine am. and after the first service, I came home to pick up our children, and then came back for the second service at 11am. After the second service, we went to our church property where several families were gathering for a picnic lunch on the back lawn (bring your own picnic, of course!). It was a bit of a long morning with all the moving parts, but I wasn’t late to any of the services, the children were fine and they were able to attend a church service, we had lunch and fellowship, and I survived playing the piano! God is good! The church that I played the piano for today is always gracious and kind -regardless of how I mess up! 

We’ve been enjoying this new summer tradition of picnics on the back church lawn on Sundays. It’s been an informal time of fellowship and food, while the kids play on the playground, or play soccer or frisbee. We’ve missed fellowship for eleven weeks, so it’s good to take these Sundays when the weather is nice to enjoy each other’s company.  We are still missing some of our dear members of our congregation as they are just not comfortable coming to church yet. However, many of them faithfully get dressed and ready for church every Sunday and come and listen to the message on the radio in the church parking lot. We are looking forward to the day when we are all back together again. 

This week looks to be full of summery type weather! It looks like several days of sunshine and warm weather, and we are praying for some rain this weekend. We are looking forward to having some friends over this week (some of my dear preschooler students) and we are planning a morning at the beach with some friends later this week. While we may not have parades, festivals, fairs, and other fun summer gatherings, we will make the most of warm weather and great friends! 

This afternoon we did a science experiment. We made “Elephant’s Toothpaste”. Provided that we get to return to school, Renee and I would love to include hands on science experiments. Experience has taught me that it is always best to experiment first to make sure that said experiment will work! However, the kids had a great time concocting the experiment, and it was a good object lesson also. As the “toothpaste” spewed out of the bottle, it was a reminder that when we say harmful words they can’t be taken back. 

I am planning to take the kids to Wisconsin at the end of this month. It’s important that they get to spend some time with their grandparents, and they’ve missed them. We were able to get a good deal on plane tickets about a month ago, so I will be flying out to Wisconsin with the kids. It’ll be a different flight experience as now masks are required. However, Roger was talking with his brother, and his brother made the comment that masks can be taken off if you are eating or drinking. Our children overheard that conversation, and Wyatt immediately announced “that’s great! I’ll just eat the whole way to Wisconsin!” So our children are planning out their snacks and which food takes the longest to chew and swallow- it’s sure to be an interesting trip across the country! I am thankful that we are flying this year, as there is still so much uncertainty across much of our nation, and a 21 hour trip was not something that I was excited about doing! My sister, Jen, will be coming to Wisconsin as well, so the kids are looking forward to seeing her also. I’m sure it will be a very busy and full ten days! 

Maine News: For the fifth consecutive day, no new deaths have been reported. Today there is an increase of 36 new cases, and the number of active cases is 520. There are plans to quadruple the testing for Coronavirus in the upcoming days. Meanwhile, the state is supposed to determine education plans for the fall this Thursday. This is an urgent and often prayer request for me as it concerns school for our children. Please, please pray that wise decisions will be made, and that our students will be able to return to school in the fall in a school building, in a desk. I know that God is faithful and that He is the doer of hard things! 

A few days ago we  were “all in this together” referring to Coronavirus and its affects on our states, economies and people. Companies blared out ads stating, “Do your part- stay home”, “Order Online” etc.  And many businesses offered free meals or coffee to healthcare workers and first responders. Now the headlines are blaring, “A Nation Divided”, “Two Opposing Sides”, etc. Kinda crazy, isn’t it?!  The whole “Defund the Police” idea is based on the ideology that man is moral and wants to do good. The people screaming that they don’t need the police to rule them are a lot of the same ones that are burning buildings, destroying history, ruining other people’s livelihoods. I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but you don’t have to be around people long to realize that we are NOT morally good. The Bible declares “there is none righteous, no not one.” Yes, there are people that are endeavoring to be good, responsible American citizens, but since we’ve failed to teach history and capitalism in our schools and colleges, we are reaping the benefits of that. I get that there are corrupt policemen, again there are corrupt people in every career...goodness, there are even corrupt pastors and missionaries! I have a cousin who is in law enforcement as well as several friends, and my heart aches for them and their families. The vast majority of law enforcement people are American people that are trying to do their job and do it well! It’s sad to see the way that hatred has been spewed at them, and that in the name of “justice” some law enforcement  people have been hurt or yet others have had livelihoods destroyed- that’s not right! I’ll be the first to admit that our judicial system has made errors, and that there are problems within. But wow! The hatred, bitterness, and ugliness that has been spewing out of people makes me weep at times for the course of our nation. We must be diligent to pray, earnest in asking God to send revival (and to start it in me), and to raise up a generation that can stand firm in the Lord. 

 Roger and I have worked hard to keep our home a haven for our children as we protect them from much of the world’s divisiveness and just evil that is happening right now. Part of that means that we do not always discuss the news or other events around our children. That’s not to say that they don’t know that things are happening. We had a long talk the other night about how we cannot allow our anger and bitterness to rule us (as seen in the riots across our nation). When we went to the Freedom Rally a few weeks ago, I asked Emma if she wanted to make a sign for the rally. She said she wanted her sign to say, “Stay Safe, Stay Home.” I about had a cow, but then realized that she was just repeating what she had heard via YouTube ads, or even kids program ads on the internet. We had a talk about yes, we had done that. Back when nothing was known about the virus, and everything was uncertain we had stayed home. However, now our freedoms and liberties are being infringed upon, and that is not right. I’m sure I used WAY too many big words for her, and she lost interest in the conversation about three sentences into it, but still I could not let the opportunity to explain a few thoughts to her.

Happy Flag Day! Happy Sunday! Rejoice the Lord is King! 

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