Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Monday, September 23, 2019

Highlights! (Not the Hair Kind!) And Travis’s Eyes

Exodus 20:11a “For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day.”

That was Emma’s Bible verse last week, and since she’s only in kindergarten that means that Mom gets to review them with her every night. By the end of the week, we both know them (or at least I know it, and I hope she knows it!) We’ve also been learning the Creation Story in our preschool classes, and last week we got to see a butterfly come out of it’s cocoon! I have never seen that, and it was fascinating to all of us!

Travis had/has some problems with his eyes this past week. On Wednesday, his teacher came to me and said that Travis’s eyes were really red and maybe he had pink eye! None of our kids have ever had pink eye, but to be honest, I hadn’t even noticed that Travis’s eyes were red!! Thankfully, Roger had off of work on Wednesday and he was able to come get Travis from school. Travis was not at all heartbroken to be leaving school at 8:30 in the morning! He went with Roger to run some errands, they brought me coffee, and Roger took Travis to the pediatrician. The pediatrician confirmed that it was not pink eye, but something was not right with Travis’s eyes. So Roger had to take him over to the eye doctor. The eye doctor said that Travis has some type of allergy to something, but his eyes should be improving. Well, I’ve washed everything under the sun and Travis has been getting plenty of sleep and rest and his eyes are still red, itchy and slightly swollen! Please pray we can figure out what will help his eyes heal!

Also this week, Garett and Wyatt started back to piano lessons. We are just not able to afford for all of the kids to take lessons as piano lessons are expensive out here! I talked with someone in a different part of the country and she said that her daughter takes lessons for $12.00 for one-half hour. It’s about three times that much here! We were able to apply for a discount, and that has helped    significantly. When we were talking to the boys about piano lessons, both Garett and Wyatt specifically asked if they could take lessons. Chandler came to us later on and said, “I’m just not that interested in taking piano lessons. And I don’t know if spending money on me to take lessons would be a good idea!” We tried not to laugh as he was so serious and intentionally in talking with us. However, after much prayer and discussion we did decided to enroll Garett and Wyatt for piano lessons this fall. They are very excited, and Wyatt has been especially diligent in practicing.

Last week was a week filled with beautiful weather-truly an Indian Summer type of weather! It’s always enjoyable to get outside with the students as that is good for both teachers and students! Renee (our preschool head teacher) and I were able to enjoy staff devotions on both Tuesday and Thursday. It was so encouraging to come together with these dear ladies and pour out our requests and praises to our Heavenly Father. Renee and I have both definitely be experiencing a learning curve  and some times we are just “living and learning”. Last week our “color” that we studied was yellow.  We put cornmeal in our sensory bin...and we had cornmeal dust about everywhere! BUT it was  yellow! ( and so fun to play in!)

I feel like the preschool staff and the elementary staff as well as the staff as a whole school are better united this year than they have in past years. I’m definitely not claiming the credit for that, but I do think that God has used me as in instrument to bring two different programs a little closer together. I remember talking to one of our staff ladies this summer, and explaining the hard decision between giving up the school board and going on a staff position. She had given me a hug, and then looked me
 right in the eyes and said, “Sarah, I have no doubt that wherever you serve, God will use you for His honor and glory.” I do enjoy being at school with our children, and I certainly pray that God will continue to use me.

The boys (and Emma) had a field trip Friday to a corn maze. It was a fun field trip and they came home with lots of experiences to tell. It was hard for me to miss the field trip, but my friend (Claire)  did send me several pictures from the event. After the students field trip, we had music classes. I’m  looking forward to moving to Mondays for music classes as I don’t feel like either the students or the teacher are  as productive at the end of the week! So, we will be having music classes again on Monday as we move to transition to Music on Mondays! I’m so thrilled with the progress the students have made in the three weeks of classes....and a bit intimidated by how far we need to go in just ten weeks! But God gives grace for every moment, and it’s not given for me to store up!

On Friday night, we had two extra little boys for a few hours. These boys go to our school, and I  wanted to try to be a blessing to their mama, so I offered to watch her boys for a few hours on Friday night. She was able to enjoy some time with a friend, and our boys (and Emma) enjoyed having a few friends over for a bit. It was such a delight to my heart to watch my older boys with these young kids. Chandler patiently went on the trampoline, and Garett and Wyatt played nerf guns and airplanes for as long as the boys were interested. My boys helped the little ones with their supper and cut up their food, played with them, and entertained them. It was truly a blessing to my heart!

Garett and Travis are both experiencing a few school struggles, but they have wonderful teachers, and we are working through small problems before they are big problems! Garett is definitely entering into those preteen years where he is stinky all the time, a bit clumsy at times, sometimes easily
irritated (usually at siblings) but he still wants to talk to me! Oh, my hearts desire is for my children to love the Lord their God with all their heart, soul and mind!

On Saturday we had the opportunity to play soccer at the church field for a bit! It was an unusually warm September day, but we all had a good time. I played too, and Roger was able to leave work for a bit to play also. Emma had no desire to play, but she was a good sport on the sidelines, and she enjoyed holding the baby that was there!



Beautiful Flowers from my friend, Claire.

 I also tried Walmart Grocery Pickup on Saturday. I was impressed by the convenience of using the online order form. I’m definitely not crazy about the fact that using coupons is not an option right now, but I’m happy to use the service as long as they keep giving me $10.00 off my order coupons! It certainly helped us save time on a busy day. After the grocery pickup we went home to drop off groceries. Wyatt and Travis picked out a present for the birthday party that they were going to in the afternoon. They wrapped it with packing tape, but they did it themselves! I took the two younger boys to the birthday party which was at the YMCA. The boys had the opportunity to swim in the pool at the party, and Travis was thrilled to pass the swim test. Wyatt had already passed it at a pervious party. Watching Travis take the swim test was one thing that I didn’t really do. I have a hard time watching when I’m not 100% sure that my child will succeed. I did watch some of the test, and he was doing okay. Then the instructor said that Travis did not pass the test because he had touched the wall before treading water. Claire (the other mom siting with me) and I were both surprised as we hadn’t heard the instructor tell Travis not to do that. Claire asked (she’s outspoken like that :) ) the instructor if Travis had know about that. Travis said he did not know that was the rule and he offered to take the test again. The instructor decided to allow Travis to pass which totally made his day...and mine. Then Claire’s son took the swim test, and she was the one facing away! It surprised me that we both had the same response to watching our children do something that we were not 100% sure they would succeed at, but her son passed as well! The younger boys had a good time at the party, and they definitely enjoy  swimming!

I had two friends surprise me last week with coupons for coffee at Dunkin Donuts. Allison and Claire both gave me coupon booklets...somehow they must know that I enjoy coffee and I definitely like coupons!

I’ve been a bit surprised at how much I’ve enjoyed working in the preschool. It is definitely not roses every day, but I enjoy going to work with these little ones. I know I partially enjoy the job because of the person I get to work with in that program. Every day one of these little ones surprises me with either a funny comment or action, or just how fun life is to them! I told Renee recently that “We don’t even need the Holy Spirit in here lately as we have so many that are telling us about everyone else’s problems!” I’m joking, of course! We surely need God to work in their lives, but laughter certainly makes the day more enjoyable!

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