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Robertson Family

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Thorns with the Roses OR Roses with the Thorns?!

Abraham Lincoln said, "We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses." 

Life is a journey with beautiful roses to enjoy and a few thorns also along the way. If we didn’t have the thorns, we wouldn’t appreciate the roses in our lives. In the Christian’s life, God uses these experiences to draw us to Himself...both the lows and the highs. I’m so thankful for both, but sometimes the thorns  seem a bit pokier and sharper than I’d prefer! However, I know that God is the Ultimate Planner and Director of my life, and I have no reason to  worry or fret.


This past week, (10/18) my college cross-country coach for two of the four years that I ran, finished his earthly journey. Coach was diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer towards the end of September, and he is celebrating a brand new body in Heaven now. It happened so quickly, and I’m still pondering so much of it all. Jack Noonan was my cross-country coach for my first two years of college running. I couldn’t possibly relate all that I learned from him both in running, but more importantly, in life. Coach was also the head of the kitchen on our college campus, which is not a particularly recognized position. Yet he worked hard at what he did, and he tried to instill in his team the need to work hard regardless of recognition. I remember him telling me early on in my running years that cross-country was not the sport to be in if you were seeking recognition or fame. Runners run early in the morning, have practice in the afternoon, and very few people come to watch runners race. Yet he taught us to enjoy the sport, to take delight in the quiet morning runs, to spend that quiet time reflecting on the goodnesses of God and His Word. Coach always opened practice with Scripture and prayer, and I’ll never forget his mentorship in my life. He saw potential in a girl who had tried out for the volley ball team (and had not been chosen!), and he taught me to enjoy running...something I still enjoy to this day. I’m not running sub-twenty minutes for three miles any more, but I still appreciate the sport. I’ll miss his birthday blessings to me every year, and his smile. Heaven is a bit sweeter this week.

Last week we also had our first “snow day”. It was actually a storm day, as school was closed due to power outages. I’m thankful that our house has a generator, and it really didn’t seem that bad to me. I ended up at the school anyways as I needed to work on some stuff for school, and the kids came with me. They played while I worked for a bit, and then we headed home. It was a productive day as far as projects at home, so that was nice.

We played soccer with some other friends on Saturday morning, so that was a fun time for us. Roger had the day off, so it was nice to play together as a family. The boys really enjoy soccer, and it was a beautiful fall day. In the afternoon, I took Emma to a birthday party for one of her classmates. The two younger boys also came along, while Roger took the older boys to the airport to do some work. I  wasn’t exactly crazy about going back out on Saturday afternoon, but God provided me with wonderful opportunity to visit with one of the other moms of a student in Emma’s class. I had prayed  specifically before walking into the party that I would find someone to be a blessing to and to have a
conversation with someone. I don’t know if I blessed this mom, but I certainly received a blessing! I am so thankful for the opportunity that God gave to me to visit with this mom. My heart was certainly encouraged.

Sunday was a bit crazy and chaotic. I’m not big on disorganization and miscommunication, and I wasn’t feeling my best on Sunday morning. I’m thankful that Roger had the day off or I might have given into the flesh and just stayed home! Roger had the opportunity to help in the morning service  with the music, and I taught Childrens church. I am so thankful to have the opportunity to serve  Christ in our local church body, but does anyone else ever wonder if we do what we do because we are called to serve, but its not necessarily our gift or where we’d prefer to serve?! Every once in a while, I wonder if I’m serving because I’m using “my gifts” or just filling a need in the body of believers. I’m not necessarily  saying either are bad...sometimes I just need a nap to reset! So, I went  home and after lunch, I took a nap! God gives us rest, and sometimes that’s all it takes for a fresh perspective.

This week felt like a lot of  Mondays! I told Renee that I felt like every day this week was Monday! I taught music classes on Monday, and I attended a baby shower for a mama in our church in the evening. On Tuesday, my friend, Claire, offered to take Emma for the afternoon. That worked out well for me as I was able to get a lot done for our upcoming fundraiser auction. Emma is a great trooper, but going in and out of places asking for auction donations, is not really something she enjoys. (Me either...but I do it!)

On Wednesday, I received a text saying that someone had donated money for my Haiti Missions trip! This was a complete and total surprise to me, and I think God specifically waited to let me know about the gift to bless my heart on Wednesday. The gift came from some dear friends of ours in Alaska. I called Damaris in the afternoon to tell her thank you, and we had such a good visit. About this time of year, seven years ago, we were preparing to head to Alaska with our four young sons. We would spend a couple of months in a small village in Alaska to help in a church there. The experience has never been forgotten, and should God ever provide us with that opportunity again, I would definitely want to go. We made such wonderful memories, and God provided us with some dear friends that we still treasure to this day.

It’s been a busy and full week, but the weather has been mostly gorgeous! Roger is happy to be back to flying again as the plane needing the paint job is complete. God blessed Roger with a great job, and for the most part, he really enjoys what he does.

I have been enjoying the preschoolers as there is never a dull moment! It is hard to believe that we are finishing up week 8 this week! Even harder to believe that the Christmas Program is right around the corner! The students have been working hard, and I always start to wonder if Ive bitten off more than I can chew about this time of year! One day and one practice at a time, and I don’t want to do this for my glory, but that God will be magnified and glorified through this Christmas program.

We appreciate your love and prayers,

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