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Our family
Robertson Family

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Day# Regrets & Rejoice Moments


Three reading?!

Growing up my dad used to sing this song that went something like this: “Don’t quit. There’s a race to run. Don’t quit. There’s a job to be done, don’t quit. There’s a crown to be won, don’t quit. Weary Christian, don’t quit.” Every feel like that?! My heart and mind have been very full over the past few days.

Regret moment: Yesterday the President of the United States came to Maine. He was touring a swab manufacturing plant in a community about three hours from here. I had a hard time finding details about his arrival or what that would look like, and Roger was working. Due to uncertainty about whether or not there would be protesters there, taking five kids, etc., I decided not to go. Know what? I regret that decision! I wish I would have just figured it out as I went and gone anyways. We were able to watch Air Force One land at the airport and we saw Marine One via the internet also, but it would have been a great moment for my kids. Next time, I’m just going to do it, and figure it out as I go. I have to say that I was appalled by our Governor’s treatment of POTUS. She did not even come to greet him while he was in Maine! I get that they disagree about many things, and I can understand disagreement...it’s a part of life! However, I firmly believe that she should’ve shown more respect to the President of the United States. Governor Mills has been a bit of a difficulty for me as I disagree with many of her political stands. When all this started about Coronavirus way back in March, you might have been able to convince me that she cared for the people of Maine. But now, with the state still mostly closed, masks required, restrictions on how many people for businesses and churches, and over 52 million received in funds for the “emergency”, I just do not buy it. I try to be respectful of her position as she is the governor, but that does not mean that I just give up. There are literally 1000s of businesses that will be forced to close if we, the people of Maine, do not see some real change soon. Yes, I am passionate about that! My husband works for a small business, and many of our church and school families are employed or employers of small businesses!

Rejoice moment: We had a Sunday School event today! What a blessing to gather together our children from our church fellowship. These children have missed out on the gathering of believers  the past eleven weeks! That’s a long time! However, today we were able to have a special event for them. It was kinda like a mini VBS. We had singing, Bible lesson, Bible games, outside games, crafts, and of course, food! What a blessing to hear the children singing! I felt tears prick my eyes as I listened to them sing. I have missed them all very much. I would love to see a few more mini VBS days scheduled for these children over the course of the summer. We will not be able to have a church VBS this year, but we still have a bunch of children that also need to grow in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord”.

Chandler was eager to help Easton ride a bike! 

The weather was actually beautiful this morning! God held off the rain until after the event! 

Rejoice moment: We, the people of the CHURCH, will be worshipping together in the church building! Oh, what a day! I told Roger that I would sleep on a pew in the church if needed to be sure I have a spot for tomorrow!  We are all looking forward to the opportunity to worship together. Unfortunately, Roger has to work tomorrow, but the rest of us will be there. Roger is a hard worker, and he would do about anything to provide for his family. He enjoys his job, and we are blessed that he has the privilege of working there. There are some sacrifices that every employer and employee sometimes has to make these days for the good of the company. While we will miss having Roger with us, we are so blessed. Tomorrow evening we will re-convene with our teen group. Looking forward to that also! We are planning a time of s’mores, time of prayer and Bible time around the fire pit, and worshipping with our teen group. We’ve missed them also! So, it’s going to be one exciting day tomorrow- can’t wait1

Rejoice moment: One thing that I have enjoyed this week is my daily prayer time with one of the ladies in our church. We have prayed by phone almost every day this week, and that has been a real blessing. Now that school is out, I’ve been missing praying with the staff ladies. I know that Barbara prays for me and our family, and I have been so blessed through the ministry of prayer this week.

Rejoice moment: Today is D-Day! Did you know that? It’s hard to fathom the sacrifices that those men gave on the shores of Normandy 75 years ago. I am so thankful for those men that fought so bravely for our freedoms. You do realize that we are in dire danger of losing those freedoms, right? It’s so important that we teach history to our young people. Our children are learning history in our local Christian school, but I feel that this is a special time to teach them even more this summer. I have started a book with our children to read over the summer. We will be reading about people in our American Heritage.
Started reading through this with the kids for the summer. 

Rejoice moment: We have 42 new cases of Coronavirus today, but 48 more have recovered! We have a total of 98 people that have died, and those in the hospital with coronavirus remains at 35.

Prayer Requests: I don’t know about you, but I often feel like I’m praying for the same thing over and over these days! Of course, our family is at the top of the list. I am praying for our children’s faith to grow through this. That they will become rooted and grounded in God’s Word.

Also, our nation is continually heavy on my mind. At every turn evil seems to run rampant, wild, and unrestricted! We are truly in a battle against evil, and we must be fervent in prayer. I know that, if God gives us the opportunity, I want to do a better job of raising our kids on the importance of being involved in government. I want them to understand how important it is to have Godly men and women in leadership. I want them to know how they begin to get involved in government on a state level if God should lead them to that.

Our church and school: I’d ask prayer for our church services tomorrow. I’d ask that God bring us a sweet savor of fellowship and unity. As for the school, I ask that you continue to pray with us that school will re-convene in the fall, with the students in their desks in their classrooms! I’d ask you to pray that God will give us growth, and that He will provide in a mighty way for those that have financial needs.

In closing, we serve an amazing God! I’m so thankful that we serve the God WHO knows it all! He’s not wondering what He is going to do, or how He is going to solve a problem. He’s got it all!

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