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Our family
Robertson Family

Friday, May 29, 2020

Highlights and Lowlights!

Another year done! 

Love these staff ladies (yes, I know the mask is not being worn correctly!

Fun Memories! 

Frog egg academic report

These teacher gifts were not amazing this year, I’ll be honest. But the kids wrote a note to their teachers,  and I’m thankful for each of their teachers! 

Whew! And just like that another school year is wrapped up! I’ll be honest- I do not want to repeat another year quite like the end of this one. We survived it. The teachers did an amazing job with working at teaching our children remotely, but remote learning would not be my first choice! We finished up all the remaining academic fair projects this morning. Nothing like the last minute, right?! We are thankful for all the effort on behalf of our children, the work of their teachers, and the grace of God that sustained us through the year. We are blessed!

Today we wrapped up the school year with one last packet drop-off. The parents and students showed their love and support to the school by making posters, writing on vehicles and honking of horns. It was very special and sweet. My only bit of sadness was that Roger was working so our kids were unable to participate in this momentous occasion. I have to be at school early on these days of packet pick up/drop off, so I leave the kids at home by themselves for a bit. It works out fine (generally) but I was a bit sad that they missed today. Life is not fair sometimes!

My heart is saddened today by many events that are happening across our nation and in our own state. First of all there is the whole incident happening in Minneapolis. How sad that racism is such a problem in our land that a black man would be murdered! We live in a fallen and sinful world, and this murder was wrong in every aspect. Next would be the riots, vandalism and looting that have happened in the wake of the murder of George Floyd. So many people’s businesses have now been destroyed in the name of justice. That is not justice- that is another example of sinful mankind justifying another wrong action! God created each person, and He chose their skin color. How horrible to treat another person wrongly because of their skin color!

Secondly, my heart is deeply mourning the actions of our own governor here in the state of Maine. She again extended the safer-at-home order for Mainers. I am convinced that there is an overreach of governmental power, and that she has is not acting on behalf of the interest of the state of Maine. Today we had another decline in active cases (in spite of tripling the testing last week!) and still the safer-at-home order is extended “Until rescinded”. Read more Here. So  we have almost 40,000 people that live in our county. Out of those nearly 40,000 people, 20 people have been diagnosed with Covid-19. As of today there are 2 active cases in our county! That’s great news! The governor’s news-  Unbelievable! And the CDC and WHO can’t agree on whether or not to wear a mask anyways, but our governor has decided to mandate that all people must wear a mask inside of businesses! There is a freedom rally at our capital tomorrow at noon. I am hoping to attend the rally, but with Roger working tomorrow that might be more challenging.  So, what’s the right course of action? I do not have a medical reason to not wear a mask...I just get hot and sweaty when I do, and I feel like my blood pressure is rising. Yet, the governor is requiring everyone to wear a mask. And the Scriptures tell us to give unto Caesar that which is his...and to try to live peaceably with all men...so what’s the right course of action for a mama who wants be a patriot, and to fight for the rights of the people of Maine? This is not a rhetorical question? I’d certainly welcome some input here! Yes, I plan to vote and promote those that I believe would uphold the Constitution and protect our state. I’ve written letters, voiced my opinion, and prayed a lot! Does anyone have any other suggestions?

I”m thankful that God is still faithful. I am discouraged. I am wondering if America will ever escape out from under this power struggle that seems to be oppressive. I am concerned about the election in November. I pray often for my husband’s job and other small businesses to be able to survive this season. And I trust my Heavenly Father. And sometimes, I wonder at His master plan, but He already holds tomorrow. He is already there.

My prayer tonight is for wisdom. I want to be a good example to my children, Christians, and my community.

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