Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Monday, December 16, 2019

Christmas Program Delights!

“It was the week of the Christmas program, and all through the night the music teacher was dreaming, scheming, praying and working on so many things!”

Oh what a week it was! To God be the Glory great things He hath done! (That’s a great song too!) I  started off the week with a special invitation to a ladies candlelight Christmas dessert at a local church. My friend, Sharon, invited me to join her at her table for the special evening. It was a delightful evening of sweet fellowship, delicious dessert, and a festive atmosphere. It was a great start to my week. I wasn’t sure I wanted to go by the time 6:00pm rolled around on Monday evening, but I’m so glad I did. The speaker spoke on how Jesus is the most priceless gift, the most precious gift,
the most permanent gift, the most perfect gift (and one more “p” that I can’t remember at the moment!). She gave Scripture passages and it was truly a special evening to reflect on the specialness
 of the season. I’m thankful I had the opportunity to go.

Honestly, the rest of the week passed by mostly in a blur! Between music rehearsals, decorating, putting the program together, working, and being a wife and mom, I’m not really sure what I did on what day! Roger was a tremendous support throughout this whole preparation and work for the Christmas program. We had some interesting supper meals this week including popcorn with cheese and sausage (from my parents in Wisconsin!) Our kids didn’t complain though, and they were happy. I know the week was a bit crazy for them too, as I probably drove them a bit crazy with constant reminders, asking if they had seen something, would someone please fold the laundry!, and where are moms shoes? Oh yes, it was a crazy week!

On Thursday evening our kids, along with a few others, had the opportunity to sing at a Christmas chapel service at an old church building. This is our third year of going, and it’s always a special time to sit in a older building and sing the carols of Christmas. Our kids as well as a few others from the school sang “Away in a Manger” and played the chimes. Travis was very, very tired and he kept on missing his notes. I finally gave him a different chime and that seemed to help. Except when it was time to play the chimes, I think Travis forgot altogether which note was his! We had a fairly dramatic pause in the song, before we just kept on going. Oh well, the people seemed to enjoy it anyways! Of course, on the way home, Chandler asked Travis what was the matter with him. Travis had no idea what Chandler was talking about so Wyatt informed him that he had missed all of his notes in the song. Travis insisted that he had played his chime, and Wyatt announced, “yeah, at the WRONG time!” One things for sure...his brothers will straighten him out!” It was a lovely service, but my favorite part was the message given. The pastor didn’t preach for long, but wow the plan of salvation was clearly given! I love the fact that people could not have missed that Christmas is not just about baby Jesus, but about the fact that Jesus came to die for us. Garett made the comment on the way home that the preacher was easy to follow and that people could understand that they needed to ask Jesus into their hearts. (I love the fact that he was listening)

Friday morning found us at the school early! Chandler climbed up into the attic to search for some missing shepherd staffs, and he found them! The preschoolers have been working on memorizing Luke 2: 8-20 for their part in the Christmas program. They have done a great job of memorizing it. I’m so thankful for each teacher in our school that gave so sacrificially of their class time to help bring the Christmas program together. From the preschool teacher to the junior high teacher, each teacher supported the  music program, the teacher and the students. By the time one o’clock came around, we were as ready as we were going to be! The students did a great job at their matinee performance, and some worked hard to overcome their nervousness. I had given a solo part to one of the junior high girls, and although she was nervous, she did it! I’m hoping and praying that these music programs can be the start of some of these students using their God given talents and gifts. The staff gave me a special card with a gift card to a restaurant and a massage! I am very much looking
 forward to that! I also received a beautiful bouquet of flowers from the school and an arrangement of flowers from the parents group. One of my friends, gave me a coffee mug and an ornament. I am so very, very blessed. I received a hand written note from one of the students that I will forever treasure. While I will enjoy the cup and the Dunkin Donuts gift card that she and he brother (along with mom and dad) gave to me, I will always remember that sweet and thoughtful handwritten note to the music teacher. Somehow it made all the long practices, preparation and planning seem to fade away! I was completely blessed.

For the evening performance, the auditorium was very full! Of course, at two minutes before the program was to start, my friend, Allison and I were up on the stage duct taping the garland into place!   That garland had hung in place for most of the week....until two minutes before the performance! Oh, how I’m thankful for friends that pitch in a help with whatever needs doing! The preschoolers did a great job in their recitation and songs. Only one student tripped over his costume, and of course, they all melted the hearts of all the people there. Our pastor was able to close out the program with a clear plan of God’s gift of salvation. The Christmas program is an event where people willingly come out to the church, and often times hearts are more receptive. Since they are coming to see the children and listen to the program, the best message we can bring is the good news that Jesus Saves!

Chandler came down with a headache shortly before the evening performance; a friend messaged me to say her daughter was complaining of a stomach ache; but even with all the opposition from Satan, God still showed Himself to be strong and mighty. Chandler made it through the program, as well as my friends daughter. Chandler went home shortly after the program with Roger as he had a migraine so badly, he was throwing up. I stayed around to help picked up some things, as well as to visit with Rogers boss and wife, and my sister, Hannah. We decided to stick with our Christmas program tradition of Chinese afterwards, so Hannah and I took my four kids over to the Chinese restaurant. The kids were clearly hungry and tired as they pretty much just sat and ate! It was nice to visit with Hannah for a few minutes.

Because of the short space of time between the end of school and the evening performance, we decided not to go home. Allison and I set up a few things for the refreshments that would happen afterwards, and I gathered my thoughts! I had read about a Christmas shop for kids a few days ago on Facebook. A local church was hosting an event where kids would get to shop for others....all free! That had my attention! The event started a four pm, and I figured we could go right away and then be back in plenty of time for the Christmas program. Allison brought her girls along as well, and off we went! We were there a few minutes early, but if we had come any later, we wouldn’t have been able to do it as the line was backed out of the door a few minutes later! The church people were so nice and helpful and told me that kids could shop for their siblings, parents, and grandparents and close family members. They didn’t set a limit on how many people the kids could shop for, but when I told them that we had seven in just our family, they looked surprised! I told our kids they could each shop for five people, and they could pick whomever they wanted to shop for. The kids do all the shopping at this event by themselves while the adults have fellowship in another room. No sadness there! I’m always happy to spend a few minutes  with Allison! The children were very excited with what why picked out, and Allison and I were thrilled to go to an event that we had nothing to do with!   I’m glad we took our children as it added some excitement to the afternoon. And now we have some presents under our tree!

It was a busy and full week, but one with so many blessings that only God could bestow upon us. As we approach the last week of school before break, I would appreciate your prayers. We want to be able to convey to our children the true meaning of Christmas in a way that is special and real to their hearts.


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