Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Friday, May 31, 2019

May Showers of Blessings!

There is so much I could write about that has happened since my last blog post, but I’ve decided to just hit upon some of our highlights. (After all...who wants to read a book about our lives!?)

June is almost upon us, and we are praising the Lord that the end of another school year is just nine and 1/2 more days of school away! It has been a wonderful year albeit a bit challenging at times. Our kids have been faced with some of their own struggles at school this year, and I’ve been reminded more than once to ask them if they’ve prayed about something or just complained about it. (A good reminder for me also!) Garett and Travis continue to struggle in a few areas of education, but both of their teachers have commented on how hard both boys work at school. I’m proud of them for “sticking the course” and finishing the year strong. Chandler was thrilled to make honor roll last quarter, and he’s working hard to make it for this final quarter. Wyatt continues to sail along through school excelling in most areas. He has other struggles in his life, but school work has come easily for him this year.

A few blessings:
1) Garett and Chandler have been removed from the camp waiting list, and are now scheduled to attend camp in July. Roger and I both have a passion for camp, and we are thrilled to see them have the opportunity to go. It will mean making monetary sacrifices, but camp can change your life. We are already praying that God would do a work in their lives at camp. Will you pray with us?

2) On May 18, the day after my birthday, we took a day as a family. We went to Portland and found some beautiful trails to walk on, as well as a nice park to play at. It was so good to just soak up some time with our family. We are entering the time of year where Roger is gone before the kids get up, and he’s not home until the sun is setting (which is late in the evening!) We are thankful for his job  though, and we rejoice in the great boss that God provided for Roger.

3) Emma and I had a play date with some friends at a park last week. We enjoyed a moment of sunshine! I treasure deep friendships where we can talk the hard stuff in life like parenting moments, failures, music and worship, theological discussions, and so much more. Hannah has been a good friend to me in having those conversations.

4) My friend from college came to visit last week! Elizabeth has been my friend for almost eighteen years! We met at college in the fall of 2001. We have failed to keep in touch as much as we thought we would, but we can pick up right where we left off. Emma and I traveled down to Portland last Thursday to pick up Elizabeth. We were a few minutes early at the bus station, and Emma needed to use the bathroom. While we were in the bathroom the thought crossed my mind, “I bet we will come out of this bathroom stall and meet Elizabeth in here”. Sure enough! I haven’t seen Elizabeth in over seven years, and we met up in the bathroom! Oh well! It was such a fun few days! We visited lighthouses, hiked through the woods, visited little cafes, window shopped, went on an airplane ride, made lobster rolls, and talked for hours! Even after all these years, I can finish her sentences, and she can read my mind sometimes. I treasured the moments and the memories.

5) Roger’s boss was honored at the Portland Seadogs baseball game on Memorial Day. It was a special privilege to attend the game and watch him pitch the opening pitch. Kevin and Terri have supported our family in so many school events, and it was great that we could attend this event that honored Kevin. The day included a lunch for all of our family, beautiful weather, and seven base balls that the boys came home with. We all had a wonderful day!

6) I enjoy getting mail, and this week I received a package for my birthday! Jenna sent me some treats, lip balm, and some headbands for my birthday. It was a pleasant surprise, and it delighted my heart. Jenna is a dear, dear friend, and I am thankful for her thoughtfulness to me.

7) While the school year is wrapping up, along with that comes the deluge of field trips, events, and
 of course, Vacation Bible School is right on the heels of school! Sometimes I just need a listening ear
 to help me through all my jumbled up thoughts and 500 lists that I have going. Allison was able  to come over for coffee and lunch on Thursday, and we talked through many things. We didn’t solve all of the worlds problems, but at least we were able to sort out some lists in our minds!

As we wrap up the month of May, I am thankful for all the blessings that God pours out upon us. We have hard moments, of course, and trials and struggles, but I rejoice in the mountain top experiences also. I’ve been reading through Romans in my Bible reading, and I have been meditating on quite a few passages of Scripture. The one that really “jumped” out at me this week is from Roman 12:10-16 “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer; distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality. Bless them which persecute you; bless, and curse not. Rejoice with them that do rejoice and weep with them that weep. Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits.”   

 These verses are not “suggestions” for Christian living. As a believer these are commands that are given for us to follow in our daily lives. My hearts desire is to live in such a way that people see my testimony and it points them to Jesus. I fail...daily! But I rejoice that His mercies are new every morning!
Our love

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