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Robertson Family

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Raising "Thankful" hearts

          I could say that my children are those children that always say, "please and thank you", have wonderful manners, and are always thankful. Truth is though....it's a work in progress! I enjoy having the kids make "Thank-you" cards for their teachers, bus drivers, and others in their lives. I made apple pies for each of Garett's teachers, and a slice of pie of the bus drivers and school doorman. The highlight of making it all, was the delight on Garett's face as he got to deliver his "thank-you" gift. The boys sat at the table this morning making cards, scribbling, and making a mess in general, but the thought of thankfulness was there!
Garett working on his "thank-you" cards
Unsure of what he is supposed to be doing, but having a great time!


Chandler-hard at work
I know that it is easy for us all to get caught up in the "getting" of Christmas, but it is especially easy for young, impressionable children! My desire is to teach my children that "...It is more blessed to give than to receive." (Acts 20:35b) It is much easier for me to tell my children to "be thankful" when they are whining or not being thankful, and while they do need correction, I have to ask myself, "Am I displaying a thankful spirit?" Not always! I have SO much to be thankful for, but I too, can get caught up in an ungrateful heart attitude. I have found that when I am feeling discouraged or down, there are undoubtedly others around me that feel that way too. That's when I try to make an effort to bake a treat, send a card, drop off a coffee, say a kind word or an encouraging smile.  When my children ask, "Why are we doing this?" I can respond honestly that the greatest blessing is in the giving! Thanksgiving is a great time of year to really hone in on teaching thankfulness, but it's truly an attitude that must be displayed on a daily basis in my life...what a challenge!

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