Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Monday, December 23, 2019

BREAK! And an Island Christmas Party!

Oh Praise Jesus! Christmas break is here! It was a week FULL of excitement and activities as we dove Into the last week of school before Christmas break. Between making food for class parties, helping with teacher Christmas gifts and notes, working in the preschool, and trying to get ready for our Christmas, it was a full week!

Every year our school has a Christmas gift “shop” where students from our elementary classes can come and “shop” for others. They can shop for up to five people, and it costs $1.00 to shop for each person. It’s a fun event for the students, and I love to see what they pick out for others. Because we run our Christmas shop on a budget (read-stuff given to us or found on great clearance) , we sometimes end up with some very random items for gifts. The kindergarteners are hilarious to watch as they make decisions about what their parents would like! Let’s see...a small decorative bird house for a little brother (the kind of birdhouse that goes in a garden pot); another child desperately wanted to get bubblegum toothpaste for their daddy! I mean, I try to help, but this is their opportunity to shop for others! I just hope the ones opening the gifts find joy in the effort to think of them and not in what the gift might be! Personally, I always enjoy the things that my kids pick out for me. I’ll never forget when Garett picked out a Christmas present for my mom during his preschool years. He picked out a ginormous wine goblet! My mom doesn’t even drink! It was so fun! Anyways, that’s what I did on Monday afternoon. We had several older ladies from our church that came to help wrap gifts for the students, so that all their packages could go home wrapped.

On Tuesday afternoon, my friend, Allison and I were able to squeeze in an afternoon together. We went to the discount grocery store so that we could find treats for our kids stockings! I can buy a lot more fun food items for our kids if the packaging is damaged or the food is slightly expired. Cheaper food...yes, please! It was a fun afternoon with Allison, and one of the things I’ve missed since taking on the preschool position is time with her. I’m thankful for lots of laughter! We went into one clothing store that had a lot of sweaters and coats as well as Christmas decorations and household items. I was browsing the sweaters and trying some of them on. I found this cape sweater in gray that looked quite nice, as I was slipping it off the hanger, I realized that I was about to try on the tree skirt!! Oh my word! The fancy tree skirts were all on hangers and the rack was not too far from the clothes. I hadn’t noticed that I was now looking at Christmas decorations, and I was going to try on a tree skirt! Don’t mind the crazy lady trying on the tree skirts! I quickly replaced the tree skirt and walked away! Ha ha!

After school on Wednesday, I took all the kids out to find Roger at his job. We needed to get our Christmas picture taken, and time is running out! Roger gets home after dark, so I decided to bring the kids to him. We found one of the pilots to take our family picture, and Chandler took the one of Roger and I. They aren’t fancy pictures, but we did it! And I found a Groupon for staples holiday cards. I made them into a New Years greeting card, since I know I won’t get them all mailed out before Christmas! We put together Christmas gifts for the teachers on Wednesday night. Having five kids in a small Christian school means that every teacher gets a gift from the Robertson family! Each gift is different depending on the teacher and how interested the children are in helping to put together a gift. Our gifts are never crazily awesome (at least not in my opinion) but after being the teachers aide this year, I realize what a blessing just a simple card or gift can be. Teachers don’t teach because of the gifts, but what an encouragement a simple card or gift can be in the life of a teacher! Anyways, Roger put the kids to bed and I finished up the teacher gifts. We are so very thankful for each teacher and staff member in our school. God has continually provided for our children’s education, and I just am in absolute awe of His goodness!

Friday was party day for all the classes! I did not feel very “merry and bright” on Friday morning as I tried to help the kids gather up all their stuff needed for their class parties, tried to remember the things I needed to remember, and try not to forget a child! Rogers car decided not to work on Friday morning, so I took Roger to work. I totally did not mind, but it did mean that the morning was a bit more rushed! However, we straggled into school early, and by the time school started, everything seemed much smoother! I know that part of the problem is the sugar overload that our children are on. It’s like a buzz! I bagged up a bunch of cookies and other treats and put them in the freezer for another day. I made salad, green peas, and fresh berry salad for supper one night, and the kids gobbled it all right up. I know that our bodies crave healthy food! After school on Friday, I took the  kids caroling. We stopped at a few homes of older folks in our church, and sang a few songs to them.  The kids weren’t exactly delighted to go, but once we got going, they did a great job. They were certainly a blessing to me, just hearing them sing carols to the older folks!

I am certainly not ready for Christmas, but I do enjoy this time of year. I have a great advent devotional book that I am reading, and children certainly add excitement to the holiday! My sister, Jen, is coming from South Dakota for a few days, so we are looking forward to having her. We spent some time on Saturday getting ready for her, and then we took a plane out to Matinicus island for a Christmas party out there in the afternoon. It was such a special time as a family to fly out there, walk down the snow covered road to the party, enjoy wonderful food, visit with friends, and walk back in the dark laughing and talking together. It was a special memory that I will forever treasure. I hope our children will treasure the memory also. As we walked down the road to the party, the kids were running and jumping all over the road. Travis found a broken bathtub beside the road. He asked me to take his picture in it. He said,”It’s the best kind of bathtub...a broken one!” Oh dear! That kid!

Roger and I spent a long time talking about how the snow covered dirt roads, darkness, and the feeling of community reminded us so much of our Christmas in Alaska in 2012. Time flies by! I’m hoping that our children will remember these memories as well. I don’t remember very many presents that I received from my childhood, but I do remember delicious food, eating in the living room, Christmas caroling, and ice skating memories! Family is important. And we are working hard to teach our children that life is not about “stuff”, but rather it is about living our lives for the glory of God.

I hope that you all are looking forward to making some special memories with your families this Christmas season. We have so much to rejoice in this Christmas, but the most important reason for rejoicing is that Jesus is Lord! He didn’t stay a baby, but rather became a man who would bear the sins of the world on the cross. He died for my sins and yours, and he rose again. Now that’s a reason to rejoice! Merry Christmas!

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