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Our family
Robertson Family

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Jumping Back In and Slaying Dragons!

Wyatt and I arrived home a week ago today after our whirlwind trip to Wisconsin. I am so thankful that the Lord opened the doors for us to go, but we have both been a bit tired out lately!

We jumped back into our week, but it's a weird feeling starting the school week on a Thursday. Wyatt's teacher was very understanding and kind about Wyatt catching up, and he is back on track. I felt like I stumbled through the rest of the week with music classes on Friday, and then again on Monday so we could get back to our regularly scheduled days. I'm thankful for the teachers graciousness in accommodating my schedule. We are six weeks out from the Christmas program, and I'm starting to dream about it at night! I am learning another lesson in trusting God completely as I ask Him to bless our endeavors. It's intimidating to many students to get in front of people to sing and recite lines, and there is certainly much to do. I need to remind myself often and loudly that God is in this event also. He cares about our lives, and He knows my heart. My hearts desire is that the students will honor and glorify God through this event, and that hearts will be turned to Jesus Christ.

The boys and Roger did such a good job keeping the house picked up and tidy while I was away last week. I came home to clean laundry, a clean kitchen, and new shelves in my pantry! I'm so blessed.

Garett and Chandler had a youth event to go to on Saturday morning. They were leaving the church at 8:30am and returning by 8:30 pm. They were both excited to go as it was a youth conference with preaching and music as well as fun and games. These types of conferences are good for them to attend as it helps them realize that it is not just mom and dad that want them to follow Jesus. We were early to the church, so I sat in the van with Garett and Chandler (Roger had stayed home with the other kids.) As vehicles started pulling into the parking lot, Chandler started to become upset. He had real tears in his eyes, and his voice was shaking as he talked to me. "Mom, please, please don't make me go. I want to go home." Although I asked him why, I already knew the answer. Chandler has to work very, very hard on his attitude during the school week as there are a few students that he struggles to get along with and not be angry at. Chandler sees the world in either very black or very white, but there are no gray areas. I know that he works hard during the school week, and I couldn't make myself tell him he had to go on Saturday. God is continually working in Chandler's heart though as every year God has given Chandler someone that is a bit of a difficulty for him. As much as I think that God could have and would have worked in Chandler's heart on Saturday, I firmly believe that Chandler needed me to be his mom and the protector of his world that moment on Saturday. In the mind of Chandler, I slew a dragon for him that Saturday morning. I am praying that God will use this event in Chandler's life. Garett did not seem to mind going by himself with the other kids in the youth group, and I was thankful that he went. He came home full of stories, memories, and tidbits of things that he had learned. 

Roger and I spent Saturday working on various projects around the house, grocery shopping, and planning out some things for the next week. Roger and I were supposed to attend a couples dinner in the evening, but it just did not work out to go. We had originally planned for Garett to watch our kids, but then he went to the youth event. Chandler is a bit young to be in charge for a couple of hours when it's dark outside. Everyone in Maine seems to have lots of family around, and they have been born and raised here. Roger and I are a bit of an oddity in the fact that we do not have lots of family around, and we are still relatively new to Maine. (In the eyes of some people, we will always be new as we were not born and raised here!) While I know that Roger was especially disappointed to miss out on Saturday (sometimes it is hard for Roger to feel connect to the church as he does have to work on Sundays sometimes), we did have a good evening at home with our children. I am thankful for evenings when we can just enjoy each other's company, play games, and eat popcorn!

Roger had to work on Sunday, so that always makes me feel a bit lonely. Lonely is a weird feeling as it can occur in a room full of people or while surrounded by five loud children. We had a prayer breakfast during the Sunday School hour. Our church family comes together once a quarter to have breakfast together and spend the hour in prayer. It is one of my favorite events in the year. I was especially delighted that the boys pitched in to help pick up chairs and tables after the breakfast was done-without me having to ask them! I'm thankful for the parenting delights that God gives me, as most of the time, I feel like a ship without sails trying to steer in a storm! God blessed my heart with the actions of our children on Sunday, and I was encouraged. (That was just preparation for the big arguments and disagreements my children would have later in the week with each other!)

Our children have been enjoying ice skating lessons through the school for the past three weeks. The school is able to offer ice skating lessons for four weeks to all the students in the elementary school. Our children enjoy this time so much, and Roger was able to go with them on Tuesday. I am thankful that Roger chose to spend time with his children when he could've been doing 100 other things. We are creating memories and moments in the hearts and lives of our children. I want our children to remember the times that Dad did fun things with them, the moment that mom stood up for them, the victories over sin that they know only God could orchestrate, the battles won with bad attitudes and sour faces, and the joys that come with confidence in Jesus. I'm hoping that our children don't remember the times that mom was grouchy or short on patience as much!

We serve a God who is faithful and true. I delight in the promise that "For He hath said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee." Hebrews 13:5

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