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Our family
Robertson Family

Friday, August 28, 2020

Praises: New Teacher, Birthdays, & More Preparation!

 It kinda bothers me that it’s again been almost a week since I’ve written, but the truth is that there are simply not enough hours in the day these days! Trying to prioritize between school preparations, family time, Travis’s tenth birthday, and long days sometimes leaves my head spinning! 

However, this week was a full week that had several highlights for our family and school! Our teacher in service days started on Tuesday, and my friend, Claire, graciously watched our younger four children for a good chunk of the day. Claire had ice cream for Travis’s birthday, and that is definitely one of his favorite treats! Travis’s tenth birthday was also on Tuesday, and he had big plans to go mini golfing for his birthday! Garett went to the airport for a few hours, and I spent a good chunk of the day at school. Travis’s plans for mini golf were washed away by a thunderstorm that swept through, so that was disappointing enough to bring a young boy to tears...after all you only turn ten once! But some of the evening was salvaged by ice cream cake and a visit from Mrs. Terri. Roger had a school board evening on Tuesday that he had told the board that he would be unable to make the meeting due to Travis’s birthday plans. But since the meeting was to discuss a teacher for Travis’s grade level, Travis told Roger that “Dad, you should probably go to the meeting. We need a teacher in our class.” Once Travis overcame his disappointment about going mini golfing, he had a great evening. We laughed and opened presents, and I had a wonderful visit with Mrs. Terri. We really don’t have that many opportunities to visit together, so I was thankful to sit and chat. Roger came home with wonderful news that a teacher had been hired! What an answer to prayer and right on time! I had prayed specifically that God would provide a teacher at least two weeks before school started. Well, God provided the perfect teacher at exactly two weeks before school is to start! We serve an amazing God! The new teacher is young, vibrant, and I think she’s going to be the perfect fit for our school. God knows exactly what we need. 

Wednesday brought another day of teacher inservice. I spent a lot of time at school partially due to the fact that I knew that Roger had the day off to be with the kids. We did get to go mini golfing in the afternoon, and Travis was thrilled! It really was a fun memory for our children. The day ended up being long for me, and I have no idea how Roger can consistently put in long hours at work...I was exhausted! We did have a great day of teacher inservice though and I can see all  my classroom coming together and lesson plans are being made. I’ll be excited to start school and see all our hard work come to fruition! God is so faithful though and He continues to give energy and strength and mental capacity (most of the time!) 

Thursday brought about our inservice day on technology and learning new tools to help us become bette teachers. I really have enjoyed using the teacher tools online resource that BJU offers to teachers, as that is going to be very helpful. It’s a lot of knowledge to be poured in, but one task at a time. My older boys spent the day at school with me playing with the pastors sons, and our younger three children had the opportunity to play at a friends house. I’m so thankful for friends that have come alongside of me to help provide for our children’s supervision during this week. We are trying to avoid our children getting burnt out on being too much at the school before we actually START school! 

While I spent the morning at the school, this afternoon the kids and I went to the lake to swim. Well, the kids went swimming and I sat and talked with Allison. It was a good decompressing afternoon to laugh and to visit about many, many things. I so appreciate Allison’s deep friendship and ability to listen (and laugh) at my problems! I am blessed with her friendship! 

It’s been a busy and full week. Probably too busy and too full, but God is so good. Travis asked me this week how I felt about teaching kindergarten. I told him that I waffled between being very excited and somewhat overwhelmed. Travis replied, “Oh, you don’t have to worry, Mom. The kindergartners will love waffles!” It was a lighthearted moment! If all else fails, I guess we can make waffles! 

I did a short birthday interview with Travis. 

Q: What is your favorite kind of food? A: Chinese

Q: Who is your best friend? A: Dad. He talks to me even when he’s tired. 

Q: What is your favorite color? A: blue

Q: If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go? A: Hawaii. I’ve never been there. 

Q: Do you know what you’d like to do when you grow up? A: No, um...I’m going to get a job. I just don’t know what job. 

Q: What’s the perfect amount of money for a birthday gift? A: Probably like  $20.00

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