Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Activities, School Prep, and Friendships!


Good sports while at school! 

                                                    Game night....PIT! 

Fun while working! 


Fun with friends at school! 

                                                Chandler painted Emma’s toenails. 

A week has past since I’ve updated the blog, and it is not because we have nothing to share! The last seven days have passed by so quickly. We’ve been busy at the school working on many, many projects to get done before school starts. I finally feel like my kindergarten space is coming together, and we received our curriculum order this week -so still plenty to do! 

We have spent quite a bit of time at school this past week, but the kids have been really good sports about it. Our new administrator has young children, and my children adore her kiddos! Between our kids and Hannah’s we have children in every single classroom at school! Hannah is a good friend of mine and in spite of all the business at school, we still find time to laugh and visit. This past week I was getting a crash course in using the laminator, and Hannah was helping me. It was a bit like the blind leading the blind, but it was a good moment of light hearted laughter! I am so thankful for laughter! 

Because of Covid-19 as well as an increase in enrollment, we needed to find space to put bookshelves, extra tables, etc. that we just didn’t have room for in the classrooms. I’ve been taking the kids with me to school most mornings this past week, and on Tuesday morning the boys worked hard at emptying out a small room so that we could repurpose the room for furniture,  etc. What a job! The room was packed with items, books, and a bunch of stuff that someone along the way had decided to give the school...it was so much stuff! The boys stuck with it and by the time we left around noon, the room was empty. Roger did not have to go into work on Wednesday. He took Garett and Chandler with him to school around 6:00 am. to take legs off of tables, and repack the stuff that the teachers and the school wanted to have in that room. I am married to an amazingly selfless man. There are 500 things that Roger could’ve done with his time on Wednesday morning, but instead he went to fulfill a need at our small school. It was a good opportunity for Garett and Chandler to have some time with Roger, so we were thankful for that too. 

Garett and Chandler were able to attend teen VBS at our church for two evenings this week and they went on a bike ride on Friday with a bunch of the teens. I think they biked over 18 miles on the trails at Acadia National Park. We are so thankful for other Godly people that influence and mentor our children. 

My friend, Bethany, watched our tribe on Thursday. All of our children were delighted to go over to their friends house, and while the kids haven’t complained about being at the school a lot, I know that they were happy to have something different! Bethany has four children of her own, so that was nine kids for several hours! I am so blessed to have friends that love me and love our children. 

While the older boys went on the bike ride on Friday, we had some friends over to our house to play with our younger children. I do feel like my to-do list is long and lengthy these days, but I also know how important it is to see the needs of our children too. I’m not always good at balancing everything, but when the Opportunity came  along to have some friends over on Friday, we took it! It was good to visit with Ashley, and adult conversation was nice for both of us. Both of our spouses are in work places that have long hours and days for at least a season. It’s nice to have someone who can relate to a lot of what I’m feeling! 

So yes, Roger has been busy at work. This is just a season also, and we know that God will see us through it all. I’ve seen the faithfulness and grace of God at work in my own life over the last week, and I know that His hand of provision and goodness will see us through. Roger and I are back to trying to squeeze in time together wherever we can. I know that when Roger comes home from work, I want to tell him so many things....but so do five other people! I’m not a night owl and neither is Roger (early mornings at work require early bedtimes) but I’ve been working harder at getting up with Roger at 4:45am when his alarm goes off. I haven’t done too great about that this week, but it’s a goal! 

We are still needing a teacher for 2-4th grades at our school. We start two weeks from Tuesday, so we would surely appreciate your prayers on that! God is faithful, and on that we do depend! 

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