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Our family
Robertson Family

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Day# Worm Farms and More!

Another day here in mid-coast Maine! We rejoiced in sunshine and warm temperatures, and spent much of the day working on school work, yard work, and house work!

Chandler enjoys fishing a lot. The other boys do also, but Chandler is the one who is currently growing a worm farm. What’s a worm farm? Well, it’s when you use an old sandbox and fill it with dirt and small worms. Then you attend to it as you would a farm! The worms are watered, fed leftover food scraps and then the worms grow. Chandler has been diligent about taking care of the worms, and the worms are growing (much to my surprise!).

Travis is recovering nicely from his incident with the golf club yesterday. He still has some swelling, but he is healing quite nicely. I don’t think he is too eager to get back to golfing!

Garett did his academic fair project with his class in the online meeting this morning. He was so nervous. He had written down some notes, and he read his notes. He did just that- read the notes...no expression or voice inflections, but he did the job. It’s hard to do those types of things in online meetings, and I know that he was glad to have that behind him. One more school project done!

It was a rather quite day around here after all the excitement of yesterday. We were playing on having some friends over to play, but that did not work out. We rescheduled for another day, and our children will look forward to that.

The more I read and try to understand what is happening in our nation and to the American people, the more I realize that there is a real and deep need for people to understand the Constitution. Our founding Fathers did not right the Constitution because they could not find anything else to do with their time! They wrote it out meticulously and with great wisdom because they knew that they were setting a foundation for a new country. We have much to be thankful for as their foresight has served the American people for over 200 years. Now, however, we are in danger of losing some of the rights that are given to the American people in our Constitution. Instead of a nation together, we are a nation divided. Instead of facts being reported, and allowing the people to use common sense and form their own opinions, we are blasted with biased media reports, Governors that are overreaching on their powers, and a whole wacko load of “if you aren’t fearful, then you just don’t care about people!” Let me assure you that I can totally care about you, and your opinion and I can even respect you on that...but I do not need to be bullied or made to feel inferior because my opinion differs from yours! We are truly in a time where we need to “redeem the time”. I want my children to be able to grow up in an America that has a Patriotic spirit;  they are free to worship as they choose; they can make their own choices on vaccines and doctors; they have the right to bear arms and much more! I see an America that is in dire danger of losing all those things! I cannot sit by and quietly allow the future of our children to disappear while I just complain about how things are going. I will write letters to those in authority. I will educate myself on all kinds of sources of information. I will be passionate and kind as I endeavor to be an example of Christ-likeness. I will do my part to be an American and a Christian. Stand firm! Love Jesus!

Maine news: Here

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