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Our family
Robertson Family

Monday, May 20, 2019

The Blessings and ...the rest!

(I started this blog post on Thursday, May 16)

It’s the eve of my 36th birthday (gasp)! Somehow I thought that by the time I was this age, I would have figured out how to be a better parent; that I would not  still struggle with getting frustrated and upset with our children; that I would be wiser, skinnier, wealthier, etc.!! Ha! You know what though, in spite of what “I thought” way back when I was in my early twenties, God has blessed me beyond measure! I wouldn’t have ever dreamed that I would be doing life in mid-Coast Maine, with five kiddos! The only part that is exactly as I imagined  is that I am still married to the wonderful man that I loved in my early twenties! By God’s Grace, Roger puts up with me and loves me!

I’m now approaching the middle-age category...or maybe I’m already there!? My life is full, and I am blessed. I’ve been reflecting on a few things in recent days, and I’ve decided that I need to make some changes in this 36th year of life. For one, God doesn’t give out extra brownie points for business. He wants us to be willing vessels, but that may mean that I have to say “no” to something in order to not stretch myself too thin for what God has called me to do...be a wife and a mother. I tend to be a “doer”, God uses that for His honor and glory for sure. However, at times I need to take the time to sit and be still. I always think it’ll be after this one more event, or one more task, or one more opportunity to serve, but yet there is always another need. Are some of these God-orchestrated? Absolutely, yes! Good night, there are way too many pew warmers!! Are you one of them?! But just because the need is there, does not necessarily mean that it’s what God wants Sarah to do with her time and life.

The above paragraph was written on Thursday night, when I was exhausted, tired, and overwhelmed.  Not saying that some of those above statements aren’t true...they surely are! However, it’s amazing         what an encouraging day, some sunshine, friends that love me and pray with me, and an amazing staff
to serve alongside at our Christians school can do for my spirit.

Roger has originally thought that he might be in California on my birthday. His cousin, whom Roger hasn’t seen in years, was getting married. While I knew that the kids and I would miss him, I encouraged Roger to go if it would work out. However, last week Roger decided that the timely was just ill-timed to go to California, so he would stay home.  I was thankful for this as the week    progressed.

Last week was a bit like a tornado, but God is in control of those too! On Monday, I was faced with another student telling me that they weren’t sure if they would be able to make it to the program, and a bit of chaos over the program happening on Friday night. I about wanted to scream, but instead, I  made a few phone calls, a few emails, and God gave grace. Some of the chaos was smoothed over,   and I felt like all the fires were at least under control for a bit!

Emma had Kindergarten screening after school on Monday. The boys played outside while Emma did her screening. I’m not sure if Emma was having a bad day, a rough moment, or if it’s just going to be another child that will struggle with education. I was caught a bit off guard as the screening indicates that Emma is behind on a few things. She seems to do fine at home with numbers and letters and sounds, but she struggled with the screening. It was all so disheartening to me, and I cried the entire way home. Emma had no idea why I was crying, the boys didn’t know how to offer comfort, and it was a long ride home. Mostly I had a battle with the Lord over wanting MY way. I don’t want another child who struggles with education and learning all that is needed for a certain grade. I want something to be EASY! I want Emma to excel in Kindergarten and learning because she’s our child.   Yet in my frustration and tears, I knew that the Holy Spirit was pointing me back to the truth of God’s  Word. As much as I love our children, God loves them more. As much as I want what I think is best
 for them, God KNOWS what is best for them. As much as my mama's heart was/is hurting, God has  a plan that is bigger than I can see. The opportunity to trust Him has presented itself once more. I need to trust Him. The other side of that equation is that we need a lot of wisdom. We need some clear direction on how to help Emma and what steps we can take to try to get her as ready as possible for kindergarten....without either of us losing our minds! I think Emma’s screening was just another dart that Satan threw at me at a terribly discouraging day to start with, and he wanted to see me defeated. But just on Monday morning, I had read from Romans 8. “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, and to them that are the called according to his purpose.” Get out of the way, Satan....I’m going to trust my Heavenly Father!

 On Tuesday, I had the opportunity to get coffee with a friend from school. Rachelle is a new mom to our Christian school, and I’ve been wanting to just spend time with her. I was able to practice some parts of the  patriotic Program with the oldest class, and then Emma and I went to have coffee with Rachelle. Allison was able to join us also, and what a sweet, sweet time of fellowship God provided over coffee. A friend had given us a gift card to the coffee shop, and we spent a quick couple of hours just visiting and chatting. It was so refreshing to just sit and visit. We shared burdens, laughter, prayer requests, and some sweet time in prayer before we needed to get on with our day.  I’m thankful that God opened up that door for a visit in Tuesday.

Wednesday was music class and our “dress” rehearsal for the Patriotic Program on Friday. As par for the course, we were missing more students on Wednesday than we have in a long time! Chandler woke Roger and I up on Tuesday night complaining of his headache. He took some medicine, and he  laid down on the couch for a bit. He threw up several times during the night due to his headaches, and I knew he was exhausted on Wednesday morning. He was happy to stay home and get some extra  rest, while I went to school to have program practice. Chandler’s headaches seem to come in waves, and when he gets one, it wipes him out. He didn’t run a fever or have any other symptoms, but he  couldn’t sleep and he threw up about three times. Overall program practice went well, I think. The  kids know mostly what I want them to do, and the teachers are there to provide a leading hand.  Allison said that she would make a program schedule for me if I gave her the information. Oh yes! One less thing for me to do! (She gave it to me to proofread. I forgot a student and she fixed it for  Friday night. The one error that I didn’t catch was the Garett’s name was misspelled! Oh well! I couldn’t believe that I hadn’t caught that one! Chalk it up to a tired, overstimulated brain! )

I was supposed to have a meeting on Wednesday afternoon, but instead Emma and I went home to check on Chandler. He was clearly feeling better as he had eaten about half a pound of bacon, some cereal, oatmeal, and some fruit! That  was just for breakfast! I was happy to see that he was feeling better.

Travis and Emma had doctors appointments on Wednesday after school. They are both healthy and growing well. Emma is tall and skinny, and Travis is tall and skinnier! But after hearing all that Travis likes to eat, the doctor said he has no concerns about his eating habits. Travis plays hard, eats well, and sleeps as soon as his head hits the pillow!

Thursday morning I woke up early. As I do almost every my, I drank coffee, read my Bible, and did my workout. I did have to stop several times and write down somethings  on my to do list! It was a busy and full day of preparing for Friday’s program and hot lunch. I was thankful for Claire and Allison as they both pitched in to help with various things. Roger made a flag holder for me, and  Allison was able to find some patriotic decorations for the program. Emma and I went out to the airport after dropping the boys off at school. Sometimes I pack a lunch for Roger and Emma and I drop it off. Roger was getting ready to head out to one of the islands, but he had some extra room in the plane. He asked if Emma and I would want to come along. I felt like I had 400 things to do, but I could tell this was important to Roger. Besides God had just thrown me an opportunity to slow down, and what was I going to do with it?! Emma and I decided to go on the flight. It was such a good investment of our time. I was able to spend time with some of my favorite people, and it was a beautiful morning!

Friday morning was my birthday...number 36! But who’s counting?! I probably would have forgotten it was my birthday except my kids did remember! I was thankful that Roger was home on Friday morning to help calm nerves, find ties, and help out in so many ways. Although Friday night would be our official performance, the students did a run through of the program for Friday’s chapel.  

When we arrived at school on Friday morning, Mrs. Wheelis gave me a gift for my birthday. It was a great way to start the morning! She’s been a great teacher for Wyatt and Travis and we are so thankful for her. She gave me a birthday bag filled with wonderful smelling body wash, lotions, a candle and chocolate! Emma was thrilled to see the chocolate as that is one of her favorites! It was a very special surprise.

The students did a great job on their chapel performance. I accidentally started to play the wrong song for one of the classes, but we quickly remedied the situation! After the chapel service, Allison gave me a card from the PBA for my birthday. I knew what was in this one, as I had helped buy the gift cards on one of our coffee dates! But a gift card to TJMAXX is always a fun gift!

After hot lunch, Allison and Claire took me out for lunch for my birthday. We could’ve eaten the  hot lunch we made for the students, but I certainly enjoyed the opportunity for fellowship and food. I’m so very thankful for these two mamas! Emma and Lucy (Claire’s daughter) came with us to lunch. As we were leaving the church for my birthday lunch, I noticed some money was missing from the offering plate by the sanctuary. The offering plates were set out for donations to the schools scholarship fund. I had noticed four quarters in the morning, but the quarters were missing as we left the church. I asked Emma about it, and she instantly denied knowing anything about the quarters....but her hands were in her pockets. The little sinner had stolen the offering!  It was not the way I wanted to start off my birthday lunch, and I was a bit discouraged about parenting and disappointed in Emma’s choice of actions. This was not the time or place to deal with the actions, so I made her apologize to Allison (it was Allison that had put the money in there and she had asked  Emma about it also) for taking the offering and for lying about it. Emma also had to tell Roger about  it on Friday afternoon, and then the consequences were dealt out for lying and stealing!

Roger and I had already decided to celebrate my birthday another day as I had a lot going on already on Friday. Roger has provided hours of listening support for me and helping me create some simple decorations.

The staff from the school gave me a very nice birthday card as well as a gift card to a restaurant in appreciation for the Patriotic Program. Hooray! Roger and I can have a date to celebrate my birthday!
Garett’s teacher had her students sign a card and she bought me a corsage to wear for the program. She is such a wonderful leader by example to her junior high class, and I am so appreciative of her. She also gave me a gift card from her class...but we all know who really made that happen! Mrs. Martz  has been a gift from God for Garett’s education this year. I love how God orchestrates exactly what we need.

The PBA  gave me a beautiful bouquet of flowers after the program. While it was a busy and full day, I certainly did feel loved and appreciated! I was exhausted and tired, but so happy and content on Friday night.

The students did a fantastic job on Friday, as their hard work paid off. They sang, participated, and quoted their pieces. The sanctuary was quite full with families and friends. I was thrilled to see Rogers boss and wife there. I was happy with the veterans that we were able to honor. I do believe God was honored as we honored Him and our Country. Our Pastor brought a short devotional  challenge, and the program is complete! I think my favorite part was the playing of the “Armed Forces” medley and seeing the veterans stand. We had at least one veteran from each branch of the service. I hope to see the tradition of a Patriotic Program continue as this is a need in our country.

A few other blessings:
1) On Friday after school, I took the kids through the McDonald’s drive thru for a quick snack on the way home. Another mom from school was ahead of us in line, and she bought the kids treats! What a special blessing!

2) My friend, Allison, had given me a beautiful pair of earring that I wore on Friday night. However, I lost one of them! I was upset as it was the first time I had worn them, and they were a gift. But God allowed that missing earring to show up!

3) Laughter is good medicine. Garett and Chandler would like to go to camp this summer. Garett had the opportunity to go last year, and they would, both like to go this summer. We’ve stepped out in  Faith a bit and have signed them up for camp. However, there is a wait list.  I was discussing this with the boys. Chandler wanted to know why they were in a wait list. He asked if it had something to do with heavier (he used the word fatter) kids being on the top bunk. Were there too many skinny kids and not enough heavier ones to balance out the bunk beds? I was completely lost at sea until I realized that Chandler was hearing “WEIGHT” list!   He thought that it had to do with weight and not with wait! I about fell off my chair, and we all got a good laugh!

4) Another funny moment: A few weeks ago, Emma copied the title off of a book. The letters weren’t all formed correctly, but it was clear she had copied it. She proudly brought it down stairs to show  Roger. Travis was in the kitchen as well, and when he saw Emma’s letters, he told her, “Well, you’re going to jail!” Emma was about to cry, and Roger and I just stared at Travis. Travis repeated, “Yes, my teacher said that if you copy out of books it is illegal! People can go to jail for illegal stuff!” I’m sure that his teacher had been stressing the importance of the students doing their own work for the academic fair, but Travis was convinced that Emma was going to jail! Once we got Emma to stop wailing about going to jail, and Travis to calm down, Roger and I sure did get a chuckle!

It was a busy and full week! The state of Maine legislation made some horrific decisions this week. They have agreed to allow taxpayer dollars to fund abortions. They’ve made vaccinations mandatory for public education. (I’m not opposed to vaccinations. I’m opposed to the government forcing parents to do it.) And they agreed to go with the National popular vote for elections. It’s all very disheartening, and it’s easy to get discouraged. However, I want to end with this passage from Romans 8 (the book of the Bible I’m reading right now).

37Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.

38For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,

39Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

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