Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

A “Down Week” or not so much?



I feel like I was supposed to have a “down week” last week. However, the week is over and while I can’t remember much of what I did, it certainly didn’t feel like down time! I do know that I have been very busy (read a tad overwhelmed) with the school Auction in a few weeks, the Christmas program prep, and the responsibilities that the rest of life at the moment brings! I’m ready for a vacation!

Roger is now single engine sea plane certified! Hooray! He’s been excited about this opportunity, and we are so thankful to his boss for helping Roger achieve this goal. Garett  has been excited about this as well, and he was disappointed to not be able to go along for Roger’s check ride. Garett will be having his first official flight lesson to log in his own flightbook by the end of next month. Garett is very excited!

Roger and Chandler will be taking a trip to Ohio this weekend. Roger is picking up some type of airplane part that was bought out there, and Chandler has the opportunity to go along! They will be flying out to Cleveland, staying overnight with a friend, and driving a U Haul back to Maine. All of our kids wanted to go...at first. Then Roger mentioned a long drive at which point Travis and Emma decided that they didn’t want to go! Garett was eliminated from the opportunity simply because in a few weeks he will be going on a teen activity with Roger. That left two boys who really, really wanted to go with Dad. Budget and space would only allow for one child to go. We torn up eight pieces of paper with the words either “stay” or “go” written on them. Then Wyatt and Chandler both picked four pieces of paper. In the end, Chandler was the one who had picked the right pieces of paper. Wyatt was so very disappointed, and it’s hard to see your child sad. I know that God has given this opportunity to Chandler for a reason, and we will work it through. Roger did take Wyatt out for a dinner date last night, so that gave them the opportunity to visit together. Wyatt is a quiet child, so  sometimes it takes a bit to get him to open up and start talking. While I would’ve enjoyed a date with Roger too, I’m thankful that the two of them had the opportunity to have some one on one time.

Our school fundraiser auction is three weeks from Friday, and it’s been an uphill climb! For some reason, I’m finding it difficult to find people to donate to the school auction. I’m not sure if it’s money related, Christian school related, or I’m just not good at asking! I’ve reached out to over thirty businesses. It would be nice if businesses would at least email or call back to let you know that they will or won’t donate! I can be a very persistent person though, so the next step is to follow up in person! However, God knows exactly what He is doing. I can trust Him for whatever the outcome may be for the school auction. Roger’ boss graciously and generously gave us several gift certificates for our auction. I’m so thankful for those that are willing to help us in this endeavor. I’ll even happily write thank you cards!

Last Friday my friend, Claire, surprised me with a thoughtful gift bag. I enjoy giving gifts, but I also enjoy receiving them. Her thoughtfulness blessed my heart. We served soup on Friday for hot lunch. You know we live near the coast when one of the soups is Fish Chowder and many of the kids enjoyed it! I made beef stew, which I’m also assuming was good as there wasn’t any left.

After hot lunch, I went to Garett’s classroom to see what boys wanted to sing in the Christmas program. Originally only about four boys had said that they actually wanted to sing, but when I said whoever wanted to come and try out for the group could come, all seven of them came along! We worked through several different people combinations and some with everyone singing together. I asked the boys which ones of them wanted to sing and were willing to work hard at the song. I was surprised when all seven boys said that they wanted or were willing to sing. Truth be told, there voice combinations together aren’t as great as if it was a trio or quartet group. However, these are pre-teen boys that are willing to get up in front of an audience and sing! It’s not going to be their music  teacher that tells them they aren’t going to make the cut! The Bible says to make a joyful noise, and if these boys are willing to work at that, then that’s what we will do! I’m actually really thrilled that these boys are willing to step out of their comfort zones and sing! I am confident that God is going to use their lives greatly if they will continue to be willing vessels in The Master’s hand.

On Saturday Roger had the day off. That was nice because cooler weather is coming and we need to get ready! We cleaned up the yard and the basement, and worked on various projects around the house. Chandler had been invited to a birthday party in the afternoon for a classmate. He was excited about going, but when we arrived he was the only boy and about ten girls! However, Chandler did really well. He interacted with the girls, was polite, and he told me he had a good time. He also thanked me for not leaving him at the party, but for staying with him. It was a good time for both of us, as I enjoyed some fellowship with a few of the moms in Chandler’s classroom.

On Sunday afternoon I whipped up three pans of Mac n cheese, four dozen cookies, and cut up carrot sticks for our children’s program in the evening. While that project did use up most of the afternoon, cooking is something I really don’t mind. I also enjoy the challenge of seeing how inexpensively I can prepare a meal while keeping it balanced and kid friendly. Every once in a while, it’s enjoyable to have the opportunity to try that. Sometimes the opportunities are really close together but that’s okay too!

Yesterday was Monday, and a fresh new week! After dropping the kids off at school, I had a few errands to run. I had placed ten dollars in my back pocket, but later in the morning the money was missing! I searched high and low, retraced my steps, became irritated with myself  for being irresponsible and careless, and in truth, I lost my joy! After about thirty minutes of searching, looking, and being frustrated, I took the time to pray. (Yes, I should’ve done  that first!) God brought  to mind the verse “I have learned in whatsoever state I am, there with to be content.” Well, I certainly wasn’t content! I wanted my ten dollars back! However,  I was reminded that I was allowing ten dollars to steal my joy. This money was ruining my day and affecting my attitude. I confessed my heart condition to God, and I felt peace sweep over me. Truth is, I never did find that ten dollars. But then again what’s ten dollars in comparison to sweet fellowship with my Heavenly Father?! Here’s the really cool part though...the mail! In the mailbox today was a sweet card from my sister, and a gift of money for the kids education! I was brought to tears at how God continues to provide for our needs, his love for our physical needs, but also our hearts condition. I serve a great God, do you?

Well that about sums up my “down week”! Perhaps it also explains why I’m a bit tired on this Tuesday afternoon! It was a good week. We would appreciate your prayers as Roger and Chandler go off on their adventure this weekend. We love you all,

Few funny moments from the week:
1) I asked Travis to bring me down a brush from the upstairs bathroom so that I could brush Emma’s hair. He came back with a brush...the toilet brush! Um,  no!

2) I’ve been working out in the mornings before the kids get up. They are usually up as I’m finishing up my workout. A few mornings ago, it was a difficult workout. I was about dead on the floor, when Wyatt pipes up “That’s funny. You don’t look any skinnier yet!” Thank you, son! Ah, the memories to laugh about bring joy to my soul!

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