Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Friday, October 26, 2012

Another day, another run, another moment to praise the Lord!

My running shoes...minus the pair I can't find at the moment!
I had my annual physical this week, and I was once again reminded of how much I have to be thankful for in life. I am in good health, and have lost 13 pounds from last year. That may not seem like a whole lot, but I've been fighting to lose those pounds! I'm six pounds away from the weight I was when I got married, but I'm not sure I'll ever get there!

Also this week, I realized that it has been a year since I started tracking my miles. I didn't set a goal this past year of how many miles I was aiming to run, but I run mostly because I enjoy it. And running helps me keep my weight in check! Someone recently asked me to name one word that would describe my exercise and reason for running...one word= commitment. For me, that sums it up in a nutshell, oh, there are many other words that go along with that like dedication, perseverance, determination, etc. but that is the one I chose. Why? For me, exercise is like reading my Bible, I am committed to reading it every day just as I am committed to exercising every day. Now, I'd rather have my Bible read than exercise done, but I'm committed to fitting both in my day. It doesn't always happen, but just because I trip up, doesn't mean I should quit the race completely! Actually, reading my Bible often motivates me to exercise because I'll read about my body being the temple of the living God (II Corinthians 6:16), or run that we might obtain, (I Corinthians 9: 24) or controlling my appetite (Proverbs 23:2). Bottom line is that I try to be committed to seeing my body get daily exercise.

I'd encourage anyone to commit to exercise everyday. It provides oxygen for the body, refreshes the mind, produces endorphins, and helps keep the pounds in check...all good reasons to exercise the body and mind. I've found that running allows me to meditate on Scripture, pray for others, and listen to some awesome Gospel songs; therefore, all the more reason for me to do it.

 My greatest encourager and supporter in my husband, Roger. He doesn't necessarily enjoy running, but he encourages me to do it. He never complains about watching the kids while I run or exercise, and I am so thankful for him. God has blessed me beyond measure!

In the past year, I've run three 5k races, a half-marathon, and have logged just over 1,000 miles on my shoes! 600 of those were running miles, while the rest were composed of biking, walking, aerobic exercise, and elliptical. Running a half-marathon was hard work, and while I enjoyed the sense of accomplishment, I'm not sure I'll do it again. I'd like to do a triathlon, but we'll see what the new running year brings.

However, things are changing for our family with our upcoming adventure, and one of my biggest fears (my closest friends have already heard me say this!) is that I will gain 20 pounds in ten weeks due to lack of exercise. So, in the next few weeks, I'll probably be working more on self-discipline and telling the flesh "no" rather than my commitment to exercise.

 July 2012
My friend, Katie and myself
in September of 2011...
and she's very tiny, so she makes me
look fatter than I really am!

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