Our family

Our family
Robertson Family

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Real life

In real life news, I'm exhausted, I want my husband back, I want our family complete, and I want someone else to be responsible! 

However, God doesn't instruct us to base how we act on how we feel. Honestly, I struggle with that sometimes. It's easier to strike out with words than to think before I speak. It's hard for me to praise my children when I feel like I'm doing all the work (they're helping, but it's still mostly mom). 

I was reminded today of how much my children need to hear me praise them. Far too often, I'm critical, judgemental, and fail to see the progress that they are making. When you have children that are close together, it's easy to feel like you repeat your instructions 500 times in one hour, but then you realize that it's a different child every time that's asking you something! 

In reality, today was a very productive day, I'm just exhausted and emotional. The boys had a great time with their friend over last night. Of course, they were up very early to play! However, Wyatt did sleep until almost nine, so I know he was tired! After playing, breakfast, and picking up, I took all the kids to the YMCA. Our YMCA has a jungle gym for kids to play on so I let all the kids do that for a bit, and then I did squeeze in twenty minutes of exercise. Following the YMCA, we went to Target, so I could pick up a few more items that I needed to finish the gifts for our missionary family next week. The kids were all delighted to have icees and popcorn at Target. They actually all did very well, and I didn't lose anyone in the store! We saw our friend, Jennifer, at Target. At the checkout line, we were checking out next to each other, she came by and asked me what kind of coffee I would like from Starbucks. She then went and ordered me a coffee! I was completely surprised, and it definitely brightened my day! The caffeine helped me survive the day! :)

After our stop at Target, we headed back to Ben's house. Gretchen graciously fed my kids lunch, and helped me put together and wrap our gifts of missions conference. I had a lot of fun picking out things I thought our missionaries would like; I just wish it hadn't been the same day that I was trying to pack us up to go to North Carolina! Since I still needed to get the gift cards for our missionary, Gretchen watched all my kids while I ran to pick up the gift cards. It was a crazy day, but I think our deacon group is ready for the missions conference! I'm disappointed that I won't be here for it, but my sister'so wedding is pretty important!! :) 

By the time we arrived home this afternoon, it was already past two. My dad came over and cut our grass this morning and took care of our trash, so that was a big blessing for me. The boys worked on cleaning up their huge mess in the garage, while I tried to gather my thoughts about packing us up. Every time I look at the pile of things we need to take, I'm reminded that valuable real estate is being taken up in the car. The vehicle is shrinking and I haven't even put anything in it! 

The boys had been invited to a birthday party tonight, and originally I was supposed to help out at a college activity. However, after talking with Roger yesterday, we realized that there was no way it was going to be possible for me to fit in the college activity as well. So Roger graciously made the phone call so that I could get out of that obligation. (We actually ended up canceling the activity, so it all worked out.)  But since the boys were going to the party, I had a few hours to try to make headway on the packing job! I dropped the boys off at the party around 5, and then Emma and I came home. Emma was off her nap routine today, and she was a grouch! I tried to lay her down for a nap, so I could do some work; but she was so overtired that she just screamed! So my dreams of making great headway went down the drain! Since Emma was content if she sat next to me, I wrote a few notes and  made some simple gifts for my secret pal from church and another friend. (I guess the time wasn't wasted, but it sure was frustrating!) 

I went to pick up the boys about seven, and my dad called me on the way there. He said that he was planning on bringing the boys bikes to North Carolina so that they would have more things to do. However, he wanted to put two bikes on the top of the car...when would I be back? I felt bad about rushing the boys away from the party, and they were very disappointed to not see Connor open all his presents. But my dad has never been one to like to wait, so I knew we needed to get back home. :) 

Chandler helped my dad load the bikes, while the other boys took showers. Garett's infection had a nice fat head on it, and when we put the warm rag on it, the infection began to ooze. I felt really terrible, but I know that one thing that helped my infection was when it could drain. So I applied some pressure, Garett screamed, and I think it will begin to clear up and heal! (That was not fun!) 

After my dad left, we tried to get ready to leave tomorrow. "Packing" with five small children is another way of stating that you're losing your mental sanity! There are many reasons I need Roger, but the one of the biggest reasons is how he helps me work through the important things. At eight thirty, I decided that the toys were a disaster, and that I would like to come home to a clean house! (Who does that?!) So I dumped out toy bins, sorted through broken toys, and cleaned up the living room. I have to say that the boys did great about helping me, but it was way too late at night! 

After that escapade, we ate a snack, and worked on getting in bed. When it was time to pray with the boys, I couldn't do it. Instead I cried...I was so overwhelmed, tired from thinking about driving 17 hours, and just plain weary and missing Roger. Unfortunately, all the boys started crying and it took several minutes for us to gather together, pray, and get in bed. About fifteen minutes after I put the boys in bed, Chandler came in our room. I was working on folding clothes and picking out outfits. Chandler asked if he could help me. I wanted to say "no, it's faster if I do it myself. And haven't you made enough messes today?" But God guarded my tongue, and as I looked into my son's eyes, I saw a little boy who needed to spend time with me. Instead of going to bed, Chandler helped sort socks, put clothes in the bags, and he talked to me. God encouraged my heart though our little boy...how very blessed I am! 

It is now late, there is still so much to do, and I need to go to bed. The alarm is set for 4:30, and I need to get up to pack the lunches, the car, do my Bible reading, and prepare for Children's church. I need your prayers for safe travels tomorrow, the ability to stay awake, the protection of my sanity, the children to ride contentedly and that we will make great time getting there! 

Roger had another flight tonight, and he is working to finish this instrument rating up before meeting us in North Carolina. He probably won't be able to take the final test, but hopefully everything will be done. 

Thank you for your love for us, 


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