Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Another week!

April 22, Today marks the third week for Roger in Arizona. He is scheduled for his check ride tomorrow. After that, he may officially have a job! Praise the Lord for these steps in the right direction! 

As for the Wisconsin home front, the mama is tired and weary, the kids are struggling, and life moves on. All things considered, we are doing well. It was a busy week last week with school, cleaning, doing odd jobs around the house, our spring campaign at church, Wyatt's birthday party, a bike ride, and the day to day activities. 

Wyatt turned six last Monday, April 20, which was also the day we had a minor catastrophe at our house. Thankfully, my friend, Gretchen, made Wyatt a cake. He was convinced that he couldn't turn six unless he had cake! 

We planned a small birthday for Wyatt on Friday. He had several playmates and their families come over to our house. Some of Roger's family was able to come over as well. Wyatt had a great time, and I was thankful for our family and friends. 

On Saturday, we worked on jobs around the house. We hauled trash, moved a snowmobile, and went for a bike ride as a family. Well, I walked, Emma was in the wagon, but the boys did bike! :) There was a special couple at church that had their wedding on Saturday, and some of our friends from Canada were coming to town for the wedding. I SO badly wanted to attend, but since it was at 1, with five kids, during nap time, it seemed like a recipe for disaster!! So after Emma took a nap, we went on our walk/bike ride as a family, which was fun for the kids. It was probably a relief for them to do something fun with mom rather than work! :) 

Sunday was a tough day for me. It's always the day that I miss Roger the most, and it's when life seems to be the most overwhelming. I was able to briefly chat with our friends, Catherine and Ashley, from Canada, and that was a special treat for me. I had wanted to have lunch with them, but they had already been invited to someone else's house...kinda awkward to invite yourself along to those, eh?! :) 

The boys had asked me if their friend, Ben, could come over for the afternoon, and I agreed. I realized that my boys are growing up! They are at the age where they want to invite friends over, and it's another sign of how quickly time is passing!  Since the weather was beautiful, we ate lunch outside, and they played in the yard most of the afternoon. I did finish up painting the back porch, so it's another thing off my list! Yay!

My dad came over a bit later in the afternoon to return the bikes, and to put up the birdhouses that the boys had made. He offered to take the boys down to the park since they'd been asking to go all afternoon. I decided to put Emma in the stroller and walk down to the park. The boys were having a great time driving their bikes into the pond! I caught some of their antics on video for Roger. :) 

After church, our friends, the Schilders, invited us to have a snack with them at Taco Bell. The boys were thrilled because of course, that meant more time with their friends! :) It was nice to not have to feed everyone when we arrived home, since everyone was very tired. That's another reason I miss Roger...he carries in all the kids that fall asleep! It's a much harder job for me to carry in sleeping little boys! :)

April 27, Monday, 
It's Monday again! We have a full week with school, a field trip day, two kids with dentist appointments, a doctors appointment for me, the spring Campaign at church, Wednesday night Kings Kids, and a meal I'm working on cooking for 200 people for the Friday night teen outing at our church! Oh, and we have an open house on Sunday, so this house will BE SPOTLESS!! :) 

Today was a rough day for Wyatt. He doesn't function well on Mondays, and I told him that he would need to take a nap today. He insisted that he wasn't tired, yet he took a four hour nap! :) It was nice to have a day where we didn't have to go anywhere or be anywhere, and we spent the afternoon and evening at home. I planted grass, fixed my dining room chairs, and gathered up a few more items for my yard sale endeavor. 

Tuesday, April 28
Field trip today! I think I'm more excited than the kids today! We went out to Amish Country and visited several greenhouses. The boys have been studying plants in science class, so they were glad to pick out a few of their own to plant. We also took along a picnic lunch and played at the park for a while. It was a busy and tiring day with a full evening at our spring campaign for church. I've been helping out with the Bible club, and it's been exciting to have new kids and visitors come every week. After tonight, we only have one more week! I'm thankful for the opportunity to serve, I'm thankful that the kids have been able to participate, I'm thankful that our church has events like these, and I'm thankful that it's only six weeks and not sixteen weeks!! :)

Wednesday, April 29, 
Another busy day today! The two little boys had dentist appointments, and then it was home for lunchtime and a quick rest. My friend, Gretchen, watched my kiddos so that I could finish up the shopping for a meal for the teen event at our church this weekend. I think I'll be ready to go on Friday. 

Thursday, April 30
I had a physical this morning, and then I finished up the schoolwork with Wyatt that he missed from the dentist appointment on Wednesday. I spent a good part of the day getting ready for the teen event on Friday. I browned almost twenty pounds of meat in preparation for tomorrow. My friend, Jenna, came over in the evening with pizza and great company! We talked for a couple of hours, but I wish it had been much longer!! 

Friday, May 1
I spent most of the day in a moving position! From school I went home to gather up all the items that I needed to bring to church to make the meal. I was at the church about 1:30, and I quickly realized that I was going to have plenty of time to get ready for the meal at seven-fifteen. I tend to be over prepared,and with the meat already browned, we were doing great with our time. I was told to be prepared to feed about 204 teens and about fifty adults. It was a fun, fabulous afternoon, with some great friends! I was able to work with one of my best friends, Autumn, and two awesome ladies from our church, Becky and Rachel! What a blessing to serve the Lord together! I finished tallying up my receipts and we fed over 220 people on with $230.23!! We served a meal of a meat pasta dish, garlic buns, salad, dessert and soda or water. We ended up with some garlic bread, about three or four pounds of pasta, and some salads leftover, which means I did fairly good on the math part of figuring out how much we needed. :) My parents graciously kept the boys and Emma overnight which was a huge blessing since I didn't get home until after eleven. I didn't sleep well even though I was tired because of something that was heavy on my mind and heart. It's at those moments that I realize how terribly, aweful I miss my husband!! I wanted, no needed, someone to talk to, and I just ached for Roger. 

I was up at around seven on Saturday morning since I didn't sleep well. But since I also didn't have any kids, I went for a run. It was a beautiful day for running and talking to Jesus, and we had a great time together! :) Saturday was full with giving the porch a second coat of paint, planting bushes, grouting the tile, and everything else. I am pretty impressed that I figured out how to grout the tile using my kitchen spatula and a table knife! :) Hopefully,  it will dry correctly! :) We have an open house tomorrow, so the house will be spotless. I will be having the boys sleep on the living room floor tonight since their room is spotless!! :) 

My dad brought over his lawnmower and cut the grass for me. He helped me get the car started also. We are trying to sell our station wagon since we don't need three vehicles in Arizona. However, since I have just parked it for several weeks, and no one has been driving it; the car decided not to start. I'm praying very specifically that we can sell it this week. My friend, Gretchen, brought over the chairs that her husband painted for me, and my dining room is complete. The chairs turned out beautifully, and I'm thankful for all the work that Sean put into making them fabulous! 

Update from Arizona: 

Roger had his first official day of work Thursday, April 30! Woo hoo!! We are very excited that he can start earning towards his first paycheck. Because of the way the company pays out the money, Roger first paycheck will be minimal to say the least- but it's more than we had a month ago! :) 

Roger is enjoying this job, and I can tell just by listening to him that he is thrilled to be flying for a job. I praise the Lord for all that He has done! I just can't wait to be in Arizona as a family!! 

Thanks for your prayers! 


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