Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Moments and Meltdowns...Yes, They Happen!!

Today I am praising the Lord that we have survived one week of Roger being away! What a week it was for all of us including moments of tears on both our children and my part at some point in time. I'm thankful that God's grace is sufficient for me; I'm thankful that He never leaves me nor forsakes me; I'm thankful for new mercies every day. 

Roger left for Maine last Saturday. I wasn't sure what I was going to do to distract the kids from the long day, but God provided am opportunity for us to visit with some friends. Gretchen and Sean were taking a quick trip to Ohio to help a friend, and they asked if I would be willing to come and watch their kids. It was the perfect distraction for all of us. The kids had friends to play with, I had a treadmill to run on, and we all had a little more space to ourselves. 

As usual, Sunday was a rough day for all of us. Somehow, the devil can discourage me more on this day than any other. I also tend to be more tired and emotional, which means that I have to put up an extra guard against impatience, inconsistency, and frustration. I can see that our children are struggling more with Roger being gone this time as am I. My children are facing their own battles, and while I'm trying to be sensitive to that, it's hard to find the time to spend with each of them. Travis has become a "leach" meaning that he wants to go with me everywhere, know where I'm going, when I'll be back, and wants to sleep in our bed every night! He is crowding my personal space, but I'm trying to be okay with that. 

I was able to have lunch with a friend on Tuesday. Tressa works in Berlin and invited me to join her on her lunch break. We had a good time together, and I'm thankful that my mom was willing to watch the kids for an hour for me. 

Wednesday was a busy day with grocery shopping, errands, and church. We had a missionary speaker at church, and I always enjoy seeing what God is doing in other parts of the world. It was a long day, but a good day. 


I've been having a lot of "female" problems as of late. It concerns me that I am tired all the time, feel depressed often, struggle with fatigue, and I gained quite a bit of weight in one month! After talking with Roger about some of my recent struggles, I decided to make an appointment with the doctor. There was a cancellation, so I was able to get into see the doctor right away. I explained some of the issues that I've been experiencing and told her that I just feel "off". It was a very disappointing visit for me. Her basic conclusion is/was that my body is going through some stressful time, and that it will balance itself out. I'm to wait six months to see if my issues get better,  and if not then she will run a thyroid test and a hormone panel of test. Meanwhile I'm to take ibuprofen every six hours for the next four days to help balance things! Yeah, it was a disappointing day, and I left with more questions than I started out with. I'm not sure what to do next, but I do feel like I'm at a low point with how I feel. 

In addition to that, Travis developed a severe toothache today! He has a tooth that looks like it has an abcess growing. It was too late to call the dentist by the time I realized how severe it is, so we could be in for a very long weekend! He's in quite a bit of pain, and of course, he wants to be right near me! It seems like it was a little better this evening after a dose of ibuprofen and a tea bag on the swollen spot. 

In addition to that, Wyatt has a lump growing on his leg! (I know...by now you think I'm making this all up! Trust me, I am not!) Wyatt has had a little bit of a bump on his shin, but yesterday he started complaining about it hurting. I checked it out and noticed that it has grown larger since I last looked at it. He has an appointment on Monday to have it looked at. 

In other news:
The boys were able to go ice skating tonight, and they had a great time. My dad took them skating at the pond at the end of the road and a couple of other families from church joined them. I know the boys were excited to be able to go tonight and it provided them with a fun, free activity. I'm thankful that my dad was able to spend some time with the boys this week, and I treasure the moments that they have with their papa. Chandler ended up with a black eye from a hockey stick, but it was fun. 

Roger is getting settled into the job in Maine. He is thrilled to be back at flying and is enjoying getting to know the company and area a bit better. We are hoping to start looking at homes as soon as he is finished with his training. I'm a little worried about getting a loan, the process of finding a house, and several other details that must be worked out. However, God knows exactly what must happen and when, so I need to just WAIT! Waiting is hard, but it's a good reminder that God is enough. 

We appreciate your prayers, and we love you all so much.

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