Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Monday, November 25, 2019

School Fundraiser, Doctor’s App., and Sweet Sleep!

* As we enter into this week of our Thanksgiving break, we have much to be thankful for each and every day. While life can be overwhelming and hard at times, we serve a God Who is strong and faithful. I’m thankful for His grace...every day. God always gives me more than I can handle as He provides opportunities for me to run into His presence and come boldly to His throne with my requests. I pray that we can each find a few moments this week to spend thanking God for what He has done. Thanksgiving is not just a holiday, it should be an action in our lives.

I’m starting this post on Thursday night, but I know I will not finish it for a few more days. Every day has been very, very full this week as we prepare for the school fundraising auction tomorrow night. With music classes on Monday, a doctors appointment on Tuesday, all school Christmas program practice on Wednesday, plus preparing for the auction, working in the preschool room, being a wife and a mom....well, it’s a wonder that I even remember that it’s Thursday!

We had our first quarter awards chapel on Wednesday morning. Travis, Emma, and Chandler received perfect attendance awards. Wyatt made honor roll. He almost made high honors, but he was a few points off. Chandler was disappointed to not make honor roll, but I know he put forth his best effort. English is a challenge for him, and he struggles in that class. We are going to work on it a bit more together this quarter (I’ll need to brush up on my English!) Garett was thrilled to be passing in all of his subjects, as nothing about school is easy for him. However, he willingly goes to school every day. I had tears well up in my eyes as he was awarded the Merit Award for showing good character throughout this first quarter. I know that God can and will greatly use that boy if he will continue to be moldable and useable for God’s Glory....also my prayer for the rest of our children.

I had a doctors appointment on Tuesday afternoon. My friend, Claire, had graciously taken Emma home with her as it was a short day for Emma. I ran a few errands for the auction, and also snuck in a little time with Allison before the appointment. I didn’t go to the doctor because I was worried that something is wrong with me, but just because I haven’t been since we’ve moved to Maine. If I do have a reason to go to the doctor, I’d like them to know who I am! The doctors appointment went fairly well, I think. I don’t have any concerns, really. I mentioned to her that I am often tired, but is that due to age, hormones, or just life?! I have had low vitamin d levels in the past, and she would
like to check those levels and a few other things, so I’ll have some blood drawn next week. I haven’t  been to the doctor in over three years, and I am two pounds heavier than at my last appointment...I’m not sure if I should cry because I’m fatter or be delighted that it’s only two pounds heavier! It’s also a challenge to talk to the doctor about how I feel about my weight, when the doctor is a bit overweight. But, it’s just a reminder that so many of us struggle with the same things!

Emma has seemed a bit more tired than normal this week, which seems to happen every once in awhile. About 6:30 pm. every evening, she comes and asks me to “snuggle” with her in bed! We try  to make it until at least seven, but she falls asleep after about two books. I truly do treasure these moments with her. We are so blessed to have her in our lives.

Emma enjoys this letter game...and she does not like to lose!! 

The boys are still waiting to finish the ice skating rink, but the weather has not been quite cold enough lately. They are anxiously waiting and praying for cold weather, as they are looking forward to many days of skating!

I made pies with Garett’s class for the auction on Wednesday. The students made Tollhouse Cookie Pies to sell at the auction for their class project. The pies seemed to turn out fairly well, and the students had a good time missing them together, and then wrapping them nicely the next day. It was fun to see them wrap their pies, as most of the pies were wrapped in a manner that matched their personalities! I was happy to help Garett’s class with their auction project, and I was thankful for Claire’s help with instructing and cleaning up!
Lots of energy needed this week! 

*Welcome to another week! It is now Monday morning, and I’m trying to wrap this post up as we head into a short week of school. First of all, God greatly blessed the efforts of the auction on Friday night by bringing out people and providing a night full of fun and fellowship. Those that came seemed to really enjoy themselves, and I am so very thankful that is behind us! Friday was a day of working from being at the school by 6:45am. and getting home by 9:30pm.  I am so thankful for all of Allison’s work on preparing the lists of donation items, and for Claire and Melinda for their help with set up and decorating. I’m thankful for the mamas that came to help prepare for the auction, for the people that helped to gather donations from family and friends, for those who worked in the kitchen preparing food, and for so many others. It’s a big event to coordinate, but God is so very faithful. Travis and Emma were able to go home with some friends from school on Friday afternoon, and then brought back for the auction. This was super helpful to me, as we still had much to do at 3:00 in the afternoon! Im thankful that this is the only fundraiser that the parent group does every year, and I’m thankful for so many that show their love and support to the school.

I was exhausted this weekend. All the adrenaline was worn off by Saturday morning leaving me just plain tired! Thankfully, it was a low key day at home with a little grocery shopping. Roger had off on Saturday so it was nice to have him home. Now that the auction is behind us, I’ve started scribbling my notes for the Christmas program on scraps of paper. The kids have started to come and ask me, “Mom, is this paper important?” when I ask them to clear off the table! I have a notebook, but it’s never easily available when I need to write something down!

This is our week of our Thanksgiving Holiday! I’m thankful for a short week at school! Roger has a full week of work ahead, but he does have off on Thanksgiving Day. We are looking forward to our time together. Praying that each of you will be able to enjoy a Day of Thanks with family and friends this year.

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