Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Life as "Normal"?!

This week has been busy with adjusting to life routines after being gone from Wisconsin for ten weeks plus having a week in the Bahamas! I will admit I miss the slower pace of life in Manley, Alaska, as it often seems like we don't take the time to visit with friends and make memories with our children like we did there. But, this is where God has us to be and may we be faithful until He moves us elsewhere.

Roger is back to work full-time. Praise the Lord! We are rejoicing that God provided a job through a friend, and Roger is driving a milk/dairy route for Morning Glory company. He drives to different restaurants, co-ops, gas stations, and homes delivering milk, sour cream, cheese, ice cream, and other assorted dairy products. He enjoys it, and we are thankful for a new job! (We've also received the benefits of such a job like chocolate milk, cheese, etc.!) He starts early in the morning, so we've had to adjust our evening routines a bit, so that he can get up in the morning. Roger does fine getting up about 4:30am., but I have yet to drag myself out of bed to make him coffee and breakfast. (I know...I'm working on it!) Honestly, if I had the job, they'd probably fire me on account of being too grouchy in the morning! I am definitely one of those people that needs my sleep (why do you think my kids have nap time every day?). I'm thankful for a husband that is willing to rise up early and go to work for our family. I am blessed!

Garett has been doing a little better at school, and I'm beginning to think we might survive Kindergarten! Hooray! We still have a long ways to go but every day brings us closer. I'm not sure how next year will go with having a 1st grader, a Kindergartner, two pre-schoolers, and an infant, but I know that God will give grace for every moment.

Fun for all, all for Fun
We also enjoyed another downfall of snow this week. My kids love snow, and we all spent time outside with snowmobiling, sleds, shoveling, and other fun this week. We also spent some time at the hockey rink last Saturday with some friends from church. Then everyone came over to our house for chili, snacks, and fellowship. I'm thankful for friends (Sara Scherzer) who are willing to make chili and get ready to have people over at our house, so that I could go have fun! I did ice skate (very carefully!), and the boys are much improved on their skate from last year. Travis didn't put on his skates, but he did teeter carefully around the ice on his boots.

Ice Hockey
Our good friends, the Longsines, are preparing to move to Oak Creek, WI, where God has called them to serve at a Baptist church there. We are definitely going to miss them, and I've been trying to squeeze in lots of visits before they have to leave. Beka has become a very dear friend and since they have four young children also, we have a lot in common. I brought lunch over to their house on Thursday simply so we could visit. They only live about 10 minutes from us, and Beka has rescued me on many a lonely, over-whelming day with good coffee and great company. While we will miss Jared and Beka, we are so excited about the opportunity that God has in store for them.

Also, in Robertson family news this week, we hosted a college/career activity at our house on Saturday night. I made a spaghetti supper, and then the group went snow tubing at a near by tubing hill. Although the group was small, everyone seemed to have a good time (and we'll be eating lots of spaghetti leftovers this week!).

So, in a nutshell, that condenses our week to a few short paragraphs. Hope you all had a wonderful week treasuring your families and loving the Lord.

Outdoor Fun!

Our old, but running snowmobile!

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