Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Ocean Walks, 5k Races, and April Blessings

 Almost half-way through April! Some weeks I look back over the week,  and I can’t remember exactly what we did. Other weeks I look back over the week, and I think “How did we fit all that in?!” 

Easter Sunday looked much different for our family this year. It wasn’t bad, it was just different. Normally we either go to someone’s house or we have people over to our house, but neither was the case this year. We decided to just order Chinese takeout, and we just hung out at home for the afternoon. It was a quiet (well, it’s not quiet with seven people!) and informal dinner, but our kids didn’t seem to mind. I think I minded more than the rest of my family  about not having company over or spending dinner somewhere, but it was fine. I haven’t really had the time or energy to put a lot of effort into making a dinner with all the fixings, and since no one else minded, I wasn’t going to complain! Roger has had a more than full plate lately, and I’ve been busy with lots of activities and preparations for either church or school. We are in the last quarter of school! God has been so gracious in protecting our families and allowing us to go to school in person! I’ll never forget this school year, and all that God has done for us and through us. 

Emma got a bike this week, and she’s been flying up and down the driveway. The weather is getting nicer which means more mud, but lots of fun! Last Saturday afternoon, we went down to the beach as a family. The beach is one of the favorite places for everyone in our family. Some like to skip rocks, some like to collect sea glass, some like to see how wet they can get, some like to walk in solitude, and it’s a wonderful time. One of the highlights of living in Maine has definitely been the ocean...what a majestic God we serve! 

Garett and Chandler have been running with two men from our church/school twice a week. It’s been a good opportunity for the boys, and they’ve been improving. Our school hosted a 5k last Saturday, and it was a wonderful community event! We haven’t had any thing like that since before Covid, and it was wonderful to see the positive reports we got back on that event. The four boys and I ran in the 5k. We had about 125 people participate in the run/walk. Chandler place third overall with a time of 21:25, Garett was sixth overall, I was 13th, Wyatt was 16th, and Travis was 19th! Two years ago, it took Garett a big chunk of time to finish the race, but this year, he must’ve had a fire under him! One of the men who runs with Garett made the comment, “I can beat Garett all day long every time we run during the week, but today, there was no way I was going to catch him!” Haha! That’s Garett! He’s laid back and relaxed until suddenly he’s not! I would not  have said Garett had it in him to be much of a runner, but he totally proved me wrong! He ran his race in a little over 22 minutes, and he did great! The boys (all four of them) are in the same age bracket (Males ages 10-14) so they were all competing against each other! Chandler and I both placed first in our age divisions, and I was reminded again of how quickly life is flying by! 

I decided to cut my hair on Saturday evening. I haven’t cut it since pre-Covid. Time is pretty precious for me right now, so I decided to see if I could cut my own hair. I watched a few people do it, and I wanted to try it earlier, but of course I couldn’t find any scissors! Finally, I found a pair of scissors on Saturday evening. I cut about three inches off my hair, and I like it so much better. It’s amazing what you can do with a hair tie, scissors and a mirror! It’s not perfect, but it’s much, much better...and it was cheap! 

Our children are growing up right before our eyes and faster than I can blink! I am greatly concerned for the country that they’re going to grow up in, but I’m reminded that God has prepared and orchestrated their lives for this time in history. We will do our part to raise them up to love and serve Jesus with all  their hearts. It’s easy to become discouraged by the world around us, and I’m thankful that I don’t keep up with the news regularly. God has been faithful for eternity past, and He’s certainly not going to fail us now. 

This afternoon we had a parent group meeting. While we might be small in number, I’m so thankful for each parent that willingly serves with a cheerful heart to encourage our teachers and students. It’s been a challenging year in many ways, and I’m looking forward to honoring our teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week next month. We are so blessed to have teachers that lovingly educate our children and point them to Jesus. We are so thankful for each of our children’s teachers. 

Would you pray with us on a few things? 

1) Garett is graduating from 8th grade. We need a plan for him for his high school education. 

2) Roger and I are facing some decisions in the next few weeks/months. We need wisdom and discernment to know what it is that God wants us to do.  

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